The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Dev's wanted
Started by: fastswimmer
Started on: 2/19/2006
Board: Connections

On 2/19/2006 at 7:59pm, fastswimmer wrote:
Dev's wanted

Alot of people here love to play MMORPG's. Have you ever wanted to help make one? Here's your chance. I am the sound developer at Addition Gaming Entertainment. We are a brand new indpanted game developing company. Currently, we are working on a couple of games. One of our lead developers started in the Legend of the green dragon ( We are currently Working on two projects. The first is Age of Eternity, a brower based text game that will change the typical boring text base games for ever. It will be a lead up into our main project, Realm of Ages, a MMORPG of massive proportions. It will be a complete 3-d , taking the user to a world that has never before been imagined.

What are we looking for? In Realm of ages, we need several 3-d modelers that can use 3-d max, or milkshape. I am looking for 3-4 sound devoplers to help bring creators to life. Play tester will be needed, but not right now. WE need some concept artist, and graphic designers that can use photoshop. Also, people who can code in PhP are needed.

Interested?  IF you have experience an want to help with Age of Eternity, check out this forum-

*NOTE* we are currently only working actively on Age on Eternity*

Message 18796#197684

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On 2/20/2006 at 9:32am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
Re: Dev's wanted

Hi, Fastswimmer, and welcome to the Forge!

Could you tell us more about the ownership arrangements of AGE, and the contracts you're currently offering? Also, in case you've not already done so, please review the policy stickies in the Site Discussion forum. I know it's not clearly spelled out, but we're supposed to be a community based around independent rpg design and publication. It's possible that this thread is out of bounds, depending on the kind of company AGE is; Forge's definition of independent is very strict, especially for computer gaming companies, and most fail in practice to measure up to it.

As for the topic, let's return to it after you tell us more about the kind of company AGE is. I confess that jumping in on somebody else's project midway doesn't appeal me that much, but I do code in PHP and so on, and am not the only one here. So if you'll tell us more about the practicalities, it's easier to decide if we're interested.

Message 18796#197729

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On 2/20/2006 at 3:15pm, fastswimmer wrote:
RE: Re: Dev's wanted

gla you've taken an interseted. Right now, we are an indepentant company. WE have never really met each other, and only work on things over the web. This isnt our real job, and we are all gamers looking to make a game for gamers. Now, as to the project, we are currently at the very beginning stages for both games. WE are just starting to build the text based engine, so you woudlnt be jumping in on anything.

Message 18796#197749

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On 2/20/2006 at 3:45pm, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Dev's wanted

That's a good start. However, it's not enough to say you're independent, you have to also tell us what you mean by that. For reference, the definition Forge utilizes is that a game project is indie (and thus eligible for utilization of Forge resources) if and only if the game designer and/or other creative participant has full control over the design, rights and marketing of his game. This is very much against the typical arrangements in computer game industry, which is one reason we don't have many computer gaming participants (the other being, of course, that roleplaying is almost non-existent in computer gaming scene).

Thus, I repeat my question: Could you tell us more about the ownership arrangements of AGE, and the contracts you're currently offering? Like, if I write a storyline for your game, or code a XML display engive for it, what does this mean for my IP rights, and what do I get in exhange? This isn't just idle speculation; I'm currently doing rather well in roleplaying publishing, and while I'm always on the lookout for new, interesting stuff to work on, much depends on who I work for and what I get out of it. I'm sure many others here at the Forge are thinking the same questions I'm asking, being that many of us are game designers and publishers themselves. And, of course, if your project doesn't conform with the rules set by the owners of the Forge after all, then we really shouldn't be discussing the project here at all.

This is not an attack on your project, by the by; based on your forum it seems you're all swell guys, and clearly you're quite serious about what you do. But the Forge is at least in part an ideological community, so I feel it's necessary to get the ownership questions out in the open before we discuss your project any further. After that I'd be most interested in hearing about how your game is a roleplaying game, and perhaps a short overview of the project!

Message 18796#197753

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On 2/21/2006 at 12:10am, fastswimmer wrote:
RE: Re: Dev's wanted

Right now we have total control over our project. Our 2 leads have been freinds from Tristans server of LotGD. They have complete control over all design. We are not using any companies right now. We even own the server this game will be on. Right now, we are doing everything on volenteer bases. This current text based project is being done for 2 reasons. the first is to get our dev team to get to work with each other, and see if we can get something small done before we try a full scale MMORPG (for which already have an engine). The other reason is to get some donations to fund our project. Hope this answers some of your questions, and this is acceptable for forge resources.

Message 18796#197814

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On 2/21/2006 at 2:59am, fastswimmer wrote:
RE: Re: Dev's wanted

please note, while its not a paying job yet, it will be. As i said before, we are agmers making a game for gamers. Once we have our games released, and start to have some cash flow, we will be able to pay devolpers.

Message 18796#197818

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On 2/21/2006 at 9:45am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
RE: Re: Dev's wanted

So, as I understand you, there's no contractual arrangements involved at this stage, everybody's just working for the common pool? Good enough, I guess.

Now, could you give us a more detailed overview of the Age of Eternity project? We know now that it's a browser-based text game, but it's real nature is pretty ocluded still. For instance, the following questions:
- What makes the project special?
- What do the players do? How is that fun?
- Is there a roleplaying aspect? How does that work?
- How are the technical specs? How many lines of code, browser support, scripting languages?
And if you have an executive summary of the design papers, posting that would be nice, too. The best way to garner interest is to explain why you yourself find the project worthwhile.

Message 18796#197837

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On 2/21/2006 at 9:44pm, fastswimmer wrote:
RE: Re: Dev's wanted

as i posted earlier, we are still in early development, still working on the engine. The game will be supported by most browsers, including firefox. It will be PhP based with Ajax coding to reduce lag. There is an instantly refreshing in game chat, which isn't found in most text based games. This game will also be one of the first text based games to have sound effects in it. That is about all i can say at this point. I will be sure to post more update news as it become available. You can also check out our forrum for the latest news.

Message 18796#197905

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