The Forge Reference Project


Topic: deviantART really paid off
Started by: darrick
Started on: 12/22/2005
Board: Publishing

On 12/22/2005 at 12:17am, darrick wrote:
deviantART really paid off

hey, what's up?  it's darrick.  a couple months ago i posted something about the second edition for Empire of Satanis.  i was looking for art, writing help, general feedback, etc. 

well, the art search was hot (everything else was luke warm) and i found a lot of really good art to use.  i was purposefully seeking artists who were just starting out and looking to get their name out there or just some recognition.  especially since i don't take any royalty or profit from my books.  if i intended to make $$$, i'd feel obligated to pay the artists.  everyone that i found, i found through  so i highly recommend using that site in one's art search for their rpg or whatever. 

i also put up a new Satanis Unbound announcement:
  looking for assistance, added new website stuff in general, including a book of poetry and short prose which *somewhat* ties into the whole Satanis mythos.  since letting people know about Alien Demons, Swords and Magic; there has been some cross pollination in sales.  i don't know how many others have also published fiction to go with their rpg world and what results that brought?  but i'd like to hear about it. 


Message 18099#191485

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On 12/23/2005 at 1:55pm, Jasper wrote:
Re: deviantART really paid off

Hey, Darrick

So you'll be using art that someone had already created, but which happened to fit EoS? Sounds like a good (and cheap) solution. What was the process? You just sent an email to an artist whose work you wanted to use, told them about EoS, and asked whehter you could use some of their pieces?

Message 18099#191683

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On 12/23/2005 at 9:39pm, joepub wrote:
RE: Re: deviantART really paid off

Very nice - I went through the same process getting the artwork for the Point of Collapse rules.

I found art that fit, and emailed the artist asking for permissions.
Here's the email I sent to one of the artists, Joe Slucher (who was great to work with and has some amazing art!):

Hey, Joe...

I am currently doing a PBP RPG set in near future (2087).

The game involves psionics, and I am wondering if I could use this image:

I am creating a free game, with a downloadable rules book, so payment is hard to drum up. However, I am only asking use of an already illustrated piece.

I would prominantly display your website address with the image, as well as thanking you in the credits for the game.

Is this a possibility?

He replied with a yes,

An interesting choice for a game set in the future. :) . What's the name of your game? As long as the game remains free and you show my web address you may use the image. I'm glad you like the image.

Simple as that. Out of the 5 artists I've contacted, I got 3 yes's, one no, and one who has yet to confirm.

Message 18099#191720

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...from around 12/23/2005