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Topic: Possesor question
Started by: May
Started on: 3/14/2006
Board: Adept Press

On 3/14/2006 at 2:30pm, May wrote:
Possesor question

I'm running a sorcerer campaign containing, amongst other nasties, a type of parasite demon that slowly evolves into a possesor and takes over the host. My question is the following: If a sorcerer is taken over completely by a possesor, can s/he still serve as master for other demons (or the possesor itself for that matter)? Does commands issued from his/her mouth count even though it's really the possesor demon and not the sorcerer talking? Or can the other demons safely ignore it? Will they even have to seek a new master?
All this is going to be rather important to the plotting of some of my backstabbing demons, so any suggestions would be appreciated.


Message 19048#199846

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On 3/14/2006 at 6:23pm, Julian wrote:
Re: Possesor question

Bound demons remain bound even if the sorcerer who bound them is dead, so they won't go into need due to his being displaced by a possessor.

As to whether the possessor can command the demons that his host once bound, I think that that's something to be included in your definition of what sorcery and demons are.

For instance, if it's all about mystical contract law, then the answer could easily be 'yes'. (Or, more likely, 'yes, but with a lot of interesting technicalities'.)

The demons likely won't be as loyal to the impostor, and may even resent it. All sorts of 'who do you trust' possibilities there.

(Demons cannot perform sorcery themselves. Some might argue that that means that they cannot command other demons. My opinion is that if it works for you and your players, go for it, even if it may technically be against the rules.)

Message 19048#199881

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On 3/14/2006 at 7:36pm, The_Tim wrote:
RE: Re: Possesor question

The demon won't be able to command or Punish other demons as a sorcerer can, but they can certainly intimidate, beat on, black mail, and otherwise manipulate other demons.  Given that demons cannot automatically detect demons the possessor could pull the wool over the eyes of the others for sometime.  This is especially true if the state of being Bound doesn't include a sense of the Binder's identity in your group's sorcery definition.

There is nothing in the rules that I can think of that prevents a demon from taking over a sorcerer's life and fooling everybody, including the sorcerer's other demons.  It will demand certain things in the appearance of sorcery and demons to make sense story-wise, but rules wise you're golden.  However, a general snag to consider is that demons tend to push their sorcerers towards more and more sorcery.  Demons, not being stupid for the most part, are going to start noticing that the sorcerer has stopped using any sorcery what-so-ever.  There will also be the issue of the possessor satisfying its Need and Desire.  This may tip off savvy demons (Lore vs Cover rolls or some such).

A final note.  Remember the possessor and the sorcerer always remain distinct entities.  Things specifically stuck to one don't migrate.  If, for instance, the sorcerer has a demon that confers Taint then the sorcerer NOT the possessor can choose to use it.  It doesn't mean that demons that confer abilities automatically know if the sorcerer is possessed, but they do know that ability isn't getting used so often anymore.

Message 19048#199889

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On 3/16/2006 at 1:58pm, May wrote:
RE: Re: Possesor question

Thanks for the feedback! I think I know how to go about it now. The demons finding out about the impostor isn't really the issue here - although an interesting concept to be stored for later use - as my big nasty is the one spawning the little parasites-would-be-possesors. (I know this doesn't follow the rules on spawn, but it fit so well in the story). Now if it can only convince its master to bind the spawn, which will eventually take him over, but will be far too intimidated by its parent to give it any grief. Oh the possibilities....


Message 19048#200138

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On 3/19/2006 at 6:27pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Possesor question


May, do you have a copy of The Sorcerer's Soul? The rules and concepts for both Parasites and Possessors are greatly extended there.


Message 19048#200395

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