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Topic: In Speckers: A Guide To Playing InSpectres at School
Started by: Galfraxas
Started on: 4/2/2002
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 4/2/2002 at 6:12pm, Galfraxas wrote:
In Speckers: A Guide To Playing InSpectres at School

Howdy InSpectres Fans,

After looking over the latest version of InSpectres, I became inspired to write a new supplement for the new version of the game. Be prepared for In Speckers: A Guide To Playing InSpectres At School. I've already sent this to Jared, but here's the already finished intro to the book, as "written" by the founder of In Speckers, Billy Wilson.

Hi! I'm Billy Wilson, and I'm the boss of the In Speckers at Buddy Holly Memorial Elementary School. In Speckers is those guys who fight the boogy man and stuff all over the place. Well, me and Tommy S. started our own In Speckers at the school, and we've been stopping the boogy man and his scary friends from getting us kids. Well, we had like ten people in In Speckers, and then Bobby Smith and Donny moved away, but I got a phone call from Donny and he said that they started being In Speckers at his new school too. And I heard on my AOL that other kids was starting In Speckers at their schools. So like us In Speckers are all over the place at every school, just like the real In Speckers are everywhere else. And some kids who go to a smart kids school made this book, and asked me to write stuff for the beginning, like the boring parts we don't ever have to read in the school books, that stuff like close to the contents page. So I wrote this stuff. Um, I read the stuff the other kids put here, and it's important. If you read this stuff, you should be able to be In Speckers at your school too. And remember the first rule of In Speckers: Never talk about In Speckers to the adults. They won't believe you anyway, and if they do, you'll get to see the real In Speckers. They're neat.

Hope you enjoy the teaser. It'll be completed by the end of the month.

Tim Boser
AKA Galfraxas

Message 1758#16650

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On 4/2/2002 at 6:30pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: In Speckers: A Guide To Playing InSpectres at School

Little Fears meets InSpectres? You're mad, I tell you. Mad!

Put a rush on it, willya? :-)


Message 1758#16654

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On 4/2/2002 at 11:59pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: In Speckers: A Guide To Playing InSpectres at School

I for one am really looking forward to this. I love the AOL reference...

Anyway, yes. Go Tim!

I never even thought of InSpectres translating to a kind of kiddie "fan club," rather than an actual business. Really cool idea, very game-able and it still fits well within the InSpectres play structure.

Strikes me as a fun cross between Monster Squad and The Goonies.

- J

Message 1758#16700

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On 4/4/2002 at 3:11am, Zak Arntson wrote:
RE: In Speckers: A Guide To Playing InSpectres at School

Don't forget the Weird Agent (or just Weird) companion to the kids. Like E.T. or Frankenstein (from that Monster movie that Jared and I were just talking about ...)

You know, the kids have some weird friend they have to hide from the parents.

The idea for In Speckers kicks so much ass, I cannot wait to see it done.

Message 1758#16821

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On 4/4/2002 at 3:46am, Galfraxas wrote:
A Take off on Zak's Idea

After reading Zak's idea, it came into my mind that the kids themselves might be weird. Just a thought. Any questions/comments/suggestions?

Tim Boser
(AKA Galfraxas)

Message 1758#16822

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On 4/4/2002 at 4:06am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Re: A Take off on Zak's Idea

Galfraxas wrote: After reading Zak's idea, it came into my mind that the kids themselves might be weird. Just a thought. Any questions/comments/suggestions?

Well, one of the major themes in InSpectres is that the agents are pretty weird (not Weird weird, but definitely not normal folks). So yeah, the kids are gonna be a bit strange. I do love the idea of the kids being like the Monster Squad or the Goonies (both had big, strong, simple "monsters" as companions...namely Frankie and Sloth). Having the kids "be" Weird (ie: monsters themselves) I'm not too sure about. Could be cool in a Lil' Gloomy kinda way (it's a comic book where the main characters are all monster kids, very Pumpkin Town-ish) but that would be a different game entirely.

Message 1758#16824

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On 4/4/2002 at 8:54am, Jürgen Mayer wrote:

Jared A. Sorensen wrote: Could be cool in a Lil' Gloomy kinda way

Oh man, Carl Cthulhu would make a really great NPC for In Speckers, wouldn't he?

Message 1758#16838

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