The Forge Reference Project


Started by: Neros Boot
Started on: 4/5/2006
Board: Incarnadine Press

On 4/5/2006 at 4:51pm, Neros Boot wrote:

I'll be ordering With Great Power tomorrow!  I'm officially as excited as a kid in a candy store 'bout tomorrow's order!  However, I have a few question 'tween then and now:

1) How good is WGP at simulating Batman-level supers?  How good is it at simulating JLA-level supers?  And could it stat up Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen?

2) What is chargen like?  Point-buy?  Random?  Somwhere in-between?  None of the above?

3) How well does WGP's combat system mimic the flowing, ever-shifting battle of a four-colors comic book?

4) How extensive is the powers selection?

5) d20?  Non-d20?

6) And finally, are any sourcebooks being planned?  And if so, when are they due out?

--thanks! NB

Message 19368#202826

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...from around 4/5/2006

On 4/5/2006 at 7:26pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:

Hi, NB!

Here's some answers for you:

Nero's wrote:
1) How good is WGP at simulating Batman-level supers?  How good is it at simulating JLA-level supers?  And could it stat up Dr. Manhattan from Watchmen?

WGP... makes power level as irrelevant as it is in the comics. Batman & Superman can be in the same book and pull the same story weight in the comics and they can in this game, too. Powers are only one part of a character. Of equivalent mechanical weight are the hero's Motivations and his Relationships. What would Spidey be w/o "With great power comes great responsibility" and Aunt Mae & MJ?

2) What is chargen like?  Point-buy?  Random?  Somwhere in-between?  None of the above?
4) How extensive is the powers selection?

Players go through a group Origin Process of directed questions that help them create their characters. This includes creating your own powers, motivations, relationships.

3) How well does WGP's combat system mimic the flowing, ever-shifting battle of a four-colors comic book?

Rather well, I like to think. The system uses multiple decks of standard playing cards. You can read more in my interview in Daedelus

5) d20?  Non-d20?

non-d20  Actually, you'd be hard pressed to get more "non" than WGP...

6) And finally, are any sourcebooks being planned?  And if so, when are they due out?

I'm not really a sourcebook kind of guy. I do have a few potential PDF supplements in the works. The demo kit will be up by the end of June.

I'm rushed for time right now, but if you've got more questions, fire away.

BTW, you're playing classic Torg? That's cool. I spent a lot of time with that game back in the day.

Message 19368#202894

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On 4/5/2006 at 8:20pm, Valamir wrote:

Hey Nero...get ready to have your mind blown.  Your questions are coming from a direction that doesn't even apply to WGP.  Its like you went to Oz Fest and tried to buy a Britney Spears T-Shirt.

There are no points, there are no power lists, and the only simulation going on is the simulation of the structure and pacing of an actual comic book.

In fact, of your questions only #3 really has an answer (and then only if you replace "combat" with "conflict").  And my answer to that would be that not only does WGP do that well, it does it better than any other supers game ever has.

Unlike Champions or Heroes Unlimited or V&V or SAS or M&M, this game isn't at all about "what would it be like if super heroes really existed in the world".  Its all about how you and your friends can interactively create your own comic book using exactly the same kind of pacing and story logic used in actual comic books.

So when you've gone over it and seen how radically different it is from most supers games that have gone before come back and do an expectations comparison and contrast.  I think that would make for a great thread topic.


Message 19368#202936

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...from around 4/5/2006