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Topic: Rules Questions and gifts.
Started by: Iskander
Started on: 2/3/2006
Board: lumpley games

On 2/3/2006 at 3:15am, Iskander wrote:
Rules Questions and gifts.

Hullo. Before I get to the questions, I come bearing gifts: I created a couple of play aid PDFs today, which you can download from my website. One is an alternate character sheet that leaves out the Fallout and Ceremony details, and arranges the rest so that you have lots of space for traits and relationships. It's not much use for creating the character, but if you're expecting to play for a bit, it gives players with big and or crap handwriting a bit more space.

The second play aid is a fallout sheet, with big areas for each die size and when you take fallout in what size, and how to figure out your fallout, basically the stuff that I took out of the character sheet. I find it convenient in the heat of conflict to just put aside taking-the-blow dice onto a page divided up according to fallout die sizes and then figure out which dice to roll at the end (rather than setting aside the appropriate number of fallout dice at the time). It's slightly more convenient if you don't have dozens of d8s and d4s, and even if you do, it moves the action along marginally quicker. So for the GGG season starting tomorrow night, I laminated four of these - one for each player, including me.

I don't know if these will be useful to anyone else... but just in case they are, have at them! (I will most likely update them later with fancier versions with nice line drawings or what-have-you; for now, they're pretty plain). They're nice, small PDFs, either way. Enjoy! Oh - on the website, I'm working on an interactive town creation page, but I haven't got very far. Feel free to play with what little is there. The plan is to have it run through the steps, keeping track of NPCs for you, and then be printable in a suitably yummy way. I wouldn't hold your breath for the finished thing, though: I'm very lazy.

So, on to the questions.

1. In a healing conflict, when a Dog is trying to save an NPC's life after administering some punishment, and I'm rolling for adversity - do I a) disregard any fallout when I take the blow, b) give said fallout to the Healer, c) something else?

2. The learning/growth accomplishment trick is something I just haven't quite grokked yet. Am I right in thinking that the player - who is taking the side of the character as he is - can just give, and get his accomplishment the way he wanted it? If so, is the 'trick' a combination of me having to set raises that he really doesn't want to give to, and a desire on his part to angle for some fallout? Why wouldn't the player just give, the first time? Would it be neat to encourage players to think about some flaw in their character as conceived that wouldn't be good for a Dog, but that they like, and have them hope to overcome that as their conflict? Or have I totally missed the point?


P.S. Incidentally, the first question came up in an impromptu play session last night. I was really pleased how well the chargen and super-quick bit of town went, but realised that there are still a few spots I'm unclear on.

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On 2/3/2006 at 5:46am, Supplanter wrote:
Re: Rules Questions and gifts.

Those sheets are great! I think I'll start our new campaign off with them.

Thanks for putting them together.



Message 18614#196031

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On 2/3/2006 at 5:23pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: Rules Questions and gifts.

Jim - gimme a day or two to fix the 'Belongings' on the character sheet: I reversed "Big" and "Excellent". Doh.

Unfortunately, I woke up this morning to a hard disk error that has prompted a full re-install of WinXP (accursed be its name) and I'm still burning through the mandatory security updates. <sigh>

Message 18614#196075

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On 2/3/2006 at 8:09pm, dunlaing wrote:
RE: Re: Rules Questions and gifts.

The "When to Roll Stats" section is incorrect as well. You roll Acuity+Will for Gunfighting, not Acuity+Heart.

What font did you use, and is it free to download somewhere?

Message 18614#196091

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On 2/3/2006 at 8:49pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: Rules Questions and gifts.

dunlaing wrote:
The "When to Roll Stats" section is incorrect as well. You roll Acuity+Will for Gunfighting, not Acuity+Heart.

What font did you use, and is it free to download somewhere?

Doh. Two stupid typos. and a crashed PC.

The font is from The H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society's prop fonts, and it's called OldStyle - it's what the book is in.

Message 18614#196094

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On 2/3/2006 at 9:09pm, dunlaing wrote:
RE: Re: Rules Questions and gifts.

I put this up. It's your sheet, but with the two typos fixed and the abilities rearranged.

I rearranged the abilities in order to put all of the die combinations next to each other so that I could represent them on the page. Take a look (especially you, Jim).

Message 18614#196098

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On 2/10/2006 at 6:55pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: Rules Questions and gifts.

After extensive necromancy on my HDD, I've updated the character sheet to correct the idiot typos, and to shift the reference bits slightly to the right, permitting even more room for writing down character information.

In play last Friday, the fallout sheets worked very nicely.

I like Bill's thing with the stats, but for my taste it leaves that part of the sheet a little cluttered, without really adding any clarity, so I demurred from imitation.


Message 18614#196719

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