The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Dave's MLWM Quickref
Started by: Nev the Deranged
Started on: 2/17/2006
Board: Half Meme Press

On 2/17/2006 at 11:51pm, Nev the Deranged wrote:
Dave's MLWM Quickref

Hiya. My quick-referencing ways continue with My Life With Master. I am submitting this for critiquing and troubleshooting before finalizing it. Please let me know if anything needs correcting or clarification, or if I've just plain f*cked up. Thanks!

Oh yeah, and thanks to pretty much everyone else who's already made any kind of guide/reference/cheatsheet of any kind, cuz I can almost guarantee I ripped off your sheet to include in mine.


My Life With Master: Quick Reference

Basic Rolls (p25)
· Roll a pool of d4s equal to the appropriate formula below,
· Discard any 4s rolled (except on bonus dice)
· Add the values of the remaining dice, including any bonus die.
· Compare total to that of opponent.

Negative or Zero Pools (p25)
Any time a minion would have a negative or zero-sized dice pool, they may role one die.

Tied Conflict Results (p26)
Any time conflicting parties roll equal results, it means the scene was interrupted in some fashion and remains unresolved.

Bonus Dice (p32)
Only one Bonus Die may be used in any conflict. Earning a higher die negates any lower die earned by the other party.
· Intimacy: d4. Intimacy need not be sincere to be effective.
· Desperation: d6. Desperation represents true emotional distress, and may be used when dealing with animals, inanimate objects, etc.
· Sincerity: d8. The Master can never be Sincere, and therefore may never earn the Sincerity die.


To Resist the Master’s Command (optional)
Master wins: minion follows command until one roll completed
minion wins: resists command
• If LOVE > FEAR + WEARINESS, the ENDGAME is triggered

Making Overtures to Connections
minion (REASON - SELF-LOATHING) vs. connection (FEAR - REASON)
minion wins: gain a point of LOVE
connection wins: minion gains a point of LOVE and a point of SELF-LOATHING

Violence against NPC opponents
minion (FEAR + SELF-LOATHING) vs. opponent (REASON + WEARINESS)
minion wins: success, gain a point of SELF-LOATHING
• If SELF-LOATHING > LOVE + REASON, trigger "The Horror Revealed" instead
opponent wins: failure, minion gains a point of WEARINESS
• if WEARINESS > REASON, the minion is captured by Townsfolk or Outsiders.

Villainy against NPC opponents
minion (FEAR + SELF-LOATHING) vs. opponent (REASON)
minion wins: success, gain a point of SELF-LOATHING
• If SELF-LOATHING > LOVE + REASON, trigger "The Horror Revealed" instead
opponent wins: failure

Violence or Villainy against a PC minion
winning minion succeds and gains a point of SELF-LOATHING
• If SELF-LOATHING > LOVE + REASON, trigger "The Horror Revealed" instead
losing minion gains a point of WEARINESS if Violence, or simply fails otherwise

Providing Aid (p34)
Add (LOVE - WEARINESS) to another minion's roll.  Any results apply to the aiding minion as well

My Life With Master: Quick Reference, Page 2

Innocents (p36)
· In any conflict or scene in which one or more Innocents is present, add REASON equal to the number of Innocents, to any roll requiring it.
· If an Innocent is killed, raise FEAR by 1.

The Horror Revealed (p36)
· Any time a roll would result in a minion’s SELF-LOATHING becoming greater than    (LOVE + REASON), DO NOT raise the minion’s SELF-LOATHING. Instead, play the scene out as you would if they had gained SELF-LOATHING, but during their next scene, that player must narrate a scene of horror between NPCs (Townsfolk, Outsiders, or both).
· This scene may NOT include the Master, or any minions. Connections may be included, but no Connection carrying LOVE for a minion may be killed. Anybody else is fair game. And there are plenty of fates worse than death.

When any minion successfully resists a command from the Master, and their current total LOVE is greater than their (FEAR + WEARINESS), the Endgame is triggered, and several things happen:
1) The scene in which the minion resisted the command is suspended.
2) The GM frames each of the other minions in turn into dangerous and threatening circumstances, each of which must be resolved without the benefit of FEAR.
3) Return to the scene of the resisting minion, now locked in a life-or-death struggle with the Master.
a. Roll minion (LOVE – WEARINESS) vs. Master (FEAR + SELF-LOATHING)
b. If the Minion wins, the Master has been slain. Proceed to EPILOGUES.
c. If the Master wins, the minion fails to defeat them, and gains a point of WEARINESS. Continue to #4.
4) If the Master still lives, the other players may call for scenes as normal, Commands, Overtures, Violence, Villainy, or Aid; all in the context of the Endgame conflict. Note that minions who wish to enter the conflict with the Master on either side must wait until the resisting minion’s scene.
5) After a round of scenes, return to the resisting minion for another attempt to defeat the Master. If successful, proceed to EPILOGUES. If failed, repeat from #2.
It is important to note that the minion who causes the final destruction of the Master will not necessarily be the one who triggered Endgame. It is quite possible for them to succumb to WEARINESS, for them to be thwarted by another minion, or for another minion to enter the fray and seal the Master’s fate themselves.

The final step in the game is for each player to narrate a fitting Epilogue for their minion, according to the final values of their LOVE, WEARINESS, REASON, and SELF-LOATHING.
Note that it is perfectly acceptable for the minion who causes the destruction of the Master to anticipate the conditions of their Epilogue and incorporate them into the final scene of the Master’s comeuppance.
If more than one of the following conditions apply, the player may choose the one they desire, or if possible, combine them in some logical fashion.
The possible Epilogue conditions are:
1) WEARINESS > (REASON + SELF-LOATHING): The minion flees or wanders off, never to be seen again. Long toil under the Master has discouraged them to the point that they abandon the struggle to be loved.
2) (SELF-LOATHING + WEARINESS) > (LOVE + REASON): The minion meets a tragic end, whether by the Master’s final throes, or by the Townsfolk, or the Outsiders, or by some other force, and is killed.
3) SELF-LOATHING > (WEARINESS + REASON): The minion cannot bear to go on and destroys itself.
4) (LOVE + REASON) > (SELF-LOATHING + WEARINESS): The minion has overcome their inhumanity and/or found enough acceptance to integrate themselves into the society of the Townsfolk.
5) LOVE = ZERO: The minion emerges from the ashes as a force of FEAR in their own right, and the cycle begins again with a new Master. (Whether or not you wish to make a new game out of it is up to your players).
6) (SELF-LOATHING + WEARINESS) = (LOVE + REASON): The minion, having failed to reconcile their inhumanity, escapes to seek a new Master.


Thanks to Paul for this creepy and moxious game ^_^

Message 18773#197558

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On 2/24/2006 at 8:23pm, RdGkA wrote:
Re: Dave's MLWM Quickref


Nev wrote:
Hiya. My quick-referencing ways continue with My Life With Master. I am submitting this for critiquing and troubleshooting before finalizing it.

What about master and minion creation?


Message 18773#198242

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