The Forge Reference Project


Topic: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?
Started by: foucalt
Started on: 12/29/2005
Board: Universalis

On 12/29/2005 at 4:50pm, foucalt wrote:
How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Bear with me here. I'm looking for a copy. Willing to pay a reasonable amount for it. It just doesn't actually seem to be possible. Here's what I've tried:

Key20 Direct: It isn't there. I looked by publisher, scrolled through all RPGs, and tried following the direct link from the game's site. I left a message on their voice mail, maybe this will result in a call back.
There are a few retailers listed on the site, I tried all of them in the US:
Pandemonium Books, MA - are out of it, don't know when or if they'll have more
Oddysey Games, NY - are out of it, theorize that they could convince Key20 to send them a copy
Last Castle Games - the number listed on site is disconnected
Games Plus, IL - Out of it, didn't seem to know if/when there would be more in stock
Source Comics & Games - Out of stock

Is there some sort of secret codeword I'm supposed to mention in these conversations? Has some shady cabal of d20-protectionists been buying up all the copies to keep them from distribution?

Message 18145#192002

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On 12/29/2005 at 8:41pm, komradebob wrote:
Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Has some shady cabal of d20-protectionists been buying up all the copies to keep them from distribution?

Yes. I understand Ralph is going to use the profits to buy a tropical island and build a secret base there (hehehehe).

Message 18145#192013

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On 12/29/2005 at 10:24pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Okay, according to the Universalis website, as of mid-May, Key20 had all remaining stock. So if it's not on Key20, I'm guessing it is out of stock, and you'll just have to wait for the next printing. Ralph can chime in if I'm wrong or if he has any further information.

You could try ordering it here or here, but I don't have much confidence that it's in stock, since neither site lists the current inventory.

Message 18145#192020

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On 12/29/2005 at 11:08pm, foucalt wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Update: Jason from Key20 says it's inbetween printings and they out of it until the new printing comes in, probably within a couple of months. After calling all the game stores listed on the site, I decided at last to try my FLGS, which I figured had about a 1% chance of having it. Well - the gods have smiled upon me, and I'm picking up their very last copy tomorrow! Guess what I'll be doing New Years Eve! 

Message 18145#192022

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On 12/29/2005 at 11:44pm, Tony Irwin wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Yay! A happy ending! Remember to tell us all how your first game goes.


Message 18145#192027

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On 1/1/2006 at 6:55am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Yup, Key20 is sold out.

The next printing is currently being edited before being sent to layout.

Given that the bulk of the last sales have been to distributors there should be quite a number of copies floating around with retailers.  It also regularly shows up on online retailer's ebay stores.

Message 18145#192203

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On 1/11/2006 at 11:57pm, xternal wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Supposedly still has copies.  One is in the mail to me.

Message 18145#193427

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On 2/15/2006 at 11:10pm, SirWesley wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

I am having difficulties finding a copy anywhere.  In fact, I thought I found a copy, but after I purchased it the site sat for two weeks, stating, "waiting for product"...  Harrumph!

Will the new edition be out soon?  Please?!

Anxiously awaiting,

Message 18145#197252

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On 2/15/2006 at 11:57pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Heh, thanks for being so eager.

The revised edition is currently in layout.  When that's finished and the final draft is approved it goes to print and from there to

I don't have an exact timeline for that that but within the next 2-3 months is a nice safe estimate.


Message 18145#197256

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On 2/16/2006 at 2:23am, SirWesley wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

"I hate waiting."
Mandy Patinkin,
Princess Bride.

Very well.

Thanks for the quick response.

Message 18145#197276

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On 2/21/2006 at 11:17pm, Aaron Smith wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

[vader] Nooooooooooooooooooo! [/vader]

Well... FOOEY! I finally got my game group together, and as I hoped and prayed the group fell in love with the system. We've had 3 sessions, and if our recorder continues falling in love with the sessions we're definatly going to have a few actual play threads.

But... Now I've got at least 6 other people interested and there's no game for them to buy! [vader]I find your lack of book... disturbing...[/vader]

And I do hate waiting. So... 3 months huh? I hope there's no other delays. I'm actively worried that the group will become discouraged after having only one book between the 7 of us.

Message 18145#197916

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On 4/16/2006 at 6:54am, REkz wrote:
Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis -- Apr 2006?

Uh, why is the Universalis site still wacked when it comes to ordering?

Plz, work WITH me, peoples!



Message 18145#204780

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On 7/14/2006 at 8:28pm, Vaxalon wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Is there a PDF? 

Are there files that could be used to MAKE a PDF?

Can this be made available?

Message 18145#212679

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On 7/21/2006 at 2:36pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Sorry I missed this Fred.

There are no current plans to offer Universalis as a PDF.  That is a possible option for the distant future.

Message 18145#213553

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On 8/31/2006 at 1:11pm, Vaxalon wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Having a PDF available means never having to say you're sorry.

Message 18145#219293

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On 9/12/2006 at 8:07am, REkz wrote:
RE: Re: How exactly does one get a copy of Universalis?

Just got my copy in the mail.  Finally.  HOORAH!!!    :)

Message 18145#220447

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