The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 12/5/2005
Board: Conventions

On 12/5/2005 at 11:24pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

The Big Senkowski (that'd be Keith) and I have been working on the initial details for a Forge Midwest weekend gathering.

Here's the initial plan thus far: We're looking at hotels with suites and/or meeting rooms available in northern Chicago area. Right now, the date will be either Friday, March 17 thru Sunday, March 19 or Friday, March 24 thru Sunday, March 26. Pencil this on your calendars -- the first weekend (March 17-19) is likeliest.

Now, I'm going to get on the phone over the next week or two with the hotels. I'm looking to find one with either large suites we can use for play areas, or a place with available meeting rooms (or both). Oh, and before I get ahead of myself .. this is a casual gathering to play indie RPGs for a weekend at a hotel (or other venue, possibly). HOWEVER, we are investigating whether people will volunteer to help pay for conference/meeting rooms at the hotel, and how much such rooms would cost. I'm thinking something like everyone chips in $20 to help pay for the conference rooms, for example.

This is gathering going to happen! Who's in? Anyone reading this is, of course invited. If you're anywhere near the Midwest, take a roadtrip weekend and get together for some awesome gaming and socialization.

I want to hear concerns about hotel rates, deal-breakers, and the like. I also want ideas for what / how we schedule events (and less fun logistics stuff) for the weekend. I'm certainly not requiring a set-in-stone convention-style schedule, but let's do try to agree on some organizational basics, like blocks of 4 hours to play or something similar.

Also, if you have any hotel nominations, let's hear 'em! Keith's working on that as well, as he's my man on the ground in Chi-Town. (Ron's darned close, too.)

More details to come, but I'll try to keep it all in this thread. If you are in, contact me by email: matt (at) chimera (dot) info or PM here at the Forge. Please don't reply in this thread unless you have something addtional / constructive to say about planning the gathering!

Message 17885#189026

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On 12/6/2005 at 5:35pm, Valamir wrote:
Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I've been tossing around an idea like this for awhile now...but unlike you haven't made the next step of committing to getting it done...congrats for that.

Ideas I was musing about that you might find of interest:

1) Scheduled blocks of play time are a must.  Otherwise we all know the "whadda you wanna do"..."I dunno" routine will waste way too much time.  I don't think it needs to be game x at time y, but I think there need to be identified blocks and I think all attendees should be required to "run/host" at least 1 game at some point during the weekend.  I think there should be a sign up sheet "3 players needed for Polaris at 1:00" in advance of the block and then people just figure out what they want to do and hook up.  If some people wing their own sessions, so much the better but some structure is pretty essential.

2) I'd make sure food plans are quasi arranged, even if its just knowing where the nearby food sources are in advance and obtaining menus of who in the area delivers to the hotel (the hotel concierge should have that info).

3) I'd like to see blocks of non-gaming social time as well.  Chicago is a cool city.  Spending a 4 hour block seeing the sites or an evening at a comedy club would be a nice way of socializing.

Message 17885#189201

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On 12/9/2005 at 7:13pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

So much for the "casual" gathering! We've got East Coasters chiming in for this. I'm blown away by the number of people who've posted or email about attending, and I'm guessing it's not even representative of HALF the interest. Crazy!

As I suspected, it's impossible to please everyone, all of the time. For some, dates don't work. Some want it close to Chicago. Some want it far. Some want a nice hotel, some want cheaper rates. Good grief!

Right now, I'm looking at hotels in Schaumburg, Ill. or Rosemont, Ill. Both are west of Chicago proper, and both are near O'Hare airport (Rosemont is right next door to the airport). Rosemont is also attractive because it's near the blue line for the L (the train). (Can any Chicagoans comment on whether Schaumburg is easily accessible via public transport?)

March 17-19 is the only date that seems to work at all in March. Many people have said they won't be able to attend unless the event is in April.

The possible dates are now

>April 7-9<
March 17-19
April 14-16 (see above paragraph!)
April 22-24

There remains one absolutely important issue: We need to have an estimate of how many people will attend, how many rooms we'll rent, and how many people we'll need for the meeting space for the game times.

So, I'm giving you all a week for feedback (this thread or via email or PM).

If I don't hear strong say so either way (strong = many, many comments), the date will be April 7-9.
• If I don’t' hear strong say so either way, the event will be at a 3-star hotel with rates anywhere from $80-$100 per night, plus (guessing!) $200-$400 for the meeting room per day.
• If I dont hear strong say so, the even will be in Rosemont (first priority) or Schuamburg (second priority).

I hope to get a group discount, which comes with various possible discounts. Could be discounted room rates, could be free or discounted meeting room, etc.

MOST IMPORTANT! I need a rough headcount! Booking the hotel will be almost impossible to do without at least a rough estimation of how many people might attend. Right now, I'm looking at wild guesses from 12 people to 50 people! You can see that variation isn't helpful when talking to hotels. THEREFORE, RSVP TO ME BY DEC. 15, at which time I'll start booking the hotel. Send me a Private Message or an email: matt (at) with the subject line: Midwest gathering.

If you can plan on a group for a room, then let me know that too. That way, I can have an even better idea how many rooms we'll need to block off.

(This doesn't mean you can't come later on; you absolutely CAN come and are not required to decide this week. But, it may mean you won't have a room at the even hotel or a group discount rate later on.)

To recap, you need to tell me:

• Whether you can come
• Who and/or how many in a room with you
• What date you feel strongly about
• What location (these or others) you feel strongly about

Remember, think hard about whether you can work around the guidlines above before saying "No way, I want it downtown Chicago!" or "Let's do it in May!" It is practically impossible to make everyone happy, and I've made some deliberate choices to accomodate as many people as possible with my options outlined above. Please try to make some choices and appreciate what others will have to do to attend -- like drive 6-8 hours!

Message 17885#189870

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On 12/9/2005 at 7:38pm, ivan23 wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Schaumburg is pretty easily accessible by bus and car, not the L. The Metra (regular trains) do go there - schedule is at - but only run every 1 or 2 hours, Saturday and Sunday. The presence of Woodfield Mall means plenty of restaurants and such are in the area.

I can't speak much to Rosemont, as I've spent much less time there; but it is also home to the Rosemont Horizon (AKA Allstate Arena) so you may run into traffic issues depending on if any concert tours are going on. So far there's nothing on those dates on their official calendars, but that's hardly a ringing yea or nay.

Message 17885#189879

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On 12/9/2005 at 7:45pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006


You can pick up the PACE buses at the Rosemont stop of the Blue Line.  Those buses will get you to Schaumburg.


Message 17885#189881

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On 12/9/2005 at 7:57pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Thanks, guys! Schaumburg is sounding more and more attractive, actually. Possibly less traffic, and likely better food options. Keep the helpful info and suggestions coming, folks.

Message 17885#189882

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On 12/9/2005 at 8:05pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Hi Matt,

Before we make decisions about dates and attendance and stuff, can we decide on a format and events?

I recommend a party on Friday night.
Open gaming on Saturday morning
A seminar/round table on Saturday afternoon
Then scheduled games on saturday night

how's that sound?

Message 17885#189884

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On 12/9/2005 at 8:07pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Matt wrote:
Thanks, guys! Schaumburg is sounding more and more attractive, actually. Possibly less traffic, and likely better food options. Keep the helpful info and suggestions coming, folks.

Less traffic?  On a weekend?  HAHAHAHAHAHA....

I'm sorry.  The Woodfield area always has traffic, but don't let that be a deterent.  It does have easier access to more resteraunts and shit and is a short cab ride from the airport...


Message 17885#189886

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On 12/9/2005 at 8:13pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

abzu wrote:

I recommend a party on Friday night.
Open gaming on Saturday morning
A seminar/round table on Saturday afternoon
Then scheduled games on saturday night

how's that sound?

Not only does it sound good, it's almost exactly what I had planned. (I planned on more scheduled gaming in morning, but "open" games is cool). Done and DONE! (There are talks for a specific round table / seminar, but I'm still just talking at this point. I'll post when I can.)

It leaves open options for Sunday morning or even afternoon, say, but I'm not sure we'll have time to do more than enjoy breakfast with pals and such. Consider that Open gaming, and you're likely on your own, folks. Probably WON'T have a meeting room available Sunday unless there are howls of protest (and wads of cash).

(Keith: Yeah, I shoulda known bettah' about da traffic.)

Message 17885#189889

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On 12/9/2005 at 9:12pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

It leaves open options for Sunday morning or even afternoon, say, but I'm not sure we'll have time to do more than enjoy breakfast with pals and such. Consider that Open gaming, and you're likely on your own, folks. Probably WON'T have a meeting room available Sunday unless there are howls of protest (and wads of cash).

April 15-17 is Saturday through Monday.  Was that intentional (and we mentally adjust the schedule accordingly) or did you really mean 14-16.  Either way it looks like I'll have to do my taxes early...:-)

Message 17885#189903

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On 12/9/2005 at 9:17pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Crud! Yes, Ralph, that SHOULD be:

April 14-16.

Message 17885#189906

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On 12/9/2005 at 9:30pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Matt wrote:
Crud! Yes, Ralph, that SHOULD be:

April 14-16.

moderator luke: fixed.

Message 17885#189909

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On 12/10/2005 at 3:03pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006


I'll have to ask my fiance (who will be my wife by that point) if I'll be able to attend.  What would make it easier for me to convince her is if we set aside some specific time to playtest games under development.  Either the Sat morning or the Sat evening session I would like to see everyone who has a play-testable set of rules for a game they are working on run a session or two.  This way, we get can all give real-time face-to-face feedback on all the games coming down the pipeline.  I imagine that'll be a major boon for anyone planning to show up at GenCon this year.  I live in Kentucky, so it's not that far of a jaunt for me, but if specific time is set aside just for playtesting, then it would be easier for me to make a decision to come :)



Message 17885#189970

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On 12/10/2005 at 3:27pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I'm busy March 17-19. I have a wedding to attend in Vegas (that's right---a Vegas Wedding). But I REALLY want to be apart of this. Either the next weekend or the one of the other dates would be fine.

Message 17885#189975

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On 12/10/2005 at 3:32pm, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Wait---you do realize April 14-16 is Easter Weekend, right?

Message 17885#189976

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On 12/10/2005 at 3:48pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Nope, didn't even realize it. I should have thought to check for that. Thanks, Tim. Looks like that weekend is not good. A lot of people get together with their families that weekend -- we certainly do that here.

Let's make the default weekend April 7-9.

Factor that into your feedback.

(I've alerady heard a couple no-gos for April 22-24)

Message 17885#189978

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On 12/10/2005 at 6:02pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Matt wrote: Let's make the default weekend April 7-9.

moderator luke: fixed

Message 17885#189983

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On 12/11/2005 at 12:45pm, Christopher Weeks wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Something to consider is that many, many conference hotels have Easter weekend available when the entire year is booked solid, and/or that weekend can be negotiated for substantial savings.  Don't count it out too early (it wouldn't stop me -- though money might).

Message 17885#190032

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On 12/12/2005 at 3:12am, Derek wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

If it's of interest, there's a con in South Bend, IN April 8-9. I say of interest as a potential conflict or potential use of someone else's organizing. Not sure the website is up to date. Feel free to contact me at with questions about my opinions or contact Matt or Monica from Flames Rising. I know they were there last year.

Not trying to troll, just saw the default date and wanted to mention a potential, but not likely, conflict.

Message 17885#190090

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On 12/14/2005 at 8:57pm, Matt-M-McElroy wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Derek wrote:
If it's of interest, there's a con in South Bend, IN April 8-9. I say of interest as a potential conflict or potential use of someone else's organizing. Not sure the website is up to date. Feel free to contact me at with questions about my opinions or contact Matt or Monica from Flames Rising. I know they were there last year.

Not trying to troll, just saw the default date and wanted to mention a potential, but not likely, conflict.

GameCon South Bend was a lot of fun and was well organized. Plenty of gamers (and some great dealers) were there this past April. We ran quite a few demos and made some great sales.

It would be a shame to miss out on one vent over the other.


Matt M McElroy
"What Are You Afraid Of?"

Message 17885#190563

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On 12/15/2005 at 4:06pm, chris_moore wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I just want to say that this event is a Dream Come True for me and my local gaming group.  If there's anything I can do to help this really happen, please say so. 

I'm excited to find out the finalized dates! 

chris moore

Message 17885#190691

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On 12/15/2005 at 4:48pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Hey Matt,

I'd like to see some designated selling/chitchat times. Even if it's just fifteen minutes each day. "Hey, Steve and I are heading back to Jersey, can you sell me a copy of My Life with Master?" isn't the best timing if I'm in the middle of running or playing a game.


Message 17885#190703

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On 12/15/2005 at 4:58pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I like that idea, Paul. I hoped such interaction would be going on at the meeting, of course, but I think it's a fine idea to schedule it. I'm thinking perhaps 20-30 minute breaks between scheduled sessions. Something like that anyway.

I'll get to work on such a schedule after this week when we nail down time and place. I'll be following Luke's suggestion, generally, and incorporate this idea as well. Of course, I'll open it for comment as I work on it, too.

Message 17885#190704

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On 12/16/2005 at 12:53am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Ok, gang, here's the latest:

First, the "new" default date of April 7-9 has held fast. Few objections exist for that date. Many objections remain for other proposed dates. THUS, APRIL 7-9 WILL BE THE DATE.

Second, I'm still working on the hotel, but I'm looking exclusively at Schaumburg, Illinois at this point.

Third, as of tonight (Thursday, Dec 15), I have a rough tally of about 30 people. About 20-21 of them will require lodging. That means we're looking at a minimum of 3-4 rooms, if we all shared rooms of 4. I suspect, however, that we'll have more rooms than that.

I strongly suspect others will want to participate, but have not yet contacted me. (Please do so! -- private message or email matt (at)

I have the following people as planning to attend (obviously, this does not mean you are REQUIRED to attend):

Julie Stauffer
Ralph Mazza & guest
Brandon Parigo
Bill Cook
Tim Koppang
Keith Senkowski
Jason Blair
Luke Crane
Clinton Nixon
Jared Sorensen
Tim Klineart
Ron Edwards (he's been in Germany this week, but I assume he'll come, barring conflicts of course)
Ed Heil
Joe Porrett
Jae Walker
Paul Tevis
Chris Moore

I have the following people as MAYBE attending (some -- like Paul -- haven't said so outright, but I guessed they will try because they responded to this thread):

Paul Czege and Danielle
Mike Holmes
James Brown
Matt McElroy
Monica Valentinelli
Ben Lehman
Matt Wilson
Andy Kitowski
Ivan Ewert

I will try to finalize the hotel location tomorrow, and rates will follow shortly thereafter. I'm hoping we'll be able to negotiate some on the meeting room or group rates still.

Message 17885#190796

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On 12/16/2005 at 6:10am, Justin A Hamilton wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I am definetely down to come, donate, and help out any way possible, as long as there is not some sort of maximum attendant capacity, or something of that sort.

Message 17885#190822

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On 1/4/2006 at 3:41am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I have more information about the Forge get-together in April.

Currently, I'm looking at the Radisson in Schaumburg, Illinois. Rates are $89 per night for typical hotel rooms (I'm hoping a slightly lower price around $81 might be available). The place offers no larger suites, unfortunatley, though I think there may be a honeymoon suite type room or two.

Also, they offer several meeting rooms that would be suitable for our estimated size. They have quoted me $325 for a 750 square-foot room (I'm looking at the Woodfield room). We would have it from early Saturday through Sunday at noon at that price. The room can hold 60 people seated at round tables. However, I presume there will be fewer of us with tables spaced more widely apart. I'm betting 60 people in the room is a close-quarters fit. I think this is a fair rate, and we can easily pay for it with $10-$20 chipping in for the room from everyone, perhaps less with sponsors (and I have been approached about that happening).

There are, however, several rules that I do not like.

First is ZERO outside food or drink. Not even snacks. They say it's a liability thing, I say it's a "buy our catering services and restaurant food" thing. Either way, bleah. Beverages or other refreshments are likely to be expensive.

Second, from what I can tell remotely, the hotel is not as nice as I would like, but I'm also trying to balance that with costs.

So, this is the latest information. It is not final, but you can at least see the amenties I'm looking for, and have an idea of the costs involved. If you can find an obviously better hotel for our needs and price range, I'm all ears. It takes time to track these down, and some volunteers with some Internet idle time (ahem!) could help me reduce that time! Chicagoans, even more so!

Selling games at the meet-up

I've talked with Ron, and he's really advocating that publishers offer their games for sale at the meeting. I think it's a good idea. However, I have not really included that in my planning and decisions. So, publishers, what do you need to make this happen? I haven't even started thinking about what might be necessary, and I'm seeking your input. For example, are we required to contact the hotel? Should we? Would there be any fees or legal restrictions? What would you require for display or storage? Would a second/larger room be necessary? What about including, say, artists or folks like Indie Press Revolution (doubt they can attend, just an example). Would such wheeling-dealing be appropriate? Etc. I'm just firing questions from the hip here, but let's get this nailed down quickly, if possible.

To non-publishers, I can't imagine objections to being able to purchase hard-copy games from the actual designers at the meeting, particularly since you're not obligated to buy anything at all. If you see a major problem with this, please contact me.

Message 17885#192509

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On 1/6/2006 at 10:56pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Wow, I am SO glad the voices in my head told me to check the Forge today.

I live down the street from the Rad, so I won't need lodging (which is good since I couldn't afford it), but I will more than happily chip in for the conference room, if that's still needed.

This is so awesome! Maybe I'll finally get a chance to play all the games I've bought from fellow Forgizens over the last 2 years, heh.

Message 17885#192920

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On 1/7/2006 at 3:55am, timfire wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Matt wrote:
I've talked with Ron, and he's really advocating that publishers offer their games for sale at the meeting. I think it's a good idea. However, I have not really included that in my planning and decisions. So, publishers, what do you need to make this happen? ... What would you require for display or storage? Would a second/larger room be necessary? What about including, say, artists or folks like Indie Press Revolution (doubt they can attend, just an example). Would such wheeling-dealing be appropriate? Etc.

I don't think we need a second room. We won't be moving as much stock as GenCon, so storage space probably won't be a huge deal. Unless we're packed wall to wall, we can probably just throw a couple boxes in the corner. Worst comes to worst, stock can be kept in people's rooms.

A couple tables for displaying books might be nice, as well as some space for hanging up our posters or whatnot, like we did at GenCon.

Message 17885#192944

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On 1/16/2006 at 7:38pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Is this event now solid enough that I can book my flight?  I'm booking on plan miles, so need to book soon, or my options disappear.  Once I book, I'm stuck with the dates and times.  No refunds or changes on free flight.

Regarding space for sales, I would think a couple of tables should be enough - that's about what the actual selling space at Gencon takes up, and obviously we won't move as much stock, so will have less stock present.  We may need a little more space because it'll be more swap-meet like without the central cash point.  And it will make everyone's life easier if someone volunteers to hit a bank and get a bunch of ones and fives.  (That someone will not be me: I'll be buying whatever US cash I get before I come down, and they won't stock the small stuff.)



Message 17885#193829

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On 1/16/2006 at 9:19pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

James, YES, this date is solid. The date absolutley will be April 7-9.

I'm reasonably certain we're sticking with the Radisson as well. I've found a couple alternatives with suites, but they are significantly more expensive and their meeting space is unviewable online (specifically I'm looking at AmeriSuites Schaumburg).

Some have indicated they'd like the hotel to be elsewhere, but no one has yet specified a hotel. Without such a specific recommendation, the Radisson will stand as the place. And, frankly, time is running out. I'll give it about the remainder of this week.

Message 17885#193845

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On 1/17/2006 at 3:10am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Hey Matt,

I've talked with Ron, and he's really advocating that publishers offer their games for sale at the meeting. I think it's a good idea.

I think you just need to designate a couple of gathering times for cash sales. The objective wouldn't be to facilitate sales, because we all know that sales are going to take place, but to formalize sales, so everyone knows when the social circumstances allow you to interrupt conversations for selling and buying, and when you can best expect a designer to be prepared with his receipt book or whatever.


Message 17885#193877

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On 1/17/2006 at 7:15pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I would actually recommend against any kind of formalized or semi formalized (or even acknowledged) sales function.

Not only does the idea of organized sales immediately run into potential difficulty with hotel policy (it is unlikely that a normal conference room reservation includes the right to engage in commerce on the premises) but also calls into question all sorts of issues of collecting Illinois state sales tax.

If someone surrepticiously slips someone else a few bucks and walks out with a book that's one thing.  But I think any kind of encouragement of this is really putting those who are paying for the space at risk.  That's not even getting into any quirky local municipal laws regarding vendors or sales licenses.

Personally, I'm showing up to play cool games and have cool conversations with cool people.  Sales...feh...order it from each other's websites afterwards IMO. 

Message 17885#193921

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On 1/17/2006 at 7:59pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006


You probably know more about this sort of thing than I do, Ralph, but I kinda look at it like a yard sale.  Everyone is selling items that belong to them to private citizens.  As long as the sales totals don't reach a high ammount, I don't see much difference.  I definately concede that I am ignorant of all the legal mumbo-jumbo of such things.



Message 17885#193930

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On 1/18/2006 at 6:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006


I was really wrestling with those issues too, Ralph. At this late date, and since the IL sales-tax thing really does seem insurmountable, maybe the sales-function has to get jettisoned. Damn it, that makes my capitalist heart seize right up. Perhaps a "sales-fest" activity during the weekend using laptops, at dinner? Or something like that?


Message 17885#194055

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On 1/18/2006 at 6:38pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Guys, agreed. I was worried about similar issues Ralph mentioned, especially sales tax and hotel "ok." I think it's worth inquiring with some other con organizers how they handle smaller hotel cons and vendor sales.

Ron, can you explain what you mean by the sales-fest activity? I'm not getting it.

Message 17885#194058

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On 1/18/2006 at 7:17pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Illinois isn't going to go chasing down private citizens, especially ones from other states or other countries for a couple % that those individuals will then be able to recover via bureacracy anyway.  Especially since, even with runaway sales, like everyone there buys two, we're talking like, 10-20 bucks from any given individual.

I dunno, maybe you guys have to be paranoid with lawsuits and stuff down there, but I really don't see what the big deal is with having a table with books on it, and an hour or two when the designers agree to stand nearby and take money.


Message 17885#194066

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On 1/19/2006 at 7:57pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

If that activity was happening in your own house...none whatsoever.

If that activity is happening on hotel property in a room contracted for a different purpose would all depend on how much of a hard ass the hotel wanted to be about it.  Possible reactions from the hotel staff could range anywhere from completely ignoring it, to politely asking us to stop, to kicking everyone out and not refunding the money, to actually turning the room owner in to the department of revenue.  Why would the hotel take the more extreme action...simple...because if they don't they've technically become a party to conspiracy to commit tax evasion and the penalties for that are far in excess to whatever minimal dollar amounts actually changed hands.  An easy going hotel manager may shrug and say "big deal".  A hard ass hotel manager on the other hand could be a real prick about it.

Could you organize a dozen of these things, have a blatant sales table and never have the hotels bat an eye...sure, I bet it happens all the time.  Same as you could find auto mechanics willing to pass your car's inspection even when they shouldn't, or CPAs willing to stretch the definition of an allowable tax deduction.  But why bother taking the risk.  90% of the games that would be for sale are for sale at a website that takes paypal anyway. 

Message 17885#194236

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...from around 1/19/2006

On 1/19/2006 at 9:41pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Well, here's what I'm thinking. Maybe at designated times, we could set up laptops for people to buy the games through the regular websites, in a sort of group frenzy of click-and-pay. Nothing really different from them doing it on their own, with their own computers, but it might have a nice "play then buy" and group-reinforcement feel.

That way no one is acting as a retail outlet, as no actual stock is changing hands. I'll check with a lawyer to see how kosher this is, and whether the hotel or the state would call this "sales."

James, although I agree the risk is minimal, it's also good to stay squeaky-clean when possible. When not possible, you'll see some bending and civil disobedience from me, you bet, but speaking as Adept Press, I always try to play well within the rules as much as I can.


Message 17885#194253

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On 1/19/2006 at 11:04pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

This is some serious bullshit.

If you want to buy someone's game, you get their contact info. Or you google the designer's name or company and order it online. Or you know, use your brain. For the people who want to sell games, it's far easier to email a PDF or send a few books media mail than to lug a dozen or two (or three?) to Illinois. GenCon is the place for The Forge's frantic, sweaty brand of free enterprise. I'd like to avoid seeing the gamer equivalent of drug dealing or a general flea-market atmosphere.

I just want to get together with friends I usually only see once or twice a year, hang out and play some good games.

Message 17885#194273

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On 1/31/2006 at 8:47pm, chris_moore wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I'm looking forward to the Forge Midwest event.  Is it still happening?  Is there any way to "register", pay, etc.?  My apologies if I've missed something, or if my questions aren't appropriate in this thread...just curious about the event's status.

chris moore

Message 17885#195632

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On 1/31/2006 at 8:54pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Chris, it is indeed still on! I will make the official thread/announcement tomorrow, Feb. 1.

I do not plan on having any kind of registration or pre-payment. I'm looking at a "fee" (to help pay for the meeting room -- you'll be on your own for accomodations) of $10-$20 per person.

Message 17885#195634

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On 1/31/2006 at 10:28pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

What about nonForgizens? Is this event open to anybody? I was hoping to drag some of my recalcitrant gamer friends, and maybe some nongamer friends, and use this as a crucible to convert them into indie gamers extraordinaire. Or something like that. Is that feasible, or should I just keep it to myself? Is the fee going to be at the door? Should I tell them to bring cash if they come?

what's the dillio?

Message 17885#195641

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On 1/31/2006 at 11:08pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Patience! All will be revealed ...

(Oh, and sure, they can come. If you gonna bring a whole troupe of 12 people or something, let me know. We do only have one meeting room, and if more are coming, we'll need to accomodate. But this isn't gathering meant to exclude people.)

Message 17885#195650

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On 2/1/2006 at 2:53pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Hey Matt,

Any chance the hotel would set the meeting room up with enclaves of comfy chairs, loveseats, and end tables, rather than dining tables?


Message 17885#195734

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...started by Paul Czege which Paul Czege participated Conventions
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On 2/1/2006 at 5:25pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I can always ask! I'm waiting to hear back from them today, and will call during lunchtime if I don't.

Message 17885#195771

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On 2/1/2006 at 9:19pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006


I guess it pays to wait. I just got off the phone with the woman at the Radisson. She just quoted me a meeting room rate of $125 / day, so $250 for ALL DAY (and night) Sat and thru checkout time Sunday (basically, a morning session). I had expected to pay $350 for the same time/space.

She also just quoted me a group rate of $72/room. This is much less expensive than my orginal query, and seems to me an extraordinary deal. (So much so I'm going to recall them to make clear the room is correct. Hell, at this rate, maybe two rooms is in order!)

So, last round of questions before I finalize (they are emailing me an agreement and a beverage menu): Does anyone want coffee and softdrinks provided by the hotel? Remember: We aren't allowed any outside food or drink.

Message 17885#195815

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On 2/1/2006 at 9:23pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006



Message 17885#195818

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On 2/1/2006 at 10:00pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Bottled water would be nice.

Message 17885#195827

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On 2/1/2006 at 11:25pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

If I can make it, and I'm going to try, it would be nice to be able to have drinks, possibly some snacky food as well if that's feasible/reasonable financially. By drinks I mean a full cash bar, of course...*ahem*...actually I mean cola and juice. That would be a good thing.

Message 17885#195832

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On 2/3/2006 at 7:55pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Gang, I know I said I'd be posting a new "official" thread on Feb. 1. I haven't forgotten -- I'm just still working through the details with the hotel at this point, and they  haven't responded to my last questions. Details soon!

I can say that they have quoted me rates of $79/night for the hotel. I'll let you know when you should call the hotel to make reservations for that rate.

Message 17885#196086

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...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated Conventions
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...from around 2/3/2006

On 2/6/2006 at 1:23am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Hi Matt,

With those amazingly low prices, I think we can get ambitious with the snacks and drinks. Meals will probably do best with people leaving the hotel and hitting a nearby restaraunt, or eating their own stuff on their own, but a constant supply of coffee, soda, and water, as well as the conference-style bagel & fruit spread, seems absolutely called for.

Adept Press would not mind donating a substantial sum toward that end.


Message 17885#196243

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...started by Ron Edwards which Ron Edwards participated Conventions
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...from around 2/6/2006

On 2/6/2006 at 1:50am, GregStolze wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Is it too late for me to get in on this?  I don't know how much attendence I'd be able to swing (babysitting, etc.) but Rosemont and Schaumburg are close enough I could commute.


Message 17885#196245

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On 2/6/2006 at 4:45pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Not at all, Greg. Hope to see you there! I thought you were in the neighborhood, loosely speaking.

Message 17885#196315

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On 2/6/2006 at 6:49pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Ron & everyone:

If we're looking at refreshments, the best option seems to be "The Schuamburg Break," which includes: Cookies, & brownies, assorted soft drinks, bottled water, coffee & assorted teas. It's $7.95 per person. I have a VERY loose estimate/guess of around 30 people.

Keep in mind, however, that I read this as something delivered at a certain time (say, after lunch time) and then left for us. It's not necessarily there for us all day at all times, for example. And, it would only be on Saturday. (Whereas, I plan on renting the room on Sunday as well for some morning/pre-lunch play or discussion).

View the room floorplan online (it's the Illinois Room).

Message 17885#196336

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...started by Matt Snyder which Matt Snyder participated Conventions
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...from around 2/6/2006

On 2/6/2006 at 8:37pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

I will kill for coffee in the room.

Having attended many many hotel conferencey dealies, odds are it will be delvered when we request it (mid morning, afternoon, in the room when it opens in the morning, whatever), the coffee and tea will refill all day, but may require hunting down staff to do so, the bottled water and soft drinks will last most of the day, depending on the crowd, and the food part will be gone shortly after it arrives, except for one or two oddball things that nobody wants to eat.

Given that $7.95 is what, a coffee and a half at the local high-priced coffee bar? - I'd say go for it, especially given the rates of rooms.


Message 17885#196357

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On 2/6/2006 at 11:15pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

"The Schaumburg Break" gets my vote. We can talk about details over the phone.


Message 17885#196366

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On 2/7/2006 at 6:01pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Sounds good, Ron.

Folks, I almost have all details finalized. I will post those details very soon.

Word of warning: I will now require more accurate head counts. This means I'll likely be setting up some kind of "official" registration, even if it's just via email to me.

That MAY also include paying to register; my personal bank account is on the line for this one. Again, I'll let you know as soon as possible.

Message 17885#196444

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...from around 2/7/2006

On 2/9/2006 at 8:52pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Ok, everything is set up with the hotel for April 7-9. We have the Illinois room reserved for all day Saturday (thru at least midnight!) and part of the day on Sunday.

However, the only trick is that we'll need a much more reliable head count for this event. Does anyone have any ideas for how to do this?

Here's the trick. We need a headcount, so that we can THEN figure out how much everyone will owe for the meeting room rental, and so we can tell the hotel a number for refreshments. WE WILL GET PENALIZED if that number changes by 15%, for example.

So, step 1: Get everyone registered with a fairly reliable head count.

Step 2: Figure out the total costs with that head count and get people a very specific dollar amount for the event. I'm estimating roughly 30 people, which might put each person's cost at about $16.00 each.

Anyone have ideas (and when I say anyone, I mean Clinton.), like maybe an online form we can use? Failing that, emails to me by a certain date will be the plan.

Message 17885#196640

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On 2/9/2006 at 9:58pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Here ya go:

Message 17885#196644

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On 2/9/2006 at 10:09pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Derrr...helps if I explain.

The above link is to an Evite invitation. Login to add yourself to the merry band of miscreants I hastily assembled. We can chart yes/no/maybe responses, add polls and even do online payments for the room and refraysh-ments. Whee!

- J

Message 17885#196645

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On 2/10/2006 at 2:40am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Okay, I signed up, but before I go sending that link to my friends, I need to know how non-Forgizen-friendly this event is. I was planning to invite something like, oh, a shitload of people. Most of them probably won't go. But if they do, I don't want them to end up feeling lost and left out.

So if this is pretty much a Forge-only thing, that's fine, just let me know and I'll just invite maybe a couple people.


Message 17885#196662

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On 2/14/2006 at 8:36pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Nev wrote:
So if this is pretty much a Forge-only thing, that's fine, just let me know and I'll just invite maybe a couple people.


I have no idea what a "Forge-only thing" would be, anyway, so invite away. Basically, I posted notice here and on my blog and said "If you're reading this, you're invited." So, I can hardly turn people out!

The only catch is that they MUST affirm via that Evite! link, which is our "official" registration for the event. I gotta have names and a total headcount at least one week before the gathering.

Message 17885#197085

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On 2/14/2006 at 10:04pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest gathering, March 2006

Word. I'm on it.

Message 17885#197099

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