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Topic: need som help!
Started by: Petter Sandelin
Started on: 4/11/2002
Board: Indie Game Design

On 4/11/2002 at 3:49pm, Petter Sandelin wrote:
need som help!

I'm working on the system for my dream-rpg in wich character generation is simply a written description. I was toying around with it and when it occured to me that I should probably know what size I can expect it to be.

The question is simple:
What is the maximum number of words you would be prepared to put down on a character description? This is the only part of character generation and the whole description must be relevant. If you think you're much below or above the average, feel free to say so.


Message 1858#17655

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On 4/11/2002 at 4:06pm, Laurel wrote:
RE: need som help!

I would be willing to write a single-sided college ruled amount of character description and background at char gen. It would be helpful to have specific questions including: personality, goals, fears, relationships, skills, to guide what specifically I was supposed to write.

In terms of being consise, 50 words or 1 paragraph works good.

Message 1858#17661

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On 4/11/2002 at 4:25pm, Matt wrote:
RE: need som help!

One thing that hacks me off about character backgrounds is if they're five pages long, and those five pages are full of pointless waffle. A few bullet points of core parts of the concept are a lot more useful. Essentially I like to know why the character is important to the story and what plots I can hang off it. So I'd tend to ask for that kinda thing rather than an arbitary word length.


Message 1858#17668

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On 4/11/2002 at 4:44pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: need som help!

Hi Petter,

I strongly recommend reading the optional paragraph-based character description method in Hero Wars: 100 words, complete sentences, correct grammar, and no lists. James was influenced by this method in his (not optional) character generation for The Pool, reducing it to 50 words.

Following these guidelines produces a surprisingly tight, interesting character, usually even blessed with "something to do," who's not bogged down in aimless wordbrush.


Message 1858#17675

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On 4/11/2002 at 8:54pm, Andrew Martin wrote:
Re: need som help!

> What is the maximum number of words you would be prepared to put down on a character description? This is the only part of character generation and the whole description must be relevant. If you think you're much below or above the average, feel free to say so.

For my Zero System rules which just uses written description and hasn't got an obvious system, I'm using a 3"x5" lined index card for each character. I do the same for each Species, Career and Culture; putting each on a card. For ongoing characters, I'd put recent important history on another card. I'd also do the same for important locations, tools, vehicles and so on. Basically, if it can't fit on a card, it's probably not important (and should be edited) or it contains two or important concepts which should be split up. This way, I can file the cards and reuse them in other games. I've also got the rule (for munchkins) that most other people must be able to read the card!

I hope that helps!

Message 1858#17705

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On 4/12/2002 at 12:53am, Joe Murphy (Broin) wrote:
RE: need som help!

In long-term campaigns I've run in the past (Aberrant, Mage), I've asked people to stick to an A4 page or two, at most. I asked that each paragraph include one solid hook I could incorporate in the plot. All in all, perhaps 600 words. As a GM, I really can't absorb more than that.

I then encouraged people to edit their background as the game went on, and as their feel for the character changed. I'd sooner get a short, punchy piece of background followed up with diary entries, than 5 pages of wandering waffle.

I also ran a superhero game where NPCs were recorded on 3x5 index cards (they worked so much better than I'd expected), with abbreviated stats, one line of background, one line of dialogue, and a summarised goal. We had about a hundred NPCs, most of which were written up by the players, during play.

And relatedly, for a TransFormers-themed MUSH, I wrote about 10 pages of background. The MUSH had very specific requirements for character applications. For example, they asked for a quote, a paragraph of background other characters would know, specific paragraphs on history, more on motivation, details of my experience online, more on why one wanted to play on a TransFormers MUSH at all. It was one part resume, one part character. Great stuff.


Message 1858#17730

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On 4/12/2002 at 5:10am, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: need som help!

Joe, Andrew,

The way you guys are using index cards is fantastic.


Message 1858#17757

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On 4/13/2002 at 2:10pm, Petter Sandelin wrote:
RE: need som help!

Tanks for the responses everyone. I have a pretty good idea of what's excpected now and I'll have to place an order on herowars soon..

Message 1858#17921

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