The Forge Reference Project


Started by: PincheGamesLoco
Started on: 3/16/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 3/16/2006 at 4:11am, PincheGamesLoco wrote:

Hello toall the gamers and everyone here at The Forge!  Please excuse my English that I am working on making better.

My name is LOCO!  I read here every day for a long time and am a big game player of everything.  I like video games, and the card games, and especially role playgin games.  Me and my homey Iggy we are starting some new games that we are making.  We got us a website so you know we are for reals!  My cuz is helping us put things together for it.!  Come check us up and you all are welcome there.

I just want to tell everyone about some fo the games we are working on me and my homeboy IGGY.  And, these are not our real names but they are nicknames we has from when we grow up so we are using them for PINCHEGAMES  like the way gangbangers use street names.  We are legal though and not looking to start trouble unless we has to roll like that.

Here are the games and talking about them from PINCHEGAMES!

BORRACHA – this is a roleplaying DRINKING game for the ladies.  It will be a good game to make new friends and drink with, especially for when the ladies come over to play AND drink.  This is my favorite one when I get back from work and has rules for playing alone.  Just kiding!  Ha!  But you can

RUN FOR THE BORDER! – this is a card game I learned at home from my uncle.  It is not played over here on this side of the border though so we are going to try and bring it but with personal cards.  The SPADES cards in the deck stand for the border patrol and the HEARTS are the coyotes that are helping you get across the border.  Don’t get caught!  This game still needs a lot of work.

THE ORGANIZATION – this will be the BIG one for PINCHEGAMES!  You are a member of a SPIES GROUP!  Fighting in seceret against the terrorists, monsters, aliens, and even ninja.  We will be making a demo of this game with my cuz over at chimaeraCON coming soon.  We have someone that is making art for it too and anyone can play it.  Simple rules and we are working hard to make it better for when we sell it.

LA PLACITA DEL MAL – it is a world of BARS and of the nightclubs and you must make money as a drinker with no job so you can get drunk ALL the time.  This will be a very sad and tragic RPG.  Adults only but kids can play the other games just fine.

CHALUPA 2!  THE NEW CARD GAME LIKE BINGO!  -  this will be a new bingo game like classic CHALUPA, but we are making new cards for it with new words to learn.  This is going to be a family game for everyone to play but we need a lot of art so it won’tr be ready anytime very soon.

Message 19069#200110

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...from around 3/16/2006

On 3/16/2006 at 5:07am, Ron Edwards wrote:


Welcome to the Forge. If you've been reading here a long time, then you know that your threads should really have a discussion topic. It seems to me that The Organization is the best one to talk about here. What would you like to discuss about that game?

Also, there is no way in the world I can call someone here "Pinche" as if it were their name. (Non-Spanish speakers, never mind what it means.) Tell us your real name, please.


Message 19069#200112

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On 3/16/2006 at 6:14am, PincheGamesLoco wrote:

thank you for welcoming us here!  i am sorry if my english writing is a bad.  My homey IGGY is going to be doing better writing here when we are posting forums soon.

THE ORGANIZATION is the main one we work on right now cause it is more avaialble to people than the other ones we have.  we welcome any kind of input and are happy to hear ideas for making it better.  the main thing we right now are figuring out is if we should use real guns or just make some up like lasers and acid bombs and things like that.  we was going to use a system with D20 or the D10sider, but could not find enough back home when we started in mexico so instead we are using 3 SIX siders since everyone haves has those.

my cuz that we are staying with in san antonio hasd lots of dice so we may try something new but for now we like the six siders and even have a internet dice for it at our WWW>PINCHEGAMES>COM on the internet so you can just push a button.  everyone should have 3d6 already so thats not problem we dont think. 

and  also we were looking for the dogs in the vinard game today but they didnt has it at the store.  can we find it anywhere but with the writing in SPANISH?

we are making tshirts too but with the PINCHEGAMES calavera instead of just the name

peace out and god bless you


Message 19069#200116

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On 3/22/2006 at 2:23am, Arturo G. wrote:

Hi, Loco!

My group here in Spain has some intros and cheat-sheets translated to spanish, for our own use, for some indie-games. We will be happy to share them with anyone. Nothing for Dogs in the Vineyard nowadays, but please, send me a Personal Message.

(Mándame un mensaje a ver si tenemos algo que te interese o te podemos ayudar a traducir alguna cosa).


Message 19069#200680

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...from around 3/22/2006