The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Forge Midwest
Started by: Matt Snyder
Started on: 4/4/2006
Board: Forge Birthday Forum

On 4/4/2006 at 6:33pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Forge Midwest

MAN, I had no idea the Midwest gig and the Forge birthday coincided. Awesome.

I hereby declare this the thread to go nutso planning and spooing oneself for this weekend. Tell us why you're excited, who you can't wait to see, what you want to play, and what secret project you'll stay up late conspiring with others on.

I'm so excited I can't even begin to explain. I've been looking forward to this for a very long time now.

I'm really pumped to play:

Lacuna (the new bag)
Dust Devils (perhaps even in an alternate setting? Or not. I'm good either way).
And just about anything I can think of (Mountain Witch, Galactic, Conspiracy of Shadows: Apocalypse, Sorcerer, Dogs in the Vineyard, PTA, My Life With Master, Nine Worlds, and on and on. I'm forgetting some, no doubt.)

I'm really excited to see anyone and everyone. It's been fun hearing feedback and RSVPs from faces old and new. My roomies and I should be a hoot (Andy K, Jared, and Clinton). I doubt I'll get any sleep, and I'm a sleep whore. Oh well.

And, I plan on talking up some 44 design with John Harper and anyone else who'll listen. I also plan to chat it up with Clinton about Dreamspire.

Message 19327#202324

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On 4/4/2006 at 6:36pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
Re: Forge Midwest

Oh yeah! Since food est verboten in the meeting rooms, I'm hoping to bring a hoard of bottled water and if Mrs. Snyder is REALLY nice some baked yummies, including my favorite church basement food (and yours) -- Scotcheroos. That's peanut butter rice krispie treats with chocolate/butterscotch topping to you non-Midwesterners (non-Iowans?). Hopefully, more goodies as well. Feel free to pitch in, folks. Roomies, you'd better be ok with that. I have a suspicion you will be with the right bribes.

Message 19327#202325

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On 4/4/2006 at 6:42pm, Thunder_God wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

What's Galactic?

Message 19327#202328

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On 4/4/2006 at 6:46pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

Whoops, crossed signals there. Clinton had one time discussed coming this weekend, but in fact is not.

Galactic is Matt "Mike TV" Wilson's space RPG awesomeness. He'll be releasing it later this year, I THINK. It's in development, and I believe has been playtested at a similar meetup in California, if not elsewhere as well.

Message 19327#202330

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On 4/4/2006 at 6:54pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

Just 'cause I want credit. Forge Midwest originated in post-GenCon conversations among me, Ralph, and Matt last year, with some contributions from Luke and Vincent. So there.

Best, Ron

Message 19327#202332

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On 4/4/2006 at 7:11pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

I shall take credit for badgering Snyder to get the fucking ball rolling.

Message 19327#202337

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On 4/4/2006 at 7:26pm, Kesher wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

Keith, are you gonna run CoS?  'cause I'd love to play it.


Message 19327#202342

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On 4/4/2006 at 7:42pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest


I will have Blood Opera with me to run, so yeah I'll run the bitch.  Unfortunately I don't think I will have the Mutiny scenario ready by then.  Figuring out how to get the demon parrot to jive with everything else is harder than it looks...

Message 19327#202346

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:02pm, chris_moore wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

My friends Jason, Kelli, Michael and I are so excited to go to a con where we want to play ALL the games...
Michael and I recently met Matt in Iowa City and played his awesome Nine Worlds.  Thanks for the great session, Matt!
We are out of our minds to actually play the games we've heard about / read about, etc.  You'll recognize me in the bar as the guy who's trying not to look spastically enthused.

See you all there,
Chris Moore

Message 19327#202351

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:05pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

I'm salivating at the prospect of further humiliating sen(k)owski at jungle speed.

Message 19327#202353

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:11pm, greyorm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

I plan on running a demo of "Expendable" -- even though it is terribly broken right now (design post coming up), just to see how what I do have works out.

I also want to run Orx, damnit, but I don't have a copy of the game off-hand -- I need a copy because I can't keep all the rules in my head. "But, Raven," you say, "YOU wrote the game. " Yes, yes I did. I'm also the guy who spent 15 years (I kid you not) trying to remember if old D&D's saving throws were roll under or roll over. It was so bad it became a running joke in my group.

I'm psyched because I'll finally be able to play some fucking indie games -- hell, any games at all! Because I haven't played anything in FOUR months. My life consists of work and children -- and anyone who has seen the details of my schedule can understand why that is. Thus, I plan to completely flipping game overload on the weekend. I want to be a twitching, euphorically game-addicted wreck at its end.

Message 19327#202358

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:16pm, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

I will be running Stranger Things. Maybe Andy will run it, too.

I'm also bringing a few printouts of my TSOY one-shot, Freebooters, complete with pre-gens and Story Guide material. Anyone stuck without a game to run or play can snag one from me. Be sure to bring your copy of TSOY.

I can't wait to meet all of you. Honestly, I'm more excited about hanging out and having some good face-to-face design talk than I am about playing games. HOWEVER! I must play Galactic and Nine Worlds. Must.

Oh! And I'm bringing Ben Lehman's Anima Hunters to play during any 15-minute downtimes. I will destroy all challengers.

Also: Bourbon. Who is with me?

Message 19327#202363

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:18pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

You're my bitch Thor.  I've been away at a Jungle Speed monastery learning from the masters by snatching pebbles from their hands.  I am ready for you and your paltry Norwegian skills.

Message 19327#202366

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:23pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

Keith wrote:
You're my bitch Thor.  I've been away at a Jungle Speed monastery learning from the masters by snatching pebbles from their hands.  I am ready for you and your paltry Norwegian skills.

This time, you'll break more than your dice.

Message 19327#202368

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On 4/4/2006 at 8:27pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

Thor wrote:
This time, you'll break more than your dice.

Yes I shall watch your soul shatter as I consitantly take the totem from you, leaving you an emotional wreck.

Message 19327#202370

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On 4/4/2006 at 9:03pm, mtiru wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

Thor wrote:
Keith wrote:
You're my bitch Thor.  I've been away at a Jungle Speed monastery learning from the masters by snatching pebbles from their hands.  I am ready for you and your paltry Norwegian skills.

This time, you'll break more than your dice.

he's talking about the re-discovered "cock punch" rules from the original European version.

Message 19327#202399

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On 4/4/2006 at 9:05pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

mtiru wrote:
Thor wrote:
Keith wrote:
You're my bitch Thor.  I've been away at a Jungle Speed monastery learning from the masters by snatching pebbles from their hands.  I am ready for you and your paltry Norwegian skills.

This time, you'll break more than your dice.

he's talking about the re-discovered "cock punch" rules from the original European version.

I'm still sore from being abused the last time by those "special" rules...

Message 19327#202400

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On 4/4/2006 at 10:15pm, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

Keith: You bringing Jungle Speed? Because I want to play.

John H: Hey man, Stranger Things is all you. I've gotten to the ridiculous point in my "playtesting upcoming games" swing that I realized I had to back down a bit: So from now on, I'm only going to be playtesting stuff where I get at least the first session run for me by the designer (as I'm much more tactile-kinesthetic and visual than audial(reader) type). But yeah, I'm all over it. In fact, I may try to bring in my Favorite Stranger into your game, as she was the only character (and no backstory even!) where I was like, "I'd pay $40 for a character sketch of this character", and a lot of that is due to the character generation of the game.

I will be bringing a 0.6.2R1 version of The Ghost Killers, too. If anyone here has played Rafael Chandler's DREAD, it's a lot like that, but way more playable, and not nearly as awesome game fiction (damn, that boy could write). Plus, it has project management-style resource allocation mechanics. I'm effectively rewriting a good portion of it over the next two nights.


Message 19327#202452

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On 4/4/2006 at 11:12pm, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

I'm totally stoked to see faces from Gencon and new faces, and actually PLAY some fucking games... I was so sick and doped up that I ended up opting for sleep every damn night.

I wants to run me some Dogs, and play me some... something.  Anything.  I'll be pleased beyond imagining if someone does a blind test of Blood and Bronze for me, and if I get guinea pigs lined up, I'll see how broken the current state of Reality Cops is.

I'll also (if I think to pester Ben for the current rev.) run Bliss Stage, 'cause it rocks on toast.


Message 19327#202481

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On 4/4/2006 at 11:41pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

I carry Jungle Speed in my briefcase just in case, so yes Andy I will have it...

Message 19327#202503

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On 4/5/2006 at 1:55am, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

I'm sad I can't be there, but I'm psyched that John Harper is bringing Anima Hunters Combat.  I really want to see some folk THROW DOWN with that shit.


Message 19327#202550

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On 4/5/2006 at 2:02am, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Midwest

Keith wrote:
I carry Jungle Speed in my briefcase just in case, so yes Andy I will have it...

But he carries the totem in his pants, wrapped in tinfoil, like a modern-day Derek Smalls.

Things I'm excited about:

Seeing people I ain't seen hide nor hair of in many months. Like Montana, whom I ain't seen in over a year now.

Game talk with the rock stars.

Getting the hell out of Milwaukee for a few days.

Playing cool games.

"Whose birthday is it? Somevun gets a schpanking!"

Message 19327#202552

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