The Forge Reference Project


Topic: What do you think?
Started by: Endroff
Started on: 2/2/2006
Board: Indie Game Design

On 2/2/2006 at 8:26pm, Endroff wrote:
What do you think?

I wanted to ask what you thoguht of a game I am creating. It uses the Storyteller System (which is used by the Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage games from White Wolf). This game is about gargoyles, who live in the World of Darkness along with the creatures mentioned above.
  Long ago, the physical and spirit worlds were one. This world, called the Border Marches, was guarded by a great spirit called the Esseti. This spirit is known to the werewolves as father wolf. Evenbtually Father wolf grew old and could not patrol the Border Marches as he once could. Seeing the chaos that was ensuing because of their father's weakness,the werewolves (also called Uratha) killed Esseti.
  Now, Esseti had two types of children. The first wereimarily physical (the werewolves). The second (the Oroth or gargoyles) were primarily made of spiritual matter. When the Uratha killed Esseti, he let out a fearsome scream, now known as the Death Wail. This wail shattered the bond between the physical and spiritual worlds, leaving both the Esseti's children stranded in the physical world...

More to come...

Message 18607#195963

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...from around 2/2/2006

On 2/4/2006 at 2:55pm, Kevin A. Ranson wrote:
Re: What do you think?

I would steer clear of castles in the sky, mounted on top of New York skyscrapers. ;O)

Otherwise, why would one want to play a gargoyle?

Message 18607#196141

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On 2/4/2006 at 3:21pm, Kreuzfeuer wrote:
RE: Re: What do you think?

The storyteller system is not open content, so you need WW's approvement to use it if you want to make money with your game. i guess if you want to play it with your friends WW won't sue you.

Well, i guess just using gargoyles won't really make a great game, but if you can come up with interesting facets of gargoylehood, a great setting, the obligatory arch-enemy and so forth it could be fun.
As far as i know in the old edition of vampire the tremere could create gargoyles, and these gargoyles are some kind of vampire clan on their own.

Message 18607#196147

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On 2/4/2006 at 3:26pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: What do you think?

Endroff, welcome to the Forge! I suggest you read the stickies on the Site Discussion forum, as well as the forums you plan to be posting to. These forums are moderated rather more heavily than most, so you're already making all kinds of etiquette messes here. Let that not discourage yourself, however, but rather inspire you to do better in the future! The site has lots to offer for roleplaying of all stripes.

I like what you're doing with the material, myself. Fits in an intriguing way into the current WoD, and I like the angle you're taking on gargoyles as spiritual beings. I suspect their distance from humanity would be a problem, however, unless you can tie them in somehow. BUT, that's no matter, for this discussion cannot continue, I suspect; one of the clauses of this forum requires your game design to be owned by you and targeted for eventual publishing. As this is clearly a quasi-legal fan project (a derivative work at best, and thus not owned by you), it's outside the topics covered by Indie Game Design. I'm sure the moderator will correct me, should I be wrong on this point.

I suggest you take your ideas on this particular matter to, wherein you'll find one of the largest rpg forums anywhere. Therein you'll get quality feedback from people who play very similar games, and who welcome this kind of contributions. Many people read both of these forums, and thus you can benefit from their commentary there as well as here. However, abandon not the Forge completely; if you familiarize yourself with the standards of discourse, I'm sure you'll find plenty to help you in this or other projects.

Message 18607#196148

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On 2/4/2006 at 5:41pm, Endroff wrote:
RE: Re: What do you think?

  Forgive my impulsive glee at finding this website and not reading the posting rules first. Im one of those people who never reads the instruction manual.

Message 18607#196161

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...started by Endroff which Endroff participated Indie Game Design
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...from around 2/4/2006