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Topic: [PTA] Nation
Started by: Karasu
Started on: 2/19/2006
Board: Dog Eared Designs

On 2/19/2006 at 7:45am, Karasu wrote:
[PTA] Nation

Here's a show I'm thinking of pitching to my group. Think of a cross between Battlestar Galatica and the book of Exodus as you read the following:

"Our motley throng of refugees struggles across the desert, hoping against hope to escape annihillation. We are the only survivors of our respective nations. Our former great cities lie either in ruins or in the hands of our newfound enemy. They are a tribe that appeared suddenly and from a distant land. Destroying or enslaving all in their path, they have left naught but a trail of death and sorrow in their wake."

"Just when our need was greatest, our gods were silent. Our holy war cries died in our throats as our vast armies fell, driven like chaff before our seemingly unstoppable foe. It seemed that our sacrifices and observances had been in vain, while the god of the invaders seemed to aid them at every turn."

"Now we seek new lands, hoping to reclaim a fraction of our former glories. Our priests delve into the world of the spirit in search of our old gods, or new ones that will heed our plight. We may be defeated but we will rise. Persued, but we will overcome. Once we were many peoples, now we are one. Once we were enemies, now we are brothers. And we will have our revenge."

So yeah, it's basically looking at things from the perspective of the various Cannanite nations that were defeated by the Israelites. If I were to every run it, I would most likely "file the serial numbers off', (ie. new names for everything) and simply state that the show takes place in a fantasy setting reminicent of the Middle East of the Old Testament -- out of respect to my group's religious sensibilities.It also allows me to get away with some of the more mystical stuff I'm planning on pulling off.

The protagonists would be former captains, elders, merchants-princes, priests, and kings of the various conquered peoples. Their refuge-nation would be composed of survivors who have gathered in fleeing the desctruction of their respective city-states. As their numbers grow, it will become apparent to many that they are becoming a nation in their own right, and as former leaders of their respective peoples, the protagonists will either sieze or be thrust into positions of leadership.

They will have to struggle with the logistics of feeding and organizing such a large group, as well as the social and cultural conflicts that arise when former enemies are force to camp and travel together. I plan to throw the above at the protagonists as well as the other dramatic stuff that makes Battlestar Galactica so cool: spies, revolts, food/water-shortages, power-struggles, rivalries, etc. Plus there would be the whole subplot of discovering what has happend to their respective gods, and why they seem to have abandoned them.

Just a random musing that came to me today. What you folks think?

Message 18785#197639

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On 2/21/2006 at 4:29pm, ScottM wrote:
Re: [PTA] Nation

Sounds like a good first offer to get the ball rolling. Who knows what coolness your group will morph this into?

Message 18785#197865

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On 2/21/2006 at 4:37pm, Paka wrote:
RE: Re: [PTA] Nation

I really like going into PTA with NO ideas and vibing off the rest of the group during the pitch.  The creation of a story from nothing, from air and talk is a miracle to me.


Message 18785#197867

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On 2/22/2006 at 8:24pm, Karasu wrote:
RE: Re: [PTA] Nation

Paka wrote:
I really like going into PTA with NO ideas and vibing off the rest of the group during the pitch.  The creation of a story from nothing, from air and talk is a miracle to me.


Yeah, I think I know what you mean, as it's one of the things that drew me to the game. To be honest, I felt kinda iffy coming to the group with a pre-developed show premise (not pre-determined plot mind you). Knowing my group, there's one player who I think will take to the player-participation aspect of PTA, while I can see the others passively ride along as much as possible, when it comes to author-stance responsibilities. I guess then providing a pre-made premise isn't going to encourage much creative initiative, huh?

Message 18785#198003

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On 2/22/2006 at 11:17pm, Paka wrote:
RE: Re: [PTA] Nation

Karasu wrote: I guess then providing a pre-made premise isn't going to encourage much creative initiative, huh?

I tend to really take a back seat in the show pitching phase.  When I play, particularly with people who know me from online, but among my friends too, they often nudge me to come up with an idea but I dig the pitch phase so much, I don't want to stifle it.  I enjoy adding to someone else's ideas or bending it a little so I can be excited about it.

Yeah, if there are people who are used to concepts being tailor made for 'em, coming to the table with an idea for 'em isn't going to encourage them to break that habit.

But that doesn't mean you can't have fun with your idea or run it successfully; this is all purely my opinion.

Message 18785#198029

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