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Topic: Gaterunners: Stuff about the plot.
Started by: Starblade
Started on: 12/29/2005
Board: Indie Game Design

On 12/29/2005 at 5:46am, Starblade wrote:
Gaterunners: Stuff about the plot.

I had another forum over in case people want to discuss more than this forum will allow. It's over at if you want to see it. Basically, it's the game I was talking about in the thread titled "My new game." except this time I've posted something in the title about the name of the project, which I believe helps.

I hope it's okay for me to post this. Like, it's not against the rules or anything. I know nobody wants to go to a link, so I'll describe the game here.

There are six planets, not in the same system, but in the same star cluster. Each of them has sentient life on it. There is a nexus, also in the star cluster. There is an artificial intelligence program left behind here. There was an assembly of races known as the ancients to the life forms and te AI program. These ancients may very well have influenced the life forms, but how? Finding out is but part of the story. There is also the ebb and the flow to worry about, and the new technologies of the life forms, which when combined with the existing magic, the ebb and flow problem, and the fact that the gates are open, spell only disaster. Then, of course, there is the ancients, and that strange AI program. What will you do in response to all this? Will you try to learn more about the ancients, or try to balance the ebb and flow? Will you work with the forces of change on the planets, or against it? It's all up to you to make the right choices. Who knows what the ancients will think of it when, and if, they ever come back?

Sound good?

Message 18142#191982

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...started by Starblade which Starblade participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 12/29/2005

On 1/5/2006 at 10:29pm, Starblade wrote:
Re: Gaterunners: Stuff about the plot.

Okay. Here's my original ideas for the races. It's taken word for word from my post on the other message board.

The Armadillos are immune to poisons, cannot be flanked very easily, if at all, and live in an extremely hot world. Their culture is akin to the middle eastern cultures.

The Otters are swimmers and live in a moderately hot world. Their culture is akin to african cultures.

The Monkeys are very acrobatic and live in a somewhat warm world. Their culture is akin to the japanese cultures.

The Lizards are very strong and have lots of stamina, and live in a somewhat cool world. Their culture is akin to celtic cultures.

The Birds are capable of engaging in flight, and live in a moderately cold world. Their culture is akin to the mediterranean cultures.

The Gargoyles have dark vision, and are climbers and gliders, and live in an extremely cold world. Their culture is akin to asian barbarian cultures.

However, Joe made some very good contributions. Unfortunately they conflict with what is here. If you'd like me to explain the worlds more, I will.

Message 18142#192775

Previous & subsequent topics...
...started by Starblade which Starblade participated Indie Game Design
...including keyword:

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...from around 1/5/2006