The Forge Reference Project


Topic: This one snuck up on me
Started by: Troy_Costisick
Started on: 4/4/2006
Board: Forge Birthday Forum

On 4/4/2006 at 6:25pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
This one snuck up on me


Is it birthday time again already?!?!?  Wow, these years are starting to go by fast.  Well, happy birthday Forge!  There's been a lot of changes in the last 5 years.  I like this place more than ever :)



Message 19326#202321

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On 4/4/2006 at 6:30pm, Brand_Robins wrote:
Re: This one snuck up on me


This means I'm going to be 32 soon. I was just getting used to being 31.

Anyway, Happy Birthday Forge!

Message 19326#202323

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On 4/4/2006 at 6:36pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Happy Happy!  Thanks to Clinton & Ron, and everyone who is active on the forums.

You rock!

Message 19326#202326

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On 4/4/2006 at 6:43pm, Paka wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Yeah, big thanks to Ron and Clinton this year.  This seemed like a rough year of growth and change for them and the Forge rocks on, different, even more focused on its goals and evolving.

Rock on, Forge, rock on you two.

Thank you.

Message 19326#202329

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On 4/4/2006 at 7:07pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

[throwing the goat]

Rock on!  The Forge is the best thing that ever happened to me on the Intarweb.  That I can discuss.

[/throwing the goat]

Message 19326#202334

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On 4/4/2006 at 7:09pm, JMendes wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Olá, :)

Parabéns, Forja!


Message 19326#202335

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On 4/4/2006 at 7:30pm, Kesher wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Almost two years I've been reading and posting and, while sometimes I felt like my brain was on fire, and other times I almost gave up on rpgs entirely, this site and the people here have changed my point of view permanently. 

Thanks not only to Ron and Clinton for keeping it all going, but thank you to everyone who's ever answered a question or tried to get me to be clearer about whatever the hell it was I was trying to say.


Message 19326#202343

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:07pm, Graham Walmsley wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Yes, it's a great site. Thanks very much and happy birthday.


Message 19326#202355

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:21pm, nikola wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Man, it's been such a boon having the Forge around. It's like constantly scrambling up the bodies of giants to get to their shoulders while someone's already on your back and on their way up past you.

Thank you Clinton, Ron, and the other 6062 people here!

Message 19326#202367

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:25pm, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Thank you Clinton. Thank you Ron.

I can never thank you guys enough for making this place. I never, ever, use the word "blessed" -- but that's how I feel when I think about the Forge and its influence in my creative life over the past few years.

Message 19326#202369

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:27pm, Anders wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

First Forge Birthday for me. Very nice to be here.



Message 19326#202371

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:47pm, Thunder_God wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

First Active Forge Birthday for me, actually my second chronologically.

Message 19326#202382

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On 4/4/2006 at 9:43pm, Alex Fradera wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Me also first birthday. The Forge and forge games have returned me to roleplaying.



I could have sworn there should have been a fanfare...

Anyway, I'm playing and loving it with anyone who's willing (and there's a surprising amount who are!). And also read too much stuff on the intern-et to be good for me. But still playing!

Thank you to the forge: the captains, crew and pegboys (you know who you are)!

Message 19326#202439

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On 4/4/2006 at 10:05pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Wow, it snuck up on me, too. I have to say, this week is like my favorite week of the year in terms of Teh Intarweb.

Message 19326#202444

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On 4/5/2006 at 2:11am, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Don't feel bad, guys ... Clinton PMed me and said, "Hey! the Birthday!" and I was like, "Oh man! We totally forgot!" and he was like clickety-click activate-forum man.

So, uh, yeah, snuck-upping all 'round.

Best, Ron

Message 19326#202555

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On 4/5/2006 at 3:03am, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Actually I saw the date weeks ago, but figured I'd wait till the 5th and announce a big gotcha...

Drat...foiled again...I'll get you next time Gadget.

Message 19326#202589

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On 4/5/2006 at 3:35am, nikola wrote:
RE: Re: This one snuck up on me

Hey, and we just passed 6000 members! That must have been no more than a couple of days ago, considering that there were 6055 members just a couple of hours ago...

Message 19326#202605

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