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Topic: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch
Started by: sayter
Started on: 11/25/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 11/25/2005 at 6:16pm, sayter wrote:
[Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

One of the cultures in my world is a highly female dominated society. While males are important in the society, the females are revered to a certain degree. The Queen rules the country, and the priestesses of their church hold the secondary positions of power.

Polygamy, of a sort, is accepted. There is no such institution as marriage within this culture, for it is unneeded. The females are never wanting for mates, for the males are more than happy to serve them in the breeding capacity and to do the heavy labour which females are generally

The society itself is rich on culture, art and music being two of the most respected forms of entertainment followed closely by literature and of course, sex. I view it as a sort of Roman-esque civilization, but without the slavery and military might.

Two questions on this note...using the title of Kingdom for such a place seems both ridiculous and wrong since there is no King...and Queendom doesnt seem right. What sort of titles would apply for a female dominant culture?

And additionally, does the above seem logical....and if so, or if not, what sort of details could I be missing that should be addressed in such a culture?

Message 17727#187384

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On 11/25/2005 at 6:30pm, tygertyger wrote:
Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

sayter wrote:
One of the cultures in my world is a highly female dominated society. [snip] does the above seem logical....and if so, or if not, what sort of details could I be missing that should be addressed in such a culture?

A matriarchal society is indeed logical -- they existed in the real world, especially in Africa and Oceania.  Most such had cultural features that minimized the importance of physical strength as a feature of leadership, but some were still warrior cultures (the Polynesian monarchies being a prime example).  The Alii Nui of Hawaii had religious/ceremonial importance that allowed her to hold onto power without being a war leader.  Economic wealth (in the form of de facto ownership of all of the land) also helped.

So, your female-dominated culture merely needs a social reason for everyone to revere the queen.  Failing that, either the women of the royal family or women in general need to control a resource that men don't have access to.  In a fantasy setting a monopoly on magic will serve this purpose.  If your setting is SF you can get the same results by having only women be psionic.

As to what to call it, the Matriarchy will work.  You might also go with gender-neutral words like regency, hegemony or republic.  That last is especially appropriate if you go for a Roman feel.  You could even call it the Empire; empress is just as valid as emporer as a ruler for that.

Message 17727#187385

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On 11/25/2005 at 7:11pm, sayter wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

A matriarchal society is indeed logical -- they existed in the real world, especially in Africa and Oceania.  Most such had cultural features that minimized the importance of physical strength as a feature of leadership, but some were still warrior cultures (the Polynesian monarchies being a prime example).  The Alii Nui of Hawaii had religious/ceremonial importance that allowed her to hold onto power without being a war leader.  Economic wealth (in the form of de facto ownership of all of the land) also helped.

Interesting. Thanks for the background info here. I hadn't yet done research into female dominant roles in human society. On the topic of economic wealth, this particular nation is the only one on the planet with access to rare and precious metals which are invaluable for armor and weapon craft. This has given them a monopoly on the resource, providing them a massive influx of wealth (they are currently the richest nation in the world, the result of a 30 year war between 2 competing empires for which they provided metal to both sides)

So, your female-dominated culture merely needs a social reason for everyone to revere the queen.  Failing that, either the women of the royal family or women in general need to control a resource that men don't have access to.  In a fantasy setting a monopoly on magic will serve this purpose.  If your setting is SF you can get the same results by having only women be psionic.

The religion of the people is what places females in a position to be in power. While the males are equal to females, they do not serve the capacity of politics or religion because it is believed that men are more liable to cause war and suffering than females since females are the bringers of life and the mothers of society.

As to what to call it, the Matriarchy will work.  You might also go with gender-neutral words like regency, hegemony or republic.  That last is especially appropriate if you go for a Roman feel.  You could even call it the Empire; empress is just as valid as emporer as a ruler for that.

I think I may stick with Matriarchy, or failing that, Regency. Republic and Empire are both already in use in my world, and to minimize confusion and repetition, I want to give each a unique form of government.

Message 17727#187391

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On 11/25/2005 at 7:20pm, Joshua BishopRoby wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

sayter wrote: Polygamy, of a sort, is accepted.

I think you mean polyandry, unless the men can have multiple spouses?

Message 17727#187394

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On 11/25/2005 at 9:49pm, sayter wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

polyandry...ah. A term I hadn't heard used before. Thank you for the most well timed correction :)

Message 17727#187404

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On 11/29/2005 at 11:48pm, tygertyger wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

I think you mean polyandry, unless the men can have multiple spouses?

Polygamy is an appropriate term either way.  Having multiple wives is called polygyny.  But for this culture, polyandry is indeed more likely.

Message 17727#187950

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On 11/30/2005 at 8:58am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

To the best of my knowledge there has never been a matriarchal society exercising the kind of control over men that patriarchy exercises over women, but there have been a number of matrilinear societies.  The resource that women control in these societies is heredity, becuase as the saying goes, every man knows his mother but its a wise man that knows his father.  So property will pass down the female line, men will move into their wife's home, or more likely, their mother-in-laws home, when a couple marry.  Property inherited by a man from his mother will probably pass back to the mothers line on his death, rather than passing to his children.

Message 17727#187993

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On 11/30/2005 at 4:03pm, sayter wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

hmm. This raises interesting questions in regards to this fictional society. Men are treated as equals, yet they accept that the beauty and wisdom of women is a far more appropriate way to live than the reversed style excercised by other nations. This nation, in particular, does not enjoy the idea of alliances. They have trade partners, and non agression pacts, etc...but the potential for cultural dissolve is more than probable if the males became exposed to the ways of others on a more frequent basis.

Thankfully, the majority are lovers, not fighters, and as such they have little interest in changing their ways. They have survived this long without much issue, and the women know they have the power over men in ANY culture simply by the strength of their "assets". Anyone that has attempted to make war on them has been rather easy to coerce into another course of action.

ie: "please, Lothar hunny....dont invade....I have a muuuuuch better idea *kiss kiss*....lets be trade partners...."

So, in this sort of situation...woudl the Queen be more than just a ruler? Would her sexual escapades be viewed as an absolute necessity..almost taking the place of foreign negotiation? No one would second guess her motives, for they would be quite obviously devised to protect her people at all costs.

Message 17727#188041

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On 12/1/2005 at 9:13am, natman wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

it is believed that men are more liable to cause war and suffering than females

  I think you should be careful here.  This has a chance to go the way of the "sisterhood" as far as views on violence are concerned.  This is something that I think should be addressed if this is going to be a large, control ed(?), hegemony.  If no violence really occurs, then what is stopping some other group from attacking outright?  For example, look at the island of Crete-- which was taken over by the Kergen (ya, the dude from Highlander). 
  One way to keep it in check, is to have the men act as worker bees in a hive.  They are loyal to the queen and protect with a vengeance.  By the same token, I've seen women who are every bit as violent as men.  Maybe you could take a bit from the dark elf series, where its a matriarchy, but everyone is violent.

females are the bringers of life and the mothers of society

  I like this idea, because religion is a good way to keep several people in line.  Since birthing is something usually found only in the female of the species, it could be a great hook.  It worked for several old religions.  While tygertyger made a good point about psionics and magic--perhaps it could be just further socialization rather than a gender-specific gift.

just as idea

Message 17727#188199

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On 12/1/2005 at 10:57am, contracycle wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

I agree with Natman; I think Inanna Ishtar would be a good model to follow.  She is simultaneously warrior-goddess, mother and lover.  Hymns to Inanna are often overtly sexual, although include a celebration of male sexuality as well (Bridegroom, let me caress you/My precious caress is more savory than honey/In the bechamber, honey-filled/Let me enjoy your goodly beauty/Lion, let me caress you/My precious caress is more savory than honey).  But alongside these sexual and nurturing roles she is also the goddess who smites enemies and "covers the sides of mountains with fire":

My father gave me the heavens, gave me the earth,
I am Inanna!
Kingship he gave me,
queenship he gave me,
waging of battle he gave me, the attack he gave me,
the floodstorm he gave me, the hurricane he gave me!
The heavens he set as a crown on my head,
the earth he set as sandals on my feet,
a holy robe he wrapped around my body,
a holy sceptre he placed in my hand.
The gods are sparrows -- I am a falcon

And on the general case of feminine violence I point to the queen of the Massagatae as noted be Herodotus:

Tomyris, when she found that Cyrus paid no heed to her advice, collected all the forces of her kingdom, and gave him battle. Of all the combats in which the barbarians have engaged among themselves, I reckon this to have been the fiercest. The following, as I understand, was the manner of it:—First, the two armies stood apart and shot their arrows at each other; then, when their quivers were empty, they closed and fought hand-to-hand with lances and daggers; and thus they continued fighting for a length of time, neither choosing to give ground. At length the Massagetae prevailed. The greater part of the army of the Persians was destroyed and Cyrus himself fell, after reigning nine and twenty years. Search was made among the slain by order of the queen for the body of Cyrus, and when it was found she took a skin, and, filling it full of human blood, she dipped the head of Cyrus in the gore, saying, as she thus insulted the corpse, “I live and have conquered thee in fight, and yet by thee am I ruined, for thou tookest my son with guile; but thus I make good my threat, and give thee thy fill of blood.”

Message 17727#188206

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On 12/2/2005 at 3:18am, Bill Masek wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch


I would recommend taking a look at the old Celtic societies.  They are the classic example of a real world matriarchy.  You had the men who were in charge of the hunting and fighting.  The women controlled religion, politics in addition to cooking and child raising.

Perhaps this nation it is expected for all men to be warriors.  When they reach a certain age (say 15) they leave to do battle in distent lands.  If they survive long enough (say, until 30) they return home to guard the mother city.  This leads to a vast disproportion of men to women, say 20 to 1.  The men are spread out over vast distances while the women are centralised, running the economy, religious and political institutions.  The men who guard the mother city will be living an ideal life and would guard the city fanatically against foreign threats and other generals who wanted to over throw the matriarch.

Also note that this nation would have a very high birth rate.  The city's economy is effectively only supporting the female half of the population while most of the males are living off the lands they are invading.  Even with fewer men, if they set up their society right, the number of children each woman has will not necessarily be lower than in other societies.  So the population growth in the city will be nearly twice that of most other nations, giving them plenty of men to send out to war to die while not making the city suffer for only keeping half their people.

Please feel free to use and/or manipulate as you see fit.


Message 17727#188404

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On 12/2/2005 at 5:27pm, sayter wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

some interesting ideas. Ironically enough (and I knew nothing of the name before now) the species is called Cyrue....very close to Cyrus heh.

    The way I currently have it, is any of the society are capable of becoming warriors. The most formidable are the Mistress of Blades, who mix dance and swordplay into a mesmerizing whirlwind of brutal death in battle. I like this imagery, and the concept and will at least keep that.

    The idea of men travellign for battle doesnt suit the culture, as they are primarily lovers and creators. However, there is something I can work into it here. I have always liked the idea of their people being fascinated with the world and adoring travel to see new sights for most of their youth. They then return to their people to spread knowledge and tales of their experiences in order to enrich their own culture. This could work just as well.
    They are very much dedicated to their queen, and will defend the homeland with a zeal equal to any other people. They just do not seek open conflict. They are situated in a mountain range, the only one in the world which has veins of a very rare and extremely exceptional metal. They are also the only ones who know how to mine it, and would never exhaust the body of their goddess for a conqueror, for the land is theirs and no others. Should others seek a peaceful relation with them, they will gladly arrange a trade that benefits themselves and their new partner.
    Their travel abroad would also teach them many useful skills (survival being first and foremost, followed by combat and their personal interests such as painting or whatnot) which they could then teach to their people upon return to the motherland.

this make sense?

Message 17727#188498

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On 12/2/2005 at 5:29pm, Sean wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

I would go for "Gynarchy", myself. "Rule of the Women" rather than "Rule of the Mothers". It's right in Greek and "The Gynarchy of Cyrue" sounds cool, at least to me.I say it with a soft "C" though.

Message 17727#188501

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On 12/2/2005 at 5:58pm, sayter wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

and you are saying it right :) its "Sai-ru-eh" or "sai-roo" depending on dialect of the speaker , not "kai".

Though Gynarcy (granted that it is SUPPOSED to allude to it) smacks a little too strongly of Vagina for my tastes in the game. Matriarcy sounds softer and a little less Doctor-esque(for lack of a better term)

Message 17727#188513

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On 12/2/2005 at 9:42pm, tygertyger wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

sayter wrote:
They are situated in a mountain range, the only one in the world which has veins of a very rare and extremely exceptional metal. They are also the only ones who know how to mine it

The mountain setting is a really good idea.  Being in an inaccessible and easily defensible location makes it harder for nations that are more powerful militarily to invade.  Perhaps the only easy approaches are through passes that the Cyrue can easily guard?

As to the post about there being matrilineal rather than matriarchal cultures irl, that's mainly true of western Europe and the Middle East.  Africa had at least one; Ethiopia back when it was called Kush.  The traditional name of the queen was Candace, and the line may or may not have been related to the Biblical Queen of Sheba (historians are divided on this point).  I've already mentioned the Alii Nui of Hawaii.  In both cases the office of the queen invested both political and religious authority into one person and was backed by control of economic resources.

Matrilineal cultures don't require female domination of the society.  There's one currently in China (I forget the name of the tribe) where there is no institution of marriage.  Sons live with and support their mothers and sisters for their entire lives, and children are raised in their grandmothers' homes by their mothers and uncles.  Women, of course, own most of the property.  A system like this could work for the Cyrue, with mothers taking husbands or just temporary lovers and raising any children that result with the help of their brothers.  Children would take their mothers' family names; surnames might be/include matronymics rather than patronymics.

This gives me another idea.  Under the system above, the most powerful man in the Matriarchy would be the queen's oldest male relative (probably a brother or uncle).  The position might carry an important diplomatic (for dealing with embassadors from male-dominated cultures) or judicial (for handling mens' grievances) function.  Prince or Regent is a good title for this guy, methinks.

Message 17727#188582

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On 12/3/2005 at 4:39pm, sayter wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

indeed, they are tucked into a plateau, surrounded by mountains with one real approach, which is a plain about 200 miles wide. Its a limited field of approach and the flatness of that part of land makes it essentially impossible to slip in unnoticed. Those who go through the mountains have to content with the natural defenses (animals, monsters, and the terrain itself) as well as the guard posted in those remote reaches. approach by sea is all but impossible, as the mountains themselves form thick coral reefs off the coast. Boats, therefore, cannot really approach safely.

The only downside to that of course is the Cyrue themselves cannot perform trade by sea, making all exports need to be done via roads using caravans. This can be dangerous, but the Cyrue have allies and their skilled warriors to escort caravans. And attacking the caravans is equivalent to suicide to brigands and their neighboring nations...because the Cyrue can simly cease export as they have a total monopoly of their metals in the region.

i like the idea of males being in the above mentioned positions. It really does add a certain element to the society. I think I may have to research this a bit, and make it all mesh well. Thanks for the excellent sources of info.

Message 17727#188688

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On 12/3/2005 at 9:15pm, tygertyger wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

sayter wrote:
approach by sea is all but impossible, as the mountains themselves form thick coral reefs off the coast. Boats, therefore, cannot really approach safely.

Hmmm... mountains don't form coral reefs IIRC.  The reefs are built up by generations of coral colonies (the reef itself is actually composed of the skeletons of dead polyps).  But mountains make an effective barrier to sea invasion if they come right up to the coastline (i.e. the cliffs of Dover).  Which doesn't preclude coral reefs along the coast, of course.

Message 17727#188710

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On 12/4/2005 at 12:49am, sayter wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

ah, yes, a good point. and my bad. a miswording. the mountains border the coast, AND there are coral reefs :)

Message 17727#188722

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On 12/6/2005 at 7:08am, Archer wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

I agree with an earlier point regarding property. It would really help consolidate the females power if they were the only landowners as well.

Message 17727#189107

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On 12/6/2005 at 11:08am, sayter wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

I think I agree to a point as well...Afterall, if I lived in a society where my every whim was tended to by a have little need for a house.

Message 17727#189126

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On 12/7/2005 at 1:52pm, MatrixGamer wrote:
RE: Re: [Realm] Females in Control - The Matriarch

You alluded to the division of labor by saying the women do the heavy work. Division of labor is important because it defines power.

For example: In southern Mexican native populations women own the land but men farm it. Ownership is important but these are not matriachal societies. They have different tracks of power. Women gain power acting as merchants and land owners. Men gain status by farm labor and war.

A division of labor that tells why the men are in the role they are in and why they accept it and like it will go a long way towards making your world believable.

Chris Engle
Hamster Press = Engle Matrix Games

Message 17727#189373

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