The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Website Hosting
Started by: Nathan
Started on: 6/6/2001
Board: Publishing

On 6/6/2001 at 8:36pm, Nathan wrote:
Website Hosting

I wanted to hear everyone's thoughts on website hosting out there. Has anyone found any amazing deals w/ lots of features for very little? How does everyone feel about free hosters and what not?

Currently, I host through, which gives me a ton of space, lots of nifty gadgets, good support, for fairly cheap. Anyone else have any good tips?

Also, if anyone needs a step up of space, let me know as I may be able to host you on mine. Currently, I host (still under construction) and I am about to host (Junk rocks!). I don't have time to webmaster, but I can help in some manner.


Message 193#1574

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On 6/7/2001 at 5:41am, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Website Hosting

I really can't say it enough:

Guess where is hosted?

Message 193#1588

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On 6/7/2001 at 4:25pm, Clay wrote:
RE: Website Hosting

I've had good luck with Dreamhost (, tell them dowlingc sent you and I get perks). I can't speak to Cedant, but next time I need a hosting service, I'll give them a whirl. I just looked at their prices and they begin to look very attractive.

I could make good money reselling that for web design clients.... maybe I should give it a look.

Message 193#1600

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On 6/7/2001 at 4:37pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Website Hosting


I've used Dreamhost, too, and I was really disappointed. I seemed to get a lot of downtime (especially on e-mail service), and general technical problems up the ass. Their web interface is nice, but cedant's gives you a few really nice perks:

* A web-based file browser for changes and whatnot
* Web-based e-mail checking
* Free MySQL database with PHPMyAdmin (a web interface to work with MySQL)

Cons to cedant:

* Only one account. You can have multiple e-mail addresses (a huge amount, actually), but only one FTP and SSH account.
* No sub-domains. One account gets one domain. That's why I can't offer to anyone.

Still, I wouldn't go back. I'm hosting,, and on Cedant, and love it. I've still got on Dreamhost, and am itching to get it off.

Message 193#1604

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On 6/8/2001 at 6:21pm, Clay wrote:
RE: Website Hosting

I'd probably best stay with Dreamhost then. I haven't had the technical problems that you have, but I came on a little later, so I'm probably on the newer servers. I only had one downtime incident.

Also, I make extensive use of the sub-domains that come with Dreamhost. Cedant would wind up costing me more in a hurry.

Message 193#1642

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