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Topic: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 3/13/2006
Board: Chimera Creative

On 3/13/2006 at 4:56am, Matt Snyder wrote:
Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

If you haven't heard, I've been recording an online game of Nine Worlds, involving me, Thomas Robertson, Fred Wolke and Ben Lehman. Download the sessions:

Session 1

• Scene 1, in which all hell breaks loose on Jupiter, and we learn many rules for telling the story. Nine Worlds Skype Game, session 1, scene 1 (10.6 MB mp3 file)
• Part 2, which is a short aside as Fred and I discuss some of Nine Worlds philosophy and social interaction, is now available: Nine Worlds Skype game, session 1, question interlude (1.7+ MB mp3 file)
• Scene 2, in which we work through several phases as Aristo tries to escape with the help of Fell Pakton. Nine Worlds Skype game, session 1, scene 2 (17.5+ MB mp3 file)
• Scene 3 -- the Archons contact the Atlanteans, and we see our first player vs. player conflict. Things get very interesting, and much of the future sessions is set up here. Nine Worlds Skype game, session 1, scene 3 (10.7+ MB mp3 file)

Session 2

Nine Worlds Skype game, session 2, part 1 (14.7+ MB mp3 file)
Nine Worlds Skype game, session 2, part 2  (13+ MB mp3 file)

Message 19031#199724

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On 3/20/2006 at 4:16pm, Nicolas Crost wrote:
Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

I just wanted to tell you, that I absolutely loved the audio files you put up here! I bought Nine Worlds a while back and the audio transcript really made me want to play the game right NOW!

Btw: how did you "tape" the audio stream from Skype?

Message 19031#200494

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On 3/20/2006 at 8:06pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Hello, Nicolas. I'm EXTREMELY happy to hear that people enjoy these recordings.

As for how I recorded them, it's a tricky process, actually! It involves a couple pieces of fairly inexpensive software and some much-appreciated patience from my fellow players. To date, I don't know of any reliable, simple method for recording on Skype. I suspect it will become simpler as time wears on.

As for how I do it now, I use Audacity to record and edit the files. I use a piece of software called "VAC" (Virtual Audio Cable) that acts as a kind of "pretend" switchboard for audio feeds to record input and output (believe me, that makes me sound like I understand it better than I actually do!).

Down the road, I should post a tutorial with screenshots. But, for now, I'm more interested in finding time to edit the remainin audio I've already got recorded. There are five sessions total so far, and we're still playing! In fact, we're up this Wednesday again after a two-week break.

Message 19031#200520

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On 3/20/2006 at 9:34pm, Nicolas Crost wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Matt wrote:
But, for now, I'm more interested in finding time to edit the remainin audio I've already got recorded. There are five sessions total so far, and we're still playing! In fact, we're up this Wednesday again after a two-week break.

I would be delighted to get to hear those as well. I think everybody should do that with their games. It makes it much easier to get a sense of the actual dynamics of the game in progress. And I really liked the rules questions and the commentary concerning those questions. This is an accessible way to learn about the "rougher" parts of the game.

Thanks again, I enjoyed it very much and I am looking forward to hearing the following sessions!

Message 19031#200529

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On 3/23/2006 at 4:07am, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

I'm really really really looking forward to the next session.  I hope you get some time to get it properly edited sometme soon.  I know that there are several folks here, as well at RPG.NET, who are really digging the play so far.  I think it's great pub for a game that seems to have not gotten the press it deserves.  If that's not incentive enough, I know it's been responsible for at least 2 sales (me and a buddy).  Just thought I'd let you know that people ARE paying attention.

Message 19031#200837

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On 3/28/2006 at 6:18am, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Any progress yet?

Message 19031#201396

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On 3/28/2006 at 1:26pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Yes, some. I've got about a third of the second session edited. I plan on releasing all files for the second session at once. Look for it in about a week or so.

Message 19031#201414

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On 3/29/2006 at 3:45am, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Excellent news.  Thanks for the update.

Message 19031#201533

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On 4/9/2006 at 1:14am, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Has it been a week or so yet?  :)

Message 19031#203793

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On 4/10/2006 at 1:46pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Alas, it has, and I got swamped by organizing Forge Midwest. I haven't forgotten about it, I'm just a damn liar and procrastinator with a full schedule!

Message 19031#203997

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On 4/11/2006 at 2:12am, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Hehe.  No worries.  Just keeping you honest is all.  Take your time and get them up when you can.

Message 19031#204097

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On 4/12/2006 at 4:20am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Message 19031#204255

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On 4/13/2006 at 6:04pm, ivan23 wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

I was interested in Nine Worlds before; now I really, really want to play. The audio sessions sold me because:

1) They're remarkably cohesive and straightforward - very little of the drift and cross-talk I've seen happen in other session recordings. I suspect that playing via Skype may help this, as you're not actually sitting around a living room or table face-to-face with your friends, but still, I was impressed. No long jokes or conversational detours, just straight explanations of how to play followed up immediately by action. Kept my interest throughout.

2) I think I understand the basic rules, even though I've not seen the book. All the explanations given were very clear, and when you gave incorrect answers, you were quick to not only acknowledge the fact but go over the mistake and the correction. That kept everything crystalline in my mind, even though I was listening in traffic and unable to take notes.

Nice work. I'm looking forward to burning Session 2 onto the iPod and listening - hopefully tomorrow.

Message 19031#204470

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On 4/13/2006 at 8:06pm, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

I think this is a better link.

Message 19031#204511

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On 4/13/2006 at 8:18pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Ivan, I'm really glad you like the recordings and Nine Worlds. To be fair, however, know that I've edited down these recordings to sift the wheat from the chaff, so to speak. We sound a lot smarter and focused than we are. That said, I DO think the game is focused and we've stayed on task in our sessions pretty well.

Message 19031#204516

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On 4/14/2006 at 3:07pm, ivan23 wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Heh. I had actually *asked* in my original draft if you'd edited the material, but figured that might be rude. Now I feel better about my own attempts at play-by-phone.

Message 19031#204608

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On 8/4/2006 at 11:20am, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Figured it was time to nag some more and see when the next audio download will be available.

Message 19031#215706

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On 8/17/2006 at 2:47am, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Sigh.  No time soon it seems.

Message 19031#216848

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On 8/17/2006 at 12:36pm, Iskander wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Keith - your last two posts book-ended Gen Con, frequently the busiest time of an attending game designer's year... give Matt a break, man!

Message 19031#216885

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On 8/19/2006 at 3:15am, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Oh, was it this weekend???  :>)

Hehe, in retrospect you're right.  I'm so busy with school and work that I miss those things sometimes.  I just post when I get a chance to come up for air.  I just think the number of good actual play audios is pretty limited right now and I'd love to see Matt take advantage of the format a bit before everyone else is doing it.

Message 19031#217304

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On 8/19/2006 at 1:50pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

No sweat. It's a good reminder. I have been busy. But, I'll aim to get at least one of the audios up this week. I'm awaiting some new software upgrades as well, so I can revamp the CC site.

Message 19031#217333

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On 8/27/2006 at 3:23am, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

There is a new audio file available for download:

Download session 2, part 2 (13 MB mp3 file)

You can also refer to the original post in this thread for previous shows (and, it's updated to include this new one).

(EDIT: Link corrected!

Message 19031#218704

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On 8/27/2006 at 7:36pm, Yokiboy wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

I think the correct link is:

I'm off to listen to it now, thanks.



Message 19031#218761

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On 9/1/2006 at 4:31pm, hive_mind wrote:
RE: Re: Nine Worlds Skype game audio downloads

Thanks for getting this up!  As always, I'm looking forward to the next session.

By the way I thought I'd let you know that these audio clips have attrracted a couple of local players to the game who otherwise might have passed on it.  I'm going to try and capitalize on their interest in the near future. If I can ever get my research project and finals done with anyway.

Message 19031#219434

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