The Forge Reference Project


Topic: titania
Started by: Comte
Started on: 4/9/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 4/9/2002 at 6:52am, Comte wrote:


Introduction: you know when I first read about Titania’s background I thought ooers that’s cool but she seemed to be missing the same evil flair as the other kings. In fact she lacked flair of any sort. This is my attempt to change that. Comments, criticisms, and suggestions are welcome. If you are a member of the mailing list and read this before I changed the playing titaniia section completely. Enjoy.

Titania wasn’t always a creature of darkness. In fact she was one of the purest most beautiful creature on the face of this earth. She loved mankind and was the major force that helped protect them from the evils of the Demangogue and his vile minions. While she fought against the indescribable horrors that kept scraping the edges of our reality, she would do all that she can to fill our lives with wonder, joy and frivolity. The Demangogue, frustrated with his attempts to work his away around Titania finally decided once and for all that he should be rid of the troublesome goddess. So he set in motion the plan to destroy her mind. The one thing that Titania prized over mankind was her undeniable beauty. This was to be her down falling. The Demongogue gathered his dark powers and sent out a mighty curse against Titania so that every time she saw herself she appeared as a terribly deformed hag. This propelled her towards madness. After that it only took a short amount of time before Titania joined sides with the Demagogue and made a king of closet land. The Demagogue still wary of his old enemy gave her, for a kingdom, a blasted land with a castle full of limitless mirrors. In each of these Titania sees her horrible visage painted until she places a child within it’s depths. In her heyday Titania comanded a legion of Nymphs and Faeries that would do her bidding throughout the earth. Together with some of her followers they discovered that the way to show Titania her true form was to have her gaze into the eyes of a child. Hundreds parents willingly gave their children to the faeries so that they may have Titania back, and thus the largest invasion of closet land commenced. The faeries fought bravely against the monsters and after many days and horrendous losses they finally reached Titania’s castle. When the tatterd remains of the group finally reached the castle there were only a handful of faeries left and one lone child. However, it was to late and the sight of her old face in the crying child’s eyes shattered Titania’s last shreds of sanity and in a fury she plucked the child’s eyes out. Devastated by their lost most of the remaining Nymphs and Faeries degenerated into Redcaps and Goblyns, respectively.
Her influence on the world can be felt in two ways. The first of which is her subconsiouse, gee I’m fat and nobody will love me way that is described in the rulebook.
The Second is she despises anyone that reminds her of how beautiful she once was, namely children. Any time you hear of someone deliberately disfiguring their children has felt the cold touch of Titania in their hearts. Her favorite type of person to posses are those certain ugly kids who get picked on in school, or members of our society that are deformed or unpleasant to look upon in some way. She uses these people to make the rest of the world as ugly as them. She’ll also use her Goblyns and Redcaps to steal away beautiful children for her to surround herself with so that she can pretend that she is beautiful once again.

Playing Titania: Well first off it is important to remember that Titania is insane. Rational and reason do not apply to her thought process when she is saying something. Titania doesn’t get angry, it is important to remember that. She is always cold, cool and collected even while she is draining the blood from someone who had the gall to say that she was more beautiful than her. Another thing to remember is that Titania is inherently good, and just because she is utterly insane doesn’t change that. When she possesses someone she usually picks the abused, down trodden, picked on, and disliked. She then gives them the abilities necessary to become loved by everyone. Until someone offends him, then out comes the knife. She doesn’t see as what she is doing as wrong she is just helping out those like herself raise their status the only way she knows how. Of course the particularly beautiful and abusive children get doomed to her tub full of blood. After all sometimes the little blighters need to be handled in a more direct way.

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On 4/13/2002 at 5:48am, Jason L Blair wrote:
RE: titania

Well... I like it, man. It's always good to see people changing things and making the game their own. ;)

Very interesting stuff. Keep it up.

Message 1821#17906

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