Topic: Rats in the Walls PbP game - Playtesters needed!
Started by: Wolfen
Started on: 12/12/2005
Board: Connections
On 12/12/2005 at 6:26pm, Wolfen wrote:
Rats in the Walls PbP game - Playtesters needed!
I’m seeking playtesters for a Play-by-Post game of Rats in the Walls. The game will be run by Alexander Cherry of Twisted Confessions, and will take place on my message boards at:
Further information including a brief description of the game, current Version revisions, and the OOC discussion thread for the PbP game can be found at the above link. At current, we have Alex GMing, and myself and possibly one other person playing, so we’re looking for maybe 2-3 more people to play.
We are planning on organizing a group chargen session, probably on IRC in the Indie-Netgaming channels, though the specifics will be posted once we’ve got an idea of player availability.
For those not aware, Rats in the Walls was an entry in the inaugural Ronnies contest. Notes on previous playtests can be found at the following Actual Play links.
Playtest 1:
Playtest 2:
The game itself can be found at
If you are interested in playing, send me a PM via the Forge, e-mail me at or leave a message in the Rats in the Walls forum.
Forge Reference Links:
Topic 16876
Topic 17262