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Topic: [Mistic Mystic] Premise and description.
Started by: EllePepper
Started on: 10/29/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 10/29/2005 at 5:25pm, EllePepper wrote:
[Mistic Mystic] Premise and description.

Keeper Chronicle:  Seaview.

Seaview was once a beautiful town, filled with people called Mistics, things out of legend and, in some cases nightmare.  These beings had taken the name Mistic, and were trying to be about their normal lives when the war came. 

December 11 1983, Mystic struck, breaking the Mistic council and shattering the fragile peace within the city.  No one is sure what really happened, who really struck first, all they know, is that now, finally, the war has cooled to a cold war.

The once-proud city now lies in ruins, bands of Lycan, Helatin, Nehelatu and others roam the streets fighting for dominence, and in the midst of it all, is the truth.

Something drew you here, something brought you to Seaview.  It always does.  Now, it is up to you to survive, and find out what really happened.  It is time to free your people from the hand of Mystic.

There will be both friend and Foe out there, man, beast and mystic.  And if you embark on this, there is no turning back.  The city is a jealous guardian.  She keeps her secrets close, but if you want to find what you are looking for, and believe me, everyone is looking for something, then you had better find out what the city wants.

I see you looking for the door, but I know what you don't.  The city won't let you go.  It called you here, we called you here. And just assuming the city will let you go, it will always plague you what secrets does this city hold?

Ah, so you are going to stay.  Good luck.  Come find my place, it's named after something you don't throw away, and has a rook in the front window.

Oh, and if I forgot to tell you earlier, Welcome to Seaview.
James Dalton, Keeper.

( From this point on will be the rules.  This is just the intro piece.  Anything comments on it?  As for the play on words, Mistic, mystic, the creatures are MISTIC, which is explained in the character section, and Mystic is the company that created them.)  Mostly, I just want to know if you would play a game like this.

Message 17437#184529

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On 10/30/2005 at 5:39pm, Jasper wrote:
Re: [Mistic Mystic] Premise and description.


You should go ahead and post rules as soon as possible. Right now, no one can comment on whether they "would play a game like this" because there's no game here yet, just fiction. You could keep that same fiction and write the rules a thousand different ways. Some of those might be play-wothy and others would not be. But the fiction, by itself, can't tell us that. So post rules, and do talk abot how they inter-relate with your ideas of setting.


Message 17437#184585

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On 10/30/2005 at 10:48pm, WhiteRat wrote:
RE: Re: [Mistic Mystic] Premise and description.

EllePepper wrote:
( From this point on will be the rules.  This is just the intro piece.  Anything comments on it?  As for the play on words, Mistic, mystic, the creatures are MISTIC, which is explained in the character section, and Mystic is the company that created them.)  Mostly, I just want to know if you would play a game like this.

I find the play on words confusing. Around a gaming table, where we are listening to verbal description instead of reading, I don't think I'd be able to tell what is being talked about. Consider that these two sentences sound exactly the same to the ear: "Mystic struck, breaking the mistic council" and "Mistics struck, breaking the Mystic council."

Message 17437#184590

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On 10/31/2005 at 2:24am, daMoose_Neo wrote:
RE: Re: [Mistic Mystic] Premise and description.

A good chunk of the discussion behind target rules, behind the scenes fiction, etc can be found in this thread.
I imagine the actual mechanics, such as they are, will follow, but those unfamiliar with the earlier discussion can bone-up and see where the author is going~

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Message 17437#184599

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On 10/31/2005 at 5:17am, EllePepper wrote:
RE: Re: [Mistic Mystic] Premise and description.

True, thank you, And, I will be posting a digest of the rules here pretty soon, I was waylaid by carpol (Sp?) tunnel in my right wrist. 

I plan to get the rules here imminantly.

Message 17437#184606

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On 11/1/2005 at 7:27am, EllePepper wrote:
RE: Re: [Mistic Mystic] Premise and description.

Ok, post two:  Character classes...

Helatin (Elatin, The Dragons, The Great Dragons)  Large, sentient beings capable of flight.  Dragons.  They can range from ‘eastern’ style Chinese and Japanese Dragons, all the way though the “western” and ‘Modern” dragons.  All forms of Helatin are acceptable as long as they have a history to match.  They can be any age or history, however HISTORIC AGE, has its own drawbacks

Dragons can range in size from a small pit bull, all the way up through Godzilla size.  There are also the great Worms, and the Drakes, so yes, fire and ice breathers do exist.  However, one thing to keep in mind about the Dragons of any sort.  They start out cute and cuddly, but they eat a lot, and grow VERY rapidly.  It is Recommended that ALL dragons remain in their Human forms as much as possible (this to prevent accidental team squashing, burning, mutilating, or other major bodily injury) 

All Dragons are testy, Reds are automatically classed as hostile and lose two points to their humanity roll permanently.  Reds, however are more vicious and slightly faster than most others. 

Helatin are very loyal and once they trust someone it is very hard to get them to betray them.  That being said, Dragons have a plus five defense against all stabbing, thrusting or throwing weapons (Except Dragon-scale, Dragon fire, or Dragon-hard blades) in Dragon form (Plus three in human form)

Dragons can range in temperment from “pacifist” through “Insanely violent.)  The higher on the scale they are, the lower their humanity rating.  But Excessively passive dragons, have a negative to defense in both forms.

Lupine, (Lycan, Lycanthrope, werewolf.)  Human to wolf shape shifter.  Their temperment can be from Pacifist through Insanely violent, though more often then not they are aggressive. Often easily identified by the moon pendant they wear and by their coat markings which show up in human form.  (A black wolf with silver markings will have black hair with a silver-white streak in human form)

Lupines are are excessively loyal but short tempered.  Almost all Lycans are allergic to silver.  Most also have some allergy to chocolate.  While chocolate is a nuisence allergy, capable of making them sick, Silver will drain their Regen and their humanity very quickly.  Keep this in mind when there are Hunters on the team.  Any form of silver is toxic.  All Lycans gain +2 to humanity if they are assigned a keeper.  But they have a permanent -1 on all Helatin diplomatics.

When a Lycan is triggered, they normally attempt to attack whatever triggered them.  If it is a word, they will often attack the speaker.  The same attack rules apply for all forms of triggers (See Triggers and Player Assigned Triggers).

For all MISTIC, Mortal and Mystics, when bitten by a lycan you must roll their attack against your regen (Mortals roll defense) For a mortal, a losing roll will result in, a severe injury, which must be treated with silver to keep your character from becoming Mistic or Immidate help from a Faery.  (See Harmonics of Help) A critical miss and the Mortal becomes mistic.  (Any scars will remain unless healed by a faerie.)  The new mistic will start with a ‘human’ humanity rating. 

Nehelatu: (Sons of the Dragons, House of the Dragon, Alex’s people, Vampire, Nosferatu)  Though it is actually more applicable to the Vampire nation, the term Vampire is usable to these beings.  Nehelatu are shape shifters, they may choose one form as primary, and are free to learn as many forms as they wish, as long as they have the resources to do so.

Nehelatu may align themselves as ‘day’ or ‘night.’  Night has more freedom to kill or terrorize but also run the risk of insanity.  Day can walk outside during the day and be unharmed.  However, they take a -1 to Regen.  Night walkers have no Regen penalty, but are also disliked by all and gain diplomatic penalty for all races. 

Nehelatu also have a humanity rating.  This affects their general temperment and logic ability.  A failure here and they become more like their namesakes, the Vampires.  Nehelatu MAY feed, which adds to their defense, regen and resist rolls but subtracts (-1 for willing victims -2 for unwilling, -4 if the victim dies) from the humanity score.  Unless they are playing a ‘fallen’ Nehelatu, their humanity score must remain above zero for them to remain sane. 

Making a mortal a mistic is harder among the Nehelatu than among the Lycans.  Turning an unwilling will gain you a negative four on your humanity for the life of the turned.  If a Nehelatu wishes to turn someone, they must announce their intent and then roll attack against the other’s defense.  If the attacker wins, the victim then has one turn to defend themselves.  In the case of a tie roll, both parties re-roll.  Any means of defense is permisable assuming it is within the ability of the character.  This includes, but is not limited to, beginning the words of daylight, (It does not have to be completed, even partial will inflict damage.)  (See Words of Daylight, and Keeper Archives of Defense.)

Vampire Nation:  These are your run of the mill, fang faced blood drinking vampires.  You may take as many liberties with that as you please, however, some things to keep in mind, though they receive a plus to all physical stats, they have a negative to all logic and diplomatic stats. 

These beings are not swayed by a humanity trigger, however, they may not interact at all during daylight hours.  Unlike the nehelatu, they are unable to use the Sciences to reclaim the day.  Less likely to go insane, but generally harder to get along with VN is assigned a -4 to all races.  Vampires are hated and feared by all.  Keepers will not help VN unless specifically ordered to, and even then only after making sure they will get out with their lives.  VN MUST feed.

Vampire Nation may not enter Keeper Archives without permission.  They may not read ‘harmonics of harm’ and are precluded from learning most Sciences.  Most Vampire nation are aligned Mystic.

Faerie.(Fae, Fay, fairy) Small faerie in large bodies, -4 to all defense rolls, but +4 to all healing arts.  They may learn any healing art for free.  They take a plus one to all diplomatics.

Faerie are forbidden only one thing, Murder.  Faerie tend to be able to handle only one emotion at a time.  (Think the emotional equivalent of being five.)  Since they feel only one emotion at a time, they are not conflicted.  Faerie tend to be pacifist, they excel at sciences, and mirror. 

Any Faerie who murders is subject to punishment. If you are playing a Fallen Faerie, you must explain how they came to be Fallen and what the punishment was.  (It can be permanent, being bound to a place, being bound to a single cause, being forced to live as another being, living by a particular code.  Have fun with it.

Faerie are expert healers and are powerful in the sciences, but in their larger human forms have lower defense than a human.  Their alignment may be good, evil, fallen or indifferent.  If a faerie should choose to shift, they will take an endurance penalty equal to half their health.  Faerie in their smaller form age very quickly. 
Sub mystics (Half-breeds)

Have fun, can have any combination of traits and triggers, however all normal penalties and triggers do apply.  (Gm's discression, create sub-mystic templates with a range of abilities and defined triggers.)  Two PLAYER ASSIGNED triggers are required.

(Ok, here is part one.  All the caps stuff is because my system won't let me use your format system... what do you think so far.  I have explanations for all my terms, It was just too long to post.  am trying to get a website, but am not the best at it.)

Message 17437#184710

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