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Topic: Free Art for Creative Rpg's
Started by: Hrimnir
Started on: 1/16/2006
Board: Connections

On 1/16/2006 at 9:00pm, Hrimnir wrote:
Free Art for Creative Rpg's

Hello there. Yes I am another random artist looking for "work" so to speak. Now, I am not exactly looking to make money here. I intend on publishing an rpg of my own in the future, something I have (big surprise) been working on for a long, long time. Now, I am not there yet, clearly and being that I am tenaciously stubborn, I may not be for some time yet. For the moment however, I would like to do some artwork for other games. My motivation here is get my work out there were people will see it. I would love to find a game that I can really get behind creatively and hopefully be able to add character to it through my art. I am confident in my ability as an artist at this point and have done a considerable amount of freelance desighn work. This includes everything from tatoo desighns for local parlors to business cards and logos. Anyway, that is clearly not where my passion lies so... Anyone who is interested or curious please say hello and let's see what happens.

Message 18363#193841

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On 1/16/2006 at 9:07pm, Technocrat13 wrote:
Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

Hiya.  Welcome to the Forge.  It's tradition here to use your real first name.  I'm Eric. 

Do you have any samples of your work anywhere for us to check out?

Message 18363#193842

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On 1/16/2006 at 9:15pm, energy wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

Can we see some of your work?

Message 18363#193844

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On 1/16/2006 at 9:34pm, Hrimnir wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

Eric wrote:
Hiya. Welcome to the Forge. It's tradition here to use your real first name. I'm Eric.

Do you have any samples of your work anywhere for us to check out?

Hi Eric, my name is Keltin and yes I have a few samples you can check out at  I have to say that what is posted there, though still art that I am fond of, is rather limited. I tend to only post character studies and sketches there. Anyway, let me know what you think.

Message 18363#193851

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On 1/16/2006 at 9:57pm, Technocrat13 wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

You've got a real nice style developing there Keltin.  Very groovy.  I'm sure you'll have some takers soon enough.


Message 18363#193855

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On 1/17/2006 at 2:03am, komradebob wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

You can put that link in your sig; that way everyone will be able to access your site when you post to a thread, even if they haven't seen this thread.

By the way, welcome to the Forge!

Message 18363#193873

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On 2/2/2006 at 11:14pm, Alexander XVX wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

Hello Keltin,

I looked over your work on Deviant Art pretty thoroughly, and I like what I see. I'm particularly fond of the smokey, ethereal looking heads, especially the one that's your featured deviation.  I'm a little wary to ask, because it seems like too sweet an offer, but I'd really like to use at least one piece of your art in publishing my game.  Now, I won't lie, I'm a dirty radical with very little money, whose favored publishing method is the copier at Kinkos followed by a short, although fast, run like hell.  However, because I'm out to make the most accurate and realistic universal system ever, while distributing it for (or as close as possible to) free, if you were kind enough to let me use some of your work, it would certainly get exposure.  I'm always willing to trade services; I'm an avid writer, I can proofread or edit your work, and I also cut stencils and frequently print tee-shirts.  I'm also pretty adaptable, and I'm open to other suggestions.  Thanks for your time.

author of The BERGS Chronicles

Message 18363#195989

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On 3/5/2006 at 7:24am, DarkAsmodeous wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

Hello, and welcome to the forge! I must say your art is very good and not of the typical rpg style, I am working on an indie rpg 'Lost to the Mists' with a partner and although we aren't totally complete with the system, we are a good ways along with the setting and working on a pdf document that we hope to distribute in about 2 weeks for playtest purposes, if you are interested I can write a summary of what the world is like and see your take on it in art and we can go from there!

Message 18363#199152

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On 3/24/2006 at 8:24pm, Thunder_God wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

Very nice, very generous!

Message 18363#201059

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On 4/5/2006 at 4:17am, SCSM2650 wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

    I am currently nearing completion on a game called Beyonder.  It's a game based on epic stories and legends, such as Beowulf, the Niebelungenleid, the Odyssey, etc.  It's a fantasy game, so there are plenty of fun things to illustrate.  If you're interested, please send me an E-mail at, and I can answer questions, give you system info., etc.

Message 18363#202613

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On 4/6/2006 at 4:11am, bifster wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

We are putting final touches on our system mechanics for our new rpg "Mistrunner".  The setting is done, at least what we are including in the first book.  It is fantasy based, relying heavily on Celtic and Norse mythology, with a bit of steampunk mixed in.  We are short on artwork and I love your style as it is different from most of what I have seen in other rpg material.  I would also be willing to trade services as I am a writer and editor and would be more than happy to give any assistance with your game.  Thanks.

Message 18363#203088

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On 4/14/2006 at 1:02am, sean2099 wrote:
RE: Re: Free Art for Creative Rpg's

Hi Keltin,

I am in the same boat in terms of creating my RPG.  I am not an artist though.  Your offer sounds intriguing.  Perhaps we can make our projects move a bit faster via some kind of work exchange (art for writing/editing/brainpicking.) 

My url is  *Yes, my game is incomplete and the website isn't much.  I am trying to keep costs down during the prealpha stage.*  You can download it during your leisure and if it strikes you as having creative potential, let me know.  If it doesn't appeal to you, then thank you for your time.


Message 18363#204557

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