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Topic: Crossing Over: Reaching Non-Gamers
Started by: jasonm
Started on: 2/11/2006
Board: Publishing

On 2/11/2006 at 2:26pm, jasonm wrote:
Crossing Over: Reaching Non-Gamers

One of the questions I raised in this thread asked about using review copies to reach groups that may be interested in your game, but are not "mainstream" gamers.  I'd like to broaden that to include any techniques or tools you might suggest.

For the Roach, which in some ways plays like a party game and deals with Gothic/academic, Lovecraft-inspired themes, I really think I could get some traction among people who wouldn't normally consider playing a tabletop RPG.  It plays great with people who have never played a roleplaying game before.  I don't know how to reach them, though - I'm passionate for gaming and both participate in, and to some degree understand, the scene.  I have neither the interest or the time to become a fixture in another community, which is certainly the most organic way of introducing a product. 

I know there are other games that could be in the same position, and I'd very much like to start a conversation on extending our reach.

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Message 18705#196783

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On 2/11/2006 at 3:28pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: Crossing Over: Reaching Non-Gamers

Jason, are you familiar with the Infamous Five? The set of posts recorded in a Sticky in Site Discussion. The concepts that we worked through in that series of posts are pretty fundamental for addressing your interest, and without them, I'm certain that anything posted here will be spinning wheels in usual gamer-confusion about the issues.


Message 18705#196791

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On 2/11/2006 at 3:48pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Crossing Over: Reaching Non-Gamers

Cool, I'll go re-read and return with more focused questions.

Message 18705#196792

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On 2/12/2006 at 3:10am, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Crossing Over: Reaching Non-Gamers

I think those threads, which I hadn't looked at in a long time, address my question, so thanks.

Message 18705#196846

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On 2/27/2006 at 10:54am, mythusmage wrote:
RE: Re: Crossing Over: Reaching Non-Gamers

Jason, are you familiar with the Infamous Five? The set of posts recorded in a Sticky in Site Discussion. The concepts that we worked through in that series of posts are pretty fundamental for addressing your interest, and without them, I'm certain that anything posted here will be spinning wheels in usual gamer-confusion about the issues

Where do you find the dang thing?

Message 18705#198451

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On 2/27/2006 at 11:20am, mythusmage wrote:
RE: Re: Crossing Over: Reaching Non-Gamers

Follow Up: Actually found the thread in question. Wasn't where I expected it to be. I'm also up too late for my own good, so I'll read the threads later.

But before I do head for slumberland I have this one bit of advice for would be RPG publishers. Don't explain what roleplaying games are about, explain what your game is about. For example:

In Cosa Nostra Home Improvement you play a member of a former crime family that's fallen on hard times. To keep food on the table and a roof over their heads your family has  gotten into the home-improvement business. This is not the real life Mafia, but the Mafia as romanticised in books, movies, and tv shows. So honor and tradition counts for more than making a quick buck. The rules to this game were written with that in mind, and to make it easier for you, the player, to enjoy whatever adventure your character winds up involved with.

So practice your Brooklynese, get yourself some old home-improvement magazines, and remember that rats, cats, and small children can get into almost anything.

Message 18705#198453

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