The Forge Reference Project


Topic: My Red Cow background material
Started by: Ian Cooper
Started on: 1/4/2006
Board: HeroQuest

On 1/4/2006 at 10:55pm, Ian Cooper wrote:
My Red Cow background material

Hi all,

Apologies for the cross-post on this one, but I suspect there are some folks here who are not on HeroQuest-RPG. I will try and get an Actual Play up on Red Cow's first year in the next couple of weeks.

You can now get hold of the background for my Red Cow material from: or

There are one or two CSS issues in the layout for Firefox so you will find the menu on the right hand side easier to use from IE - for now (I'll fix Firefox as soon as I can).

The main content is in a PDF that you can download from the menu (2.73MB), but there is some additional material on the site. The extra material on the site will grow over time. I'll add a what's new page when that happens.

FYI the Fan Publication Policy work on this was straightforward and painless.


Message 18236#192644

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...started by Ian Cooper which Ian Cooper participated HeroQuest
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...from around 1/4/2006

On 1/19/2006 at 7:00am, Daredevil wrote:
Re: My Red Cow background material

Since nobody has commented, let me just say that your work is very nice indeed. The wealth of information is amazing and I'm sure it will be an immense help to people wishing to use some or all of it for their own campaigns. You've made at least me think of doing an adapted Red Cow campaign.

- Joachim Buchert -

Message 18236#194154

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On 1/21/2006 at 10:45am, Ian Cooper wrote:
RE: Re: My Red Cow background material

Thanks for the feedback.. Appreciated. Glad you enjoyed it.

Message 18236#194401

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...from around 1/21/2006

On 2/3/2006 at 11:40pm, a_verheaghe wrote:
RE: Re: My Red Cow background material

I really appraciate the work that you've done, I'd like to use it. If I can get the rest on board, we'll let you know how our RedCow varies or YRCMV.

Message 18236#196112

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On 2/21/2006 at 3:49pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: My Red Cow background material

Hey Ian,

Just wanted to let you know I'm currently using the Red Cow material myself, although altered to fit the clan we built. In the very first session of play, as time for the annual tribute approached, the players decided they were going to hand over the tribute and then raid it back. The players quickly decided to go on a Heroquest to bring back some raiding magic and to help convince the clan to support them in the endeavor.

Meanwhile, after one of the characters found out from his wife that Estavia was going to be admitted to the Women's Circle (does that mean she qualifies as kin?!) they plan to start a campaign among the men of the clan to convince the women not to go through with it. Meanwhile, they also agreed that one of the characters will try to seduce her and then discredit her before the clan. Whee!

If I get some time, I'll post some more detailed Actual Play. But I just wanted to say thanks!

Message 18236#197857

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On 2/23/2006 at 10:15pm, Ian Cooper wrote:
RE: Re: My Red Cow background material

Thor wrote:
Just wanted to let you know I'm currently using the Red Cow material myself, although altered to fit the clan we built.

I really hoped folks would feel encouraged to own the material and use it as a diveboard for their own Heortling clan games, so I'm really pleased.

Thanks for posting Thor.

Message 18236#198148

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...from around 2/23/2006