The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Offering opportunities to spread the word about your game.
Started by: Diabolik
Started on: 12/18/2005
Board: Connections

On 12/18/2005 at 11:06am, Diabolik wrote:
Offering opportunities to spread the word about your game.

I would like to offer the ability to have my staff and I review your game, any game, and give our honest opinion of that game. Let me explain a little better.

I am a part of a burgeoning news and review  Podcast/Video Podcast website. We have an ever increasing listening audience and we are expanding our coverage of games that are outside of the video game industry. We are going to be covering Dreamation 2006 in New Jersey and we are always looking for new games to cover. Our staff consists of various experience levels of Pen & Paper and CCG so we can give different points of view on your game.

If you are interested in gaining any coverage of your game please contact me at and we can make arrangements.

Thank you and have a Perfect Day.

Message 18050#191039

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On 1/12/2006 at 6:14pm, Diabolik wrote:
Re: Offering opportunities to spread the word about your game.

Hi everyone. I wanted to thank all of the people who contacted me and showed interest in having their game spotlighted on our PodCast. I wanted to give everyone the opportunity to check out the first review we did, which is for Allan Dotson's THE BIG NIGHT. You can link to it at and click the Show Listings link. It is listed under FlashCast No. 25. Thanks for the interest and if anyone else is interested in having us cover your game, please contact me at

Thank you and Everyone Have a Perfect Day!

Eric "Diabolik" Goodhart
Co-Host/News Correspondent/Game Reviewer
Perfect Score Productions

Message 18050#193521

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...including keyword:

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...from around 1/12/2006