The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Free RPG lists?
Started by: blå
Started on: 6/3/2001
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 6/3/2001 at 1:40pm, blå wrote:
Free RPG lists?

This is probably a dumb q. but I'm having problems finding "free roleplaying games lists", you know a place with links to various sites such as MMT. And well thats it really.... Oh btw, great site Jared!

Message 178#1432

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On 6/3/2001 at 4:02pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Free RPG lists?

Hey, bla (can't figure out how to type that weird symbol).

Welcome to Heph's -- you can pick up your embroidered red smoking jacket right over there by those leggy blonde twins.

Thanx! :smile: You should (obviously) check out the sitesthat I've linked to, as well as and do a search for free games.

Message 178#1434

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...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Memento-Mori Theatricks
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On 6/3/2001 at 7:41pm, blå wrote:
RE: Free RPG lists?

Ehm hi again,
thanx for the help, gotta admit though that its mostly my lack of energy that prevents me to go check for it myself, that and the fact that the only access I got the internet is from my job and appearantly my boss doesnt want ppl "pleasure-surfing"(not THAT kind of pleasure...) when they should be helping customers, I cant figure out why but thats the way it is :smile:. And the å/Å is a Swedish letter which is kinda like the sound of o and a mixed together. (Blå=Blue, pronounce it like the the french bleau and you kinda got it)

Btw one of my co-workers really liked Squem, so now Ive told you, hurray ...ehem

Thanx again but if you got one of em jackets in blue Iäll wear it even more often :smile:

Message 178#1437

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On 6/3/2001 at 7:42pm, blå wrote:
RE: Free RPG lists?

Ill not Iäll, sorry

Message 178#1438

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On 6/6/2001 at 2:58pm, blå wrote:
RE: Free RPG lists?

Another stupid q!

Is it ok for me to "rip" a piece of "Pulp Era" for my own system/world, with the intent to work it into a site? All non profit jsyk! Although this is far into the future I thought I should ask first... O btw its probably just a little piece too and if its ok for you I'll make a link and a comment where that specific part came from.

Thank you for the inspiration :smile:


Message 178#1563

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...started by blå which blå participated Memento-Mori Theatricks
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...from around 6/6/2001

On 6/6/2001 at 4:56pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Free RPG lists?

Go for it -- PE is getting re-written anyway.

What piece are you rippin', btw?

Message 178#1564

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...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Memento-Mori Theatricks
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