Topic: I take a step into the blogosphere
Started by: Vaxalon
Started on: 12/6/2005
Board: Connections
On 12/6/2005 at 12:52am, Vaxalon wrote:
I take a step into the blogosphere
I've had a LJ account for a long time, but only used it to comment on other people's journals.
Now I've found something to use it for.
I'm going to use it to record interesting conversations from IRC that I think come up with useful stuff, to preserve them. Too much good stuff from IRC gets lost.
On 12/8/2005 at 6:49pm, M. J. Young wrote:
Re: I take a step into the blogosphere
It sounds good, Fred.
I, too, recently broke down and started a blog; it's about a week old. It's at Gaming Outpost, which recently installed blog software as part of its redesign efforts, and is entitled Blogless Lepolt (it's a terrible pun, really). My intention really is something like one of those game design series, in which I'm chronicling the progress on the various projects I'm trying to finish. I don't really anticipate it becoming terribly interesting, although some people have already taken a fascination with the tortuous experience I'm having trying to do maps for a really weird unconventional world. (I'm also having some problems with the internal links, but I figure that's because they still have to debug a few parts of the software.)
So I'm not anticipating any rush to read my nonsense, as it's really only interesting to people who want to know what's holding up The Third Book of Worlds or the next novel or stuff like that. But it is there.
--M. J. Young