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Topic: [Capes Fantasy] Bane of Bones Resurrection
Started by: Glendower
Started on: 3/29/2006
Board: Actual Play

On 3/29/2006 at 6:05pm, Glendower wrote:
[Capes Fantasy] Bane of Bones Resurrection

First off, big thanks to Gaerik's Actual play here:

If it wasn't for this piece, I wouldn't have even concieved of the perfect way to bribe my group into playing Capes a second time.  Allowing them to play their beloved adventuring group "The Bane of Bones" from a now defunct Forgotten Realms game. 

I warned them that their prize characters were not precisely their own, and other players will take their characters in unexpected directions, which they were all fine with. 

They enjoyed making their own characters, using the click and locks for inspirations.  Once they got their groove on, they really got into it, suggesting powers for each other that would be "central" to the character they used to play.  The drives were really interesting, every one of them taking at least one villain drive. 

None took an exemplar, and they didn't quite understand what that mechanic was all about.  I think next time I'll take an exemplar and show how it benefits the game as a whole. 

All in all people had a blast.  The previous AP (see above link) showed it can work, and I'm here to tell you it does work, and it works amazingly.  Best of all... I don't have to be the frigging DM. 

Here's the details:

Dave played Norrin, the Human Priest of Tyr
He gave him the Powers - Flame Strike (5) Turn undead (4), Heal (3), Mace (2), Sieze the Future (1). 
Styles - Protector (powered) (3), Logical Argument (2), Ranged Attack (Powered) (1). 
Attitudes - Confident (4), Determined (3), Unsure (2), Pious (1).
His drives were Justice 3, Truth 1, Hope 2, Duty 2, Fear 1
For a brief backstory - Norrin is from a dark alternate future.  He's torn between using his knowledge of events to change things, and allowing the world to run it's proper course.  He fears each change might bring about a worse future, but it's hard to imagine his future being worse!

Wes Played Binnden, the Dwarf Warrior-Priest of Clangeddin
He gave him the Powers - Bull's Strength (5), Great Fortitude (4), Armor (3), Heal (2), Darkvision (1). 
Styles - Power Attack (Powered) (4), Sit there and take it (3), Cleave (Powered) (2), Tumble (1)
Attitudes - Honorable (3), Honest (2), Reckless (1)
His drives were Justice 3, Duty 2, Truth 2, Pride 1, Hope 1
Brief Backstory - Binnden is the son of a Dwarven Thane, exploring the world and having adventures. 

Dan played Ethan, the Human Rogue turned Knight of Cormyr
He gave him the Powers - Boldcall (magic talking sword) (4), Riven (his mage companion) (3), Tumble (2), Open any Lock (1)
Styles - Flanked (powered) (4), "Hey, what's that?" (powered) (3), Leadership (2), Sneaky (1)
Attitudes - Cocky (4), Determined (3), Patriot (2),Passionate (1).
His drives were Power 3, Justice 1, Pride 1, Obsession 2, Truth 1
Brief Backstory - Ethan was a street Rogue that was instrumental in saving the Kingdom of Cormyr from destruction.  He was knighted and owned Brightstone keep and the land around it.  He struggles between his carefree life as a thief and the responsibilities of knighthood.

Note: Riven would have been played by another player, but he wasn't there.  But the group wanted Riven there in some capacity, so Dan suggested having him as a power.  I thought that was fantastic.  Shows how flexible Capes can be!

I decided to play a villain.  I made up Xamitass, the Lich Lord
His powers - Invulnurability (5), Undead Minions (4), Paralyzing Touch (3), Undead Spies (2), Summon Demons (1)
Styles - "The living are morons" (4), Snap without warning (3), Protective spells (powered) (2), Sense the living (1)
Attitudes - Cruel (3), Monsterous (2), Superior (1)
Drives - Power 2, Fear 2, Pride 2, Obsession 2, Despair 1
No backstory for this guy.  I just wanted to make a black hat for them to beat the snot out of.

We established a Code, Which included:
No Death of Major Characters
No Rape of any characters
No Destroying Cormyr
No Airships
No 1,000,000 copper coin rewards

(airships and million copper coin rewards derailed and ultimately defuncted the old D&D game)

I let them know that these events can be threatened, but won't ever happen.  They were fine with that, and joked about Gloating over the inevitable Goal: ONE MILLION COPPER COINS Rewarded.

I started the Scene, and opened in a Bar in the Town of Tilverton.  People didn't seem to want to do much free roleplay, so I tossed a Goal onto the table right away. 

Goal: Binnden wins Drinking Contest.
I narrated about how a group of men were encouraging Binnden to drink down as much ale as possible, and there was much cheering and joking about "testing the legends of Dwarf drinksmanship!".

I explained that the goals or events you toss in should be interesting to others, so they'll want to stake debt on it and win you some story tokens, or inspirations.

Dave was next, who couldn't think of anything and passed.  Then Wes, who rolled his "Great fortitude" to get his dice up to a 4.  No one reacted.  Dan looked at me smiling and said "you think you can claim his side next turn.  You forgot that you'll be acting last.  Next page starts with Dave, remember?"  My smile left.  "Oh crap!  I forgot all about that!"  Much laughter from the other players.  They were getting the rules better than I was! 

Dan then passed.

The page done, Dave starts.  He claims nothing.  Wes claims the 4 for "Binnden wins Drinking Contest".  Dan claims nothing.  I claim the other side of "Binnden wins Drinking Contest".

Dave plays "Goal - Norrin gets some sleep".  Wes Chuckles and says "oh no, this drinking contest is loud!", He rolls one side up to a 3. Wes gives a big of a grin and says "I'll have to claim that when I start next page."  Dan reacts ("I'll save you Dave.") and gets a 5. ("Whoops, ah well, sorry Dave.  Ethan gives a big yell and declares 'He's never been beaten!' all the while eyeing the cashbox.")  I don't react.  Dave eyes his Flamestrike ability ("This would shut you up!") but declines to react. 

Dan's next, and he rolls up one side of the "barfight" event, getting a 5.  No one reacts to this.  My turn, I smile and toss down Goal: Slaughter Townsfolk.  "From the outside, you hear shouts and cries.  The undead, the undead are attacking!"

Dave: "You BASTARD.  Now I'll never get sleep."
Me: "You could go to sleep, Dave.  Norrin could say 'screw those townsfolk' and get some shuteye."
Dave: "But you know he's not."
Me: "Yup!"

It gets a little hazy from here, but in the end (we went to 4 pages before the scene ended) The townsfolk are saved, the Bar being a last stand for the Fight, and Norrin doesn't get any sleep at all.  Everyone save Norrin gets an inspiration, and story tokens (a whole lot of debt was staked on "slaughter Townsfolk", and the dice are split a few times) are awarded to pretty much everyone. 

Everyone had a stellar time, but were all exhausted after the scene.  Dan mentioned that keeping up in Capes is tough, you really got to be on the ball and the play is very dense.  Strategizing a few steps ahead was key, and we still don't have the rules quite internalized yet. 

But it was an awesome time.  Special thanks to Hans for his recommendations on how to deal with Debt and Story Tokens (everyone had their color for debt, when you award your debt, it becomes a story token for the other person, and they can keep track of who gave them tokens), it really helped keep things from getting confusing. 

Capes Fantasy Works Great!

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On 3/29/2006 at 6:13pm, TonyLB wrote:
Re: [Capes Fantasy] Bane of Bones Resurrection

Glendower wrote:
Dave: "You BASTARD.  Now I'll never get sleep."

LOL!  Oh man, that's wonderful focus.  "Sure, sure, animated corpses are attacking, but the real problem is that I can't get to sleep with all this racket!"

Message 19246#201596

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On 4/4/2006 at 12:39pm, Gaerik wrote:
RE: Re: [Capes Fantasy] Bane of Bones Resurrection


Now I want to play with you guys!  Dammit.

You know, I'm really considering doing Capes Fantasy at GenCon this year.

Message 19246#202239

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On 4/4/2006 at 11:15pm, Glendower wrote:
RE: Re: [Capes Fantasy] Bane of Bones Resurrection

I was floored by how easy it was, and how I almost immediately not only had their attention, but also had them in serious, competitive play.  We didn't get by the initial scene, but I was interested to see if they kept their characters, or maybe tried putting together some other townsfolk, or even some monsters, or even played each other's characters!

It was a bold experiment that really paid off.  Now I have them clamoring for more Capes!

Message 19246#202485

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