The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Rules for the Endeavor forum
Started by: Ron Edwards
Started on: 3/23/2006
Board: Endeavor

On 3/23/2006 at 3:05am, Ron Edwards wrote:
Rules for the Endeavor forum

Use this forum for two purposes. The first is as a discussion venue for any current RPG design projects, like the Iron Game Chef, 24-Hour Game Project, and the Game-Game Contest, as well as announcements for anything of the sort.

The second purpose is to propose and run your own design endeavors, much like I did with the Ronnies in late 2005, and that's how the Iron Game Chef and 24-Hour RPG projects both got started, here at the Forge. There's no reason your idea can't be as good as those, so here's the place to try it out.

Any questions about what this forum is for? Ask them here in this thread, or ask me by private message.

Best, Ron

Message 19148#200834

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On 3/23/2006 at 11:55am, Eero Tuovinen wrote:
Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

How do you think this forum relates to the other "practical" forums, especially Conventions? I guess I don't rightly see the difference between that one and this one. Or is this specifically for internet-based stuff, while Conventions should still be used for real-life events?

Message 19148#200865

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On 3/23/2006 at 12:29pm, Selene Tan wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

I believe "Endeavor" is meant to be design-focused, whereas conventions tend to be play-focused.

Message 19148#200867

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On 3/23/2006 at 2:00pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

I don't really see the point of your question, Eero. The difference between this forum and Conventions is so vast that I can't even comprehend what vector you must be viewing them from.

Just wait a bit, all right? The threads I'm moving here will demonstrate the purpose very nicely, I think. Geez ... Mr. Jump-Up-and-Object ovah here ...

Best, Ron

Message 19148#200872

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On 3/23/2006 at 8:33pm, Walt Freitag wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

Ron wrote:
...The second purpose is to propose and run your own design endeavors, much like I did with the Ronnies in late 2005, and that's how the Iron Game Chef and 24-Hour RPG projects both got started, here at the Forge. There's no reason your idea can't be as good as those, so here's the place to try it out.

Past precendent (such as back when Mike Holmes was setting up the first Iron Game Chef competitions) and common sense/courtesy might suggest that the initial "propose" step should be mandatory. Is that indeed the case, or would (for instance) an out of the blue "Best RPG not using the letter 'e' -- deadline next Tuesday -- GO!" thread be OK?

(I have some ideas -- for next fall at the earliest -- that I'd definitely want to first propose and iron out in the forum or privately in any case. But it made me wonder what the expectations are, based on policy and/or etiquette.)

- Walt

Message 19148#200923

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On 3/23/2006 at 8:42pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

That's a good question, Walt. Generally, I'd rather let the endeavors simply be presented, and people can participate as they see fit, instead of vetting each endeavor proposal as a primary step.

On the other hand, if someone wants to suggest an endeavor and get it hashed out a little before actually starting it, that would be OK too.

So the rule is, you don't have to run an endeavor-idea past me first, but if you want to suggest one and discuss it before actually doing it, you can.


Message 19148#200925

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On 3/24/2006 at 4:08pm, Czar Fnord wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

OK, so out of curiosity, could someone's Endeavor be a "challenge" to designers to come up with a bunch of settings, using a specific rule system--perhaps a generic one, being designed here on The Forge? ;^)

Or could someone create a "contest" to see who can break a particular rule system--by finding omissions from its options, or by finding overpowered synergies, or by pointing out abashed mechanics?

Or could someone create a "writers symposium" for folks to develop characters that could be used as NPCs (or pre-generated PCs) for a particular setting product?

In short, does the Endeavor forum require/imply that participants are unconstrained--except by "trivial" things like time limits or design ingredients--or can it be used as "component building and testing" for a specific, single, larger project?


(P.S. Let us not debate whether anyone would actually participate is such obviously designer-serving contests. I'm just wondering if they'd be an offense to the forum purpose.)

Message 19148#201008

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On 3/24/2006 at 4:30pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

The field is wide open, David. Ben Lehman ran his Bennies based simply on identifying the best Actual Play posts during a set period of time. That's pretty out-there, and totally cool.

You're free to propose whatever sort of contest you want concerning role-playing as roughly conceived, and in tune (also roughly) with the Forge as a site. I'm not saying there are no reasonable limits, but at the moment, I have no idea what they are. I'll discover that through experience.

So choose whatever you'd like, and do it. My only advice is to be entirely up-front regarding your own purposes in developing any particular contest or other endeavor. If, as you suggest, you're hunting for settings for a game design that you're working on, say so explicitly.


Message 19148#201014

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On 3/24/2006 at 5:27pm, Czar Fnord wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

Cool... good to hear. I think I have a couple of "contest" ideas that I will propose in, oh, a couple of months. When GLASS is at v.1 (beta). :-)

Thank you, as always, for this site!

Message 19148#201030

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On 5/7/2006 at 8:46pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

Ron wrote: Any questions about what this forum is for? Ask them here in this thread, or ask me by private message.


Public query for public consumption: I notice this forum is specifically tagged as being for "endeavors" -- contests, challenges, and similar -- not specifically (or at all) for design. Yet it is being used for "I'm past First Thoughts (and perhaps not yet Playtesting)". Is this OK, or have we as a community been mucking things up and should be doing "here's my design, I have a question/comment about it" type things elsewhere?

Message 19148#207026

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On 5/7/2006 at 11:23pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

I've decided to take a serious run through this forum in a major, major way over the next week. Expect clarity, feedback, examples, and mentoring, just as I've been doing in Actual Play over the last week or so. After that, I think folks will know exactly what to do.

Best, Ron

Message 19148#207040

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On 7/15/2006 at 10:30am, BigElvis wrote:
RE: Re: Rules for the Endeavor forum

It seems to me that the forum is still used for "I am past first thoughts" design.

Message 19148#212712

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