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Topic: {Cycle} Mini RPG Actual play experience
Started by: MrUniverse
Started on: 12/13/2005
Board: Actual Play

On 12/13/2005 at 8:04pm, MrUniverse wrote:
{Cycle} Mini RPG Actual play experience

My group gathered together at around 7 to give cycle a try.  We're a
small group since katrina came, only 3.  I wanted to try cycle my
compatriots had no compunctions as we had nothing else planned (we
can't normally game on sundays).
I printed out the game and handed it ( all five pages) first to the
man who would be GMing, and when he was done with it to my fellow
player.  It should be noted that the entire roleplaying experience of
the other players lies in Exalted and he was taken aback by the small
size of the game document.
The first problem we came across was too much overlap in the stats.  I
was bothered by social and speech being seperate and wasn't too happy
with love being a stat.  We came to the agreement that the way in
which you described a social action requiring a roll would determine
whether you rolled speech or social.  I played an older sifu type
character with high scores in intuition and spirituality low scores in
several other abilities a zero in physical and a negative in
sexuality.  Our other player made a brash grasshopper type with a high
score in physical and several low and negative scores elsewhere ( I
don't really remember his stats that clearly except physical which was
a five). Its probably important to note here that in rereading I noticed a reroll
that we had previously overlooked. 
We started off in Tibet being told by our superior that there was a
chi imbalance in Korea being caused by a Drove possessed gaijin.  The
master of our monastery didn't have very good information due (we
assumed) to infighting among the brothers. Upon arriving at our
destination we were attacked by a large group of urban primitives.  My major qualm with the combat system would not rear its head in this combat as in our games we rarely keep track of damage on Fodder ™.  We got to show off our skills for a while taking out many of the Drove maddened people.  As we were on the verge of being overcome by sheer numbers we were saved by a masked woman who jumped from a building and cleared us a path out before disappearing over a roof top. 
When we couldn’t successfully chase her, we began asking around town about urban gangs and masked women. 
We played through several amusing scenes with a police officer, a waitress, and finally a fruit stand vendor who seemed to know something about the masked woman.  The vendor told us that we may be able to find her in a dojang on the outskirts of town called the Feather and Claw.  The other character went in posing as a new possible student, the woman was nowhere to be found, he did notice some of the senior instructors practicing secret brotherhood techniques though.
The two of us came back the next day and found that the headmaster of the Feather and Claw was a woman named Li Suong and she would be around for class shortly.  We waited and asked to speak with her after class.  We revealed that we were members of the brotherhood, at which point she started to get nervous.  When we explained what had heard she confessed to being an ex-member of the brotherhood who was now making a name for herself using brotherhood techniques.  Grasshopper wanted to challenge her to a fight, but I thought dealing with the Drove infestation was more important, and an ally would help.  There was very little rules play throughout this section mainly dealt with by roleplaying.  She had followed the urban primitives to a shrine in one the cities parks, they seemed to be laired there, but she considered it too dangerous to fight them on her own.  Grasshopper and I suggested we meet at the park entrance later that night and make a go at it together. 
Of course she doesn’t arrive for our rendezvous and after a while we here a woman’s voice scream from further inside the park.  Running to investigate we came across a shrine which was glowing a soft but steadily increasing purple.  A group of primitives charged us but I succeeded at an extreme roll to exorcise the drove from all of them simultaneously.  We went into the shrine and Li Seong was dead on an altar and a Scotsman standing over her with knife in hand was apparently the source of the shrine’s glow.  Here we as a group improvised some damage rules , pretty much given as chakra penalties in the stat used to battle.  The Scotsman began channeling several other chakras into his physical chakra (third eye roll to recognize this successful) I ran up and attacked him in his groin to block this from going further.  (Physical attack roll success Scotsman did not block).  The fluidness of the combat system really came out well here in the way that the Scotsmonster, Grasshopper, and myself interacted, describing things based off of the last action changing it up a bit.  I was very happy with that aspect.  The game needs an actual damage system, maybe not for all fights just the important ones.  Eventually I was suplexed into the ground and had my physical chakra hit -1.  I was dead but grasshopper finished the job and destroyed the altar.    Leaving town he stopped by the Feather and Claw to bring the Brotherhood rogue’s students to justice but found it abandoned. 
I over all enjoyed the game as did my DM.  Grasshopper wanted more rules.  I enjoyed it and shall probably play again. 

Message 18005#190359

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