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Topic: Dreamation Coverage is up!
Started by: Diabolik
Started on: 1/25/2006
Board: Conventions

On 1/25/2006 at 9:49pm, Diabolik wrote:
Dreamation Coverage is up!

Just wanted to let you all know that the first tricklings of Dreamation coverage are upon our site. Visit or The television will have the information, but after 20 seconds it will load another "channel" but you can hit the shownotes link for all the Dreamation coverage so far.

The stuff that is up right now is our recap as to what we did at the CON, and the Roundtable audio is up.

Video is going well, just taking time with 8+ hours of footage to cut and edit, but we will have it soon.


Message 18503#194878

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On 1/25/2006 at 9:52pm, Andrew Morris wrote:
Re: Dreamation Coverage is up!

Is this a video podcast, or is the video only available at the website?

Message 18503#194879

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On 1/25/2006 at 10:17pm, Diabolik wrote:
RE: Re: Dreamation Coverage is up!

Well, what is up on the Website for the Dreamation coverage is audio only at this point. We will have video available both on Itunes and on the site.

We will be doing an Itunes release of the video coverage and then seperate full coverage of the individual interviews that we did seperately.

The Dreamation roundtable is not available on Itunes because of some language, but Episode 13 where the cast goes through our experiences is on Itunes. Everything is available through the site though.


Message 18503#194882

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