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Topic: A reading List
Started by: Comte
Started on: 4/18/2002
Board: Key 20 Publishing

On 4/18/2002 at 5:10am, Comte wrote:
A reading List

Hey I got a buntch of people intererested in Little Fears recently. I have a play group finally! But I'm going home for three months arrrrgh!!! So I'm amassing a reading list for them to read over the summer. Here is what I got so far...addtions are needed.

Jonny the Homocidal Maniac
the Maxx
Gloom Cookie

Stephen King:
The Regulators
Grimms Fairy Tales

Movies Tv Shows
The City of Lost Children
Gummo (setting purpouses)
Invader Zim
The Professional

Message 1916#18291

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On 4/18/2002 at 10:52am, Jürgen Mayer wrote:
RE: A reading List

If you suggest GloomCookie, I'll also add the Little Gloomie comics from the same publisher. It's all about kid-monsters =)
Movies: maybe Jim Hanson's The Labyrinth as an example of a rescue mission in Also The Goonies and E.T. for adventuring kids?
Books: IIRC the King novel Talisman tells the story of a young boy getting in touch with all kinds of strange things?

Message 1916#18298

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On 4/18/2002 at 11:16am, Tim Denee wrote:
RE: A reading List

Gummo (setting purpouses)

Christ. So is the setting going to be more terrifying than Closetland itself?

Message 1916#18300

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On 4/18/2002 at 1:25pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: A reading List

Hey Le Comte,

Yeah, I was thinkin' that your list is about as grim and over-the-top as I could imagine. Which is perfectly all right if that's what you want.

I was thinking more about The Phantom Tollbooth, Labyrinth (as Jurgen suggested), The House with a Clock In Its Walls, and similarly spooky-but-not-stupid, kid-oriented material.


Message 1916#18307

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On 4/18/2002 at 1:47pm, Jared A. Sorensen wrote:
RE: A reading List

Ron Edwards wrote: Hey Le Comte,

Yeah, I was thinkin' that your list is about as grim and over-the-top as I could imagine. Which is perfectly all right if that's what you want.

I was thinking more about The Phantom Tollbooth, Labyrinth (as Jurgen suggested), The House with a Clock In Its Walls, and similarly spooky-but-not-stupid, kid-oriented material.


Jacob Two Two and the Hooded Fang, baby. Also: A Series of Unfortunate Events (by Lemony Snickett).

Message 1916#18308

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...started by Jared A. Sorensen which Jared A. Sorensen participated Key 20 Publishing
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On 4/19/2002 at 4:27am, Comte wrote:
Responding to all sorts of people

Hey this is me avoiding a lit paper. And responding to what everyone had to say.
Many of you gave suggestions on the lighter side of the spectrum. Thankyou for that because I really needed it. My choise in books and movies was just me looking through my book shelf and DVD collection.

About the setting being more terrible than closet land itself. Actually I was thinking about useing parts of it as closet land. But you rais an excelent point. Gummo was shot on location in an actual town. Many of the people in the movie weren't actors but real people. Children live in places like that. Fun roleplaying for everyone. But it really makes oyu think if you changed the setting to an inner city, or a desert outback it would effect the game greatly.

My two cents. I'm going back to work.

Message 1916#18378

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...from around 4/19/2002