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Topic: [LoL]
Started by: dindenver
Started on: 12/1/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/1/2005 at 5:50pm, dindenver wrote:

  Lands of Lore is the name of a CRPG, here are other possible names I am thinking of using:
<a href=" of Lanasia">Legends of Lanasia
<a href=" of Luquadia">Legends of Luquadia
<a href=" of Lyuz">Legends of Lyuz
<a href=" of Latteso">Legends of Latteso
<a href=" of Luvaun">Legends of Luvaun
<a href=" of Lopuya">Legends of Lopuya
<a href=" of Lhenanne">Legends of Lhenanne
<a href=" of Lokag">Legends of Lokag
<a href=" of Loq">Legends of Loq
<a href=" of Luq">Legends of Luq
<a href=" of Laq">Legends of Laq
<a href=" of Lanha">Legends of Lanha
<a href=" of Lenahne">Legends of Lenahne
<a href=" of Lonfi">Legends of Lonfi
<a href=" of Loeph">Legends of Loeph
<a href=" of Lorav">Legends of Lorav
<a href=" of Leli">Legends of Leli
<a href=" of Lyd">Legends of Lyd
<a href=" of Bemna">Legends of Bemna
<a href=" Age Adventures">Iron Age Adventures
  The third word would be the name of the world the characters live in. So, let me know which you thinks is better!

Message 17815#188271

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On 12/1/2005 at 5:59pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
Re: [LoL]


Is there any certain criteria you want us to base our preferences on?



Message 17815#188274

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On 12/1/2005 at 6:13pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

Well, those are all pretty bad. I mean, what do I care about the name of some fairy-foo fantasy world? Iron Age adventures is the best, but I bet my hat that your game isn't about adventures in any historical Iron Age, and the world will include some magical über-metals anyway, so the name is probably pretty misleading. It also reminds me of Iron Heroes quite a bit, probably because your game's thrust is that way.

My suggestion: don't worry about the name before you have the game finished. You'll probably think of something appropriate before that point. If not, find the central point of your game, then recognize a concrete allegorical representation of that point in the game, and name your game based on that. Apart from D&D most games are named like that ;)

Message 17815#188281

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On 12/1/2005 at 6:30pm, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

  The game is almost finished, It is written, I am just editing and looking for art. If you don't care, don't post. That's why Iron Age Adventures is last, It is not set in earth in the iron age.
  Yes, it is a Fantasy Sword and Sorcery world. Just pick whicever one you think sounds better to you or that sounds like the name of a world instead of an individual or nation/city.

Message 17815#188287

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On 12/1/2005 at 7:07pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

Well, you probably should pick the name of the world to accord with the other naming conventions of the fantasy culture in the game. So if they have Scandinavian names, give the world a Scandinavian name, that kind of thing. Also note that you could use the name of a nation, location or important person in the world instead of the name of the world. That should give some latitude, and the name would mean more if it was used in the book for something, which the name of the world rarely is.

Assuming that you don't have any linguistics worked out, I suggest going with a two-syllable with an ending aspirant, or a three-syllable name in a pinch. The rhythm is better that way. One-syllable could work too, but that's with a clear-cut finish.

Considering the above and some other factors (ignoring suggestions that sound like a coffee brand or venereal disease, for a start), I'd go with Loeph (with a hard 'p') or Lenahne (with an aspirated 'h'). They're still extremely luke-warm, being just random words, but perhaps the fantasy heartbreaker stylistical tradition is appropriate in this case.

Message 17815#188310

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On 12/1/2005 at 7:26pm, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

  Well, there are several nations and each has their own naming scheme. Which sounds like coffee and/or disease?

Message 17815#188318

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On 12/1/2005 at 7:59pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

You could consider highlighting one of the nations/cultures a bit, and naming the game by that. That's usually a good idea anyway, because fantasy worlds are more interesting if you interpret instead of just showing. Gives the reader something to reflect on. For example:
Lands of France - the game of swashbuckling renaissance adventure, vs. Lands of Earth - the game of swashbuckling renaissance adventure. Which one is more descriptive, setting aside the banal "Lands of..." structure?
By the same principle, it's even more interesting to name by a feature or person or whatever makes the game interesting. Like this:
Descartes - a game of new science
Battleship Pomegraine - a game of fanciful adventure in the high seas
What the Monolith Saw - the story of one tribe, one valley, one chunk of rock
You get even better names by adding action and angles, as the last example proved. Allitteration is a pretty weak tool compared to content.

As for stupid names:
For coffee: latte-so
For diseases: lokag, lyuz and benma
For a bad cough: lyd, loq, luq, laq
... but really, they all sound somewhat whacko, don't they? Or is it just my ear that associates that kind of naming with card-board fantasy adventure games?

Message 17815#188328

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On 12/1/2005 at 9:18pm, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

Sorry, I'm with Eero. None of these grab me. Also, "LoL" is a pretty unfortunate abbreviation.

Then again, a good name is only important in special cases. If your game is awesome, people will forgive an awkward name. For instance, I think "Legends of Alyria" is a terrible name for a game, but the game itself is so good, I hardly think about the name quality anymore.

Also: Pick the name that you love. This love will show through in your game more than a focus-group-chosen name ever will.

Message 17815#188352

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On 12/2/2005 at 6:20pm, Malckuss wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

I can tell you are trying to go for something of an oldschool feel...maybe you could tell us a bit more about the kind of atmosphere you are trying to set. What kind of themes are in your game? Do you have a metaplot? Is the nations of your game more important than the individual character the players will bring to the table? Obviously by your title this is a fantasy game, but are you breaking or sticking to tradition? The names you suggest remind me of older 16 bit
RPGs on the super nintendo, but that is just my impression. I agree with the others about stateing action, but it really has more to do with the image you are trying to evoke in a potential buyers/players mind. I hope this helps.

Message 17815#188526

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On 12/2/2005 at 6:50pm, dindenver wrote:
Re: [LoL] What's in a name?

  It is a Sword and Sorcery Fantasy setting. I want it to be heroic setting. And the game world is based on the premise of breaking stereotypes. Not all elves are effiminate, haughty, and all-knowing. Not all Dwarfs are drunk, rude and greedy. And there are other differences too.
  There are several mysteries: Where does magic come from? What happened i previous eras?
  Finally, it is about hope and courage against corruption and evil.
  Gameplay is simple and I guess the Creative Agenda is simulationism. Re-creating the game world I have created. I wouldn't consider it a heartbreaker, I really didn't use D&D as a baseline or a reference. And I tried to make everything as freeform as possible. I worked on reducing the number of rolls needed and creating a framework that reduces rivalry between players and builds storytelling elements.
  I hope that helps

Message 17815#188535

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On 12/2/2005 at 7:05pm, Malckuss wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

I might suggest then something that evokes this that feeling. Perhaps Legends of a New Age, or Tales of Legendry & Heroism. These are, addmitedly somewhat generic and banal, but you know your game and could use this to make it sound bright, hopeful, courageous, and indicate that the heroes are moving beyond the bondaries that have held them back in "a prievious era" *cough, cough* D&D *cough, cough*

Message 17815#188540

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On 12/2/2005 at 9:31pm, Mark Johnson wrote:
RE: Re: [LoL]

Legendary Magical Adventure Operation
Realm of the Fiery Legends
Jocularity Kwest

Actually, no matter how bad the name that you pick is, you can't possibly come up with a worse title for your game than GURPS.

Message 17815#188575

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