The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Publications
Started by: ytreza2
Started on: 10/20/2005
Board: HeroQuest

On 10/20/2005 at 11:20am, ytreza2 wrote:

Hello !
Do you have some news about the books annouced on the issaries's web site ?
Like "world of glorantha" announced to be released for 2005 !!!! What an amazing book !

Some news ?
thanks a lot

Message 17319#183299

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On 10/20/2005 at 1:20pm, newsalor wrote:
Re: Publications

Issaries has had some problems, but is now getting back on track.

Message 17319#183302

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On 10/20/2005 at 3:48pm, ytreza2 wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

I have already read this message, but we have no new dates of publications and the issaries web site was updated more than 1 month ago !
I think it is impossible for issaries to publish all the books announced for 2005 :(
So a new publication calendar will be a good news for all glorantha fans :)

Message 17319#183338

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On 10/25/2005 at 8:55pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Are you refering to the page here:

I don't think these are all slated for 2005. In fact only a few have dates that I know of. Is there somewhere else that has dates that these are due posted?

I think it's a very positive thing that Issaries feels it has the wherwithal to publish all of this stuff, and I think that the progress that many projects have made is promising.

What sort of news were you looking for? Just any updates on the projects in question? I keep hearing that ILH2 is just about ready.


Message 17319#184049

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On 10/26/2005 at 8:18pm, ytreza2 wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Hello Mike,

No, I thought about this page :
Some books (like ILH2, the world of glorantha, lords of the west and blood over gold) were announced in 2005

What I want ? Something like the list of the 3 or 4 next books to be published with approximatives dates
because all informations we have were updated few monthes ago (july for the page you speak about)  !!!

I know the authors do an absolutly fantastic work ! And they write as fast as they can because they are not full time writers aren't they ? 
It's fantastic : have a family, a job and write books ! I can't do that ! :)

But i think it's not professional for issaries (not the authors) to make changes on its publication plan and not communicate about it

Message 17319#184190

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On 10/26/2005 at 10:04pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Well, as I understand it, they generally refuse to give a publication plan, unless they're certain it's going to be met. Meaning they only put out dates on just about completed stuff. ILH2 is almost certainly going to make it this year.

That is, what they don't do is make promises they know they can't keep.

Oh, and by they, of course we mean Greg (OK, and Stephen). :-)


Message 17319#184201

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On 10/27/2005 at 8:51am, ytreza2 wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Well, it's a choice...
To avoid confusion, issaries should remove the useless pages and informations on the internet site...

Thank you very much for your answer

ILH2 seems great like all the announced books and i'm waiting for the world of glorantha and sartar rising 4 with great impatience too !

Message 17319#184233

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On 10/27/2005 at 1:36pm, Peter Nordstrand wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Personally, I don't think Issaries "should" do anything. Greg owes us nothing, really. It is his business, and us discussing on internet forums what he should or should not do is meaningless at best.

Message 17319#184247

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On 10/27/2005 at 9:59pm, Bryan_T wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

ytreza2 wrote:
I know the authors do an absolutly fantastic work ! And they write as fast as they can because they are not full time writers aren't they ? 

Actually the bottle neck is not so much the authors as the editting and layout, I think.  There are many gifted writers in the Gloranthan community, who can all be working on things at once.  However Issaries is very small--right now it is basically just Greg I think--with limited resouces.  So Issaries cannot edit and format books as fast as they could get people to write them.

What rate of publishing would work best for them financially, I don't know.  But I guess the books don't sell well enough to pay permanent staff or to hire free lance editors/layouts on a high priority basis.


Message 17319#184317

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On 10/28/2005 at 12:05pm, ytreza2 wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Peter :
"Greg owes us nothing, really"

Yes and we are not obliged to buy his books and give him money
You are right : if Issaries don't want to communicate it's not my problem. I have the choice to buy another books
You are wrong : I think we MUST speak about what is not appropriate to us and not only say "they are stupid I will not buy their books". Or "GS is a god so GS is true in everything"

Bryan :
Thanks ! What you said is very logical :)

I know Issaries can't edit everything at once
But I only suggest communicating on the next publications by giving some dates. In term of strategy, I think that it is better to announce a remote date that not date at all...

Message 17319#184395

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On 10/28/2005 at 1:09pm, Paul King wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

ILH2 and Trader Princes have been written - any delay is due to the troubles at Issaries, plus the time required for artwork and layout - and printing.

ILH-2 should be out as soon as Issaries can manage it and we might even get Trader Princes this year - but at this point I'd be inclined to think that it'll be early next year.  The others should follow later. 

Message 17319#184399

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On 10/28/2005 at 3:16pm, Lamorak33 wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Paul wrote:
ILH2 and Trader Princes have been written - any delay is due to the troubles at Issaries, plus the time required for artwork and layout - and printing.

ILH-2 should be out as soon as Issaries can manage it and we might even get Trader Princes this year - but at this point I'd be inclined to think that it'll be early next year.  The others should follow later. 

I think that we are most likely to just see ILH-2 before christmas. Yes its been a fallow year, but next year looks like hitting us all in the pocket quite hard, as there is a heap of stuff ready or should be ready for publication next year.


Message 17319#184408

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On 11/1/2005 at 11:18pm, Bryan_T wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Paul wrote:
ILH2 and Trader Princes have been written - any delay is due to the troubles at Issaries, plus the time required for artwork and layout - and printing.

ILH-2 should be out as soon as Issaries can manage it and we might even get Trader Princes this year - but at this point I'd be inclined to think that it'll be early next year.  The others should follow later. 

I hope they both come along soon!  As a Gloranthan fan I'm dying for ILH2, since I suspect it will create some shifts in how most of see the Lunar religion (no inside knowledge, just a gut feel based on the fact that Greg has gotten closely involved).  As for Trader Princes, I had some contributions to it, and so I got to see most of the raw files.  Hence, now I want to see how it all comes together, how the artists interpret things, and all of that.  Also, while it was written to be playable in a classic adventure arc, from what I can remember I think it should be easy to use most of it in a relation-map based campaign (when I was reading it, I didn't understand the whole relationship map approach, and now that I more or less do, I don't have the files, and they have no doubt been editted since then anyway....).  So I want to see the final product, and see if it would actually be playable that way.....and then figure out if I can find a game to give it a try :-)  (Of course, I also want to find out if anybody else likes it!)  (and of course, I'm also cringeing, thinking of all the things that I'd suggest differently now).


Message 17319#184841

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On 11/2/2005 at 11:03pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Yes, ILH2 is going to be very important in terms of Gloranthan cosmology - can't help but being. We know one very important fact about it: the Moon represents its own otherworld that accumulates dieties, spirits, essences, whathaveyou. So this says something about the nature of gods and what questing can do.

Can't wait.


Message 17319#184993

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On 11/3/2005 at 10:19am, Paul King wrote:
RE: Re: Publications

Yes, ILH-2 will prove most Illuminating :-)

Message 17319#185050

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On 11/10/2005 at 9:55pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Publications


I think that might merit a visit by Natha in her "She-who-slays-those-who-make-cheesy-Double-Entendres"

Did everyone see the stuff that Rory dumped on the Rules list regarding the organization of lunar religions? If anyone needs it, perhaps we can put it here. Denominations as part of radiances, etc, etc, etc. All makes a lot more sense now to me at least. Book should make it even more clear.


Message 17319#185751

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