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Topic: Pandemonium in Toronto
Started by: Hans
Started on: 12/8/2005
Board: Muse of Fire Games

On 12/8/2005 at 3:32pm, Hans wrote:
Pandemonium in Toronto

Hello again:

The Ontario Indie-RPG group (found at is working on a plan to put forward a presence at the Pandemonium convention in Toronto in February (  The URL currently has little detail, unfortunately.  There is an infant thread regarding this here on the Forge; see the conventions area.

My intent is to try to organize a table of Capes at the convention.  Capes is the game I have the most experience with, which is damning with seriously faint praise.  But if I were a hero in a tragedy, my tragic flaw would definitely be overconfidence. 

My questions are as follows:

* To TonyLB: Do you have any problems with me trying to do this?  Do you want any input on how it goes, so that your game is seen in the best light?  Do you have any promotional materials or other type stuff that you would want me to use to get you some more sales (assuming I do a good job and convince people it is the Gutenberg Bible of roleplaying games)? :)

* To others who have used Capes in a convention setting: Any pointers on the best way to do a table of Capes at a convention?  Is there someone more experienced with Capes who would enjoy some time with Toronto's gamers who could do a much better job than I could, with me being assistant?

* To all: Who wants to drive to Toronto and enjoy Capes?!  Give me a shout out.  I'm hoping to convince at least one friend of mine in Indianapolis to make the long drive up here for it.  I did it for GenCon, he should return the favour. :)

That is all.


Message 17935#189599

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...from around 12/8/2005

On 12/12/2005 at 1:13am, epweissengruber wrote:
Re: Pandemonium in Toronto

Hey Hans -- we could have used you today to show us how to play the dang thing!

The Flash demo really helps prepare players.

But keeping all the resources straight and remembering who staked what when and what the payback will be are still unclear.

In any case, I will be in touch with you to firm up your commitment to Panda.

The Indie-RPG track looks to be pretty solid so far.

Message 17935#190075

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On 12/12/2005 at 1:19am, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Pandemonium in Toronto

Hans wrote:
* To TonyLB: Do you have any problems with me trying to do this?

You gotta be kidding me, right?  No, no problems with you volunteering to show off my game.  What can I provide you?

Do you want any input on how it goes, so that your game is seen in the best light?  Do you have any promotional materials or other type stuff that you would want me to use to get you some more sales (assuming I do a good job and convince people it is the Gutenberg Bible of roleplaying games)? :)

In all honesty, your enthusiasm is going to be the biggest selling feature, so I'm very leery of doing anything that might get in the way of that.  I can connect together the material I use to do 10-minute demoes, if that's a format you'll want to have access to, but otherwise I recommend just getting together to play.  I personally use kooshes (turn order, page-leadoff order) and the wedges from trivial pursuit (claiming conflicts) as memory-aids to keep track of who did what where, but that's simply a matter of what I had lying around the house the day before my first convention, so anything you want to use will work just as well.

By February I may have had promotional post-cards printed.  If so I'll package a hundred or so and get them out to you.  Ping me about it again when the date gets closer, okay?

Message 17935#190076

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On 12/12/2005 at 2:02pm, Hans wrote:
RE: Re: Pandemonium in Toronto

Once I know more fully how the plans are shaping up, I will let you know about the 10 minute demos.  That depends a lot on what kind of presence we are able to put together.  My suspicion is that we will have a single table, shared throughout the con, with various South Ontario people like Erik, Mark, Chris and myself taking it in turns in 4 hour blocks with different games, but there may be an opportunity on the side for the demos.  As to the postcards, I will definitely get you an address to send them to when the time gets nearer and plans firm up. 

Message 17935#190137

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On 2/13/2006 at 2:29pm, Hans wrote:
RE: Re: Pandemonium in Toronto

Well, its mostly official.  There will be Capes in Toronto at Pandemonium from 2 to 6 PM at the Indy games table.  Hopefully the new schedule will appear on the Panda web site  So, if you live anywhere within driving distance of Toronto, and would like to play Capes with me and some other fun people, come on down!  There are a bunch of other indy games on the menu as well, including Donjon, DiTV, Puppetland, etc.

Hope to see you there!


Message 17935#196923

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...from around 2/13/2006

On 2/20/2006 at 12:41am, epweissengruber wrote:
RE: Re: Pandemonium in Toronto

I have set up an actual play discussion on our website.  I am not sure if we will get many contributions but interested parties can check it out.

Message 17935#197709

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On 2/20/2006 at 8:48pm, Hans wrote:
RE: Re: Pandemonium in Toronto

epweissengruber wrote:
I have set up an actual play discussion on our website.  I am not sure if we will get many contributions but interested parties can check it out.

I posted a long Actual Play/Observations thing about Capes at Pandemonium at the above location, no way I will repeat it here.  But suffice it to say that I had enough demand for it to not only do a pick up session for four hours in the morning, but also have TWO tables (11 people) playing it in the afternoon.  GAH!  I hope at least some of it translates into money in your pocket, Tony.


Message 17935#197798

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...including keyword:

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...from around 2/20/2006