The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Version 6.1
Started by: Valamir
Started on: 3/30/2002
Board: Universalis

On 3/30/2002 at 11:47pm, Valamir wrote:
Version 6.1

Well, it took me almost a week longer than I thought it would, but that was primarily because I decided to go back in and add alot of the stuff that had been previously left out in the interest of brevity. So the current file wieghs in at about 50 pages, but 3 of those are play aids, and about half are add-on options and how-to essays.

Areas that need specific playtesting include:

Refreshment: The new rules for how players get new Coins. I completely scrapped the old model of earning Coins through Complications which allowed me to eliminate Complication Pots and Bonus Pots and voting.

It also eliminated one of the original foundational concepts of the game, that the players had to actually earn the Coins they were spending, so I'm not sure exactly what the impact of that is going to be. Automatic Refreshment might take "cost" of spending Coins out of the game so completely that they are no longer an effective limiter.

Importance: I was a hairs breadth away from eliminating Importance (or turning it into an add-on) but couldn't bring myself to do it without more playtest data. I did completely change the concept of Temporary Impairment. There are now essentially two forms of Impairment, the Full kind which is based on Importance and the Temporary kind which relies on Facts and Traits, Challenges and Complications (things that are already in the game without needing to add Importance).

The Integrated Complication rules which I *think* should work almost seamlessly, but need testing to determine. There are a couple of extended essays explaining concepts behind Complications that should help with formulating their use.

The Game Pacing Mechanic which is in the Add-on system. I'm REALLY excited by the concept, but have no idea yet whether it will actually perform. So after testing the the new rules, I'd really love to see this run through its paces. Basically it divides the game into 4 phases: Set-up, Escalation, Resolution, and Wrap-up, with mechanics to encourage what the name suggests.

A nod to Scott Knippe. The pacing mechanic which drives the game from one phase to the next is directly inspired by Wyrd's Horde and Barrow concept.

I've already sent out the version to those I know who recieved version 5. If I missed anyone just drop me a line and I'll be sure to get it out to you.

Message 1739#16488

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