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Topic: [Innkeep] Character Troubles
Started by: Vibilo
Started on: 1/3/2006
Board: Indie Game Design

On 1/3/2006 at 7:01am, Vibilo wrote:
[Innkeep] Character Troubles

A few months ago I put up my first draft of Innkeep along with some questions I had about the game. Since I don't dedicate much time a week on Innkeep my second draft has been a long time coming. I got a lot of valuable information last time; and I think it helped improve the game significantly.

Get Innkeep Here:
Then Click the link on that site. The file got shut down when I directly linked it last time so it has to be done this way.

With Innkeep I was/am trying to accomplish a quick game that can be played before the main event of a gaming night. My Idea was that the first two people to arrive would begin playing innkeep and as more people arrived they would enter the game as patrons at an Inn. My initial problem with the game was that it had far to much micro-management; players had to keep track of decaying foodstuffs, the positioning of lights in a building, they had to plan out every square foot of the Inn. I have tried to get rid of all of this micromanagement while retaining the freedom to create the inn however the players wish. I also changed from using a percentile system of task resolution to using a dart board (or 1d20 and 1d12 if you dont have a dart board).

The problem now is that the Generosity Rating/GR (How much money a character is willing to spend) and the Enjoyment factor/EF (Increases or Decreases the Enjoyment Rating) no longer fit into the game the way the it originally did. I want to come up with a method of controlling the players spending (by both the innkeeper and the players) in kind of a combative way. The way I imagine this playing out would be something along the lines of:

Player 1 (as Drunken Joe): Iwalk into the Inn with 10 Gold Coins burning a hole in my pocket. Sitting down at the bar next to a woman, I quickly become distrubed by the annoying twang in her voice (This would be a quirk). This puts me in a really bad mood and I decide only to order one drink with my coins. Inkeeper I would like an ale.

Player 2 (as Innkeeper): Sure thing buddy; hey is the lady bothering you?

Player 1: She reminds me of my mother in law when shes had a little bit too much to drink.

Player 2: Well shes a payng customer so I wont make her leave. Howabout I make it up to you with an Ale on the house?

Player 1: That sounds great. The free ale loosens my purse strings and I begin to think that maybe I will spend a little more at this establishment.

While my example is not the greatest in the world I think it at least partially gets the idea accross. Originally EF and GR worked together to accomplish this effect through the way things were arranged in the inn during creation. Now that creation has changed they no longer accomplish this because all those micromanaging effects were removed.

In the end I have these questions regarding Innkeep:
How can I create that combative feel between the Innkeeper and the Patrons?
Does the Dart Board resolution accomplish resolution and add to the feeling of "innynes"?
Should character creation be better controlled?
How do you feel about Inn Creation (Sorry I know this is a bad question but I dont really have any specific questions about it)?
Is micro-management still running rampant in the game?


Message 18207#192396

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