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Topic: InSpectres: Open for Business!
Started by: Jared A. Sorensen
Started on: 4/11/2002
Board: Memento-Mori Theatricks

On 4/11/2002 at 5:35am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
InSpectres: Open for Business!

You know what it is so I'll spare the hoopla...

All you playtesters should have a copy a'waiting for ya in your email client's In Box. If you don't, let me know!

Message 1851#17615

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On 4/11/2002 at 9:35am, Joe Murphy (Broin) wrote:
RE: InSpectres: Open for Business!

I sent a particularly pleasant email to my PayPal-equipped girlfriend this morning.

If she buys me this, I may have to marry her.


Message 1851#17625

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On 4/12/2002 at 2:37am, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
Character Sheet

Thanks to the Amazing Kreskin, Ben Morgan, InSpectres now has a rather kick-ass character sheet. See it here:

Also be sure to check out Ben's other custom character sheets on his site:

Message 1851#17743

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...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Memento-Mori Theatricks
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On 4/12/2002 at 2:46am, hardcoremoose wrote:
The Character Sheet

Oh wow.

Just wow.

What are the chances we can talk Ben into doing a variation on that for every supplement?

- Scott

Message 1851#17747

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On 4/12/2002 at 5:47am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: InSpectres: Open for Business!


My girlfriend has played Sorcerer, The Pool, Mage, WYRD, octaNe, SOAP, and one session of Whispering Vault. Last week I asked her, "Of all the games you've played, what's your favorite mechanic?" Her choice? The die mechanic from octaNe.

Why the hell am I posting this to a thread on InSpectres? I must have become disoriented.



Message 1851#17762

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On 4/12/2002 at 9:37am, Jürgen Mayer wrote:
RE: InSpectres: Open for Business!

Using that character sheet gives you an automatic Cool Die.

Really good work, Ben!

Message 1851#17770

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On 4/12/2002 at 2:05pm, Balbinus wrote:
RE: InSpectres: Open for Business!

It is a great sheet, a lovely piece of design.

Nice work.

Message 1851#17779

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On 4/12/2002 at 2:30pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: InSpectres: Open for Business!

I have to chime in here along with everyone else. But I'll go one further. I'm usually against character sheets and encourage players to make their own to facilitate their understanding of thier characters (given modern technology it makes sense). But this is an exception. It captures the whole feel of InSpectres so well that, I would not now play without. Awesome job.

I'm trying to think of parallels for the supplements, like Moose mentioned. Nightwatch should be fairly easy, being similar, but more like a portfolio that a newscaster would have or something like that. Sould have pictures. InSpeckers would be a school record or a form for joining the club. But Geek Season...

Wait, it just hit me. For Geek Season what we need is a government liscence for something like: Animated Corpse Destruction and Removal issued by the Bureau of Animated Corpse Elimination. That would be sweet. Now I just have to make the V2 updates so I can send it out and maybe get such a cool character sheet. Nifty!


Message 1851#17784

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On 4/12/2002 at 3:02pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: InSpectres: Open for Business!

Paul: Thanks! octaNe and InSpectres both feature my "iSystem" design philosophy. The systems are variations on the same theme...but you knew that 'cuz you've played both, it seems. :)

Jurgen: Ben has ALL the Cool dice for making it.

Mike: I was reading your post and was like, "Well of course it would be a hunting license!" Heh. I can't wait to see Geek Season.

Message 1851#17793

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On 4/14/2002 at 12:41pm, Ben Morgan wrote:
RE: InSpectres: Open for Business!


That's all I can say. Thanks, guys.

I'm working on a Franchise sheet for the game. That'll be ready within the next day or so, I promise. After that I have to get back to working on Trollbabe artwork. Then, I can work on custom sheets for nearly any variation on Jared's twisted little game you guys can come up with. I like the hunting license one, I'll have to look into it. :)

Oh, and I'm working on a design for an octaNe sheet, too.

Message 1851#17966

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On 4/14/2002 at 7:24pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: InSpectres: Open for Business!

InSpectres is now on version 2.01 -- fixed a bunch of typos and added some more detail in places. Same page count, 20KB for stuff.

Those who have bought the PDF have been sent info. on how to get the update.

Gotta love electronic documents!

Message 1851#17977

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On 4/15/2002 at 12:57am, Nathan wrote:
My Review of InSpectres

My review of inspectres is here:

Hope it gives a glimpse..


Message 1851#17994

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