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Topic: Greyhawk keywords (long)
Started by: a_verheaghe
Started on: 4/7/2006
Board: HeroQuest

On 4/7/2006 at 3:27pm, a_verheaghe wrote:
Greyhawk keywords (long)

About a year ago I asked about converting D&D type stuff, well it took awhile but here is my Furyondy stuff for critique. The game will be centered around a group of household knights on the boarder with Iuz.Your thoughts are appreaciated.

Homeland Furyondy
What Your Uncle Told You
Who are you? - I am Sir Harmar Royce of Whithill Manor, your mother's brother. You are my nephew and squire. It is my duty to train you in the ways of knighthood, war and chivalry are foremost, mastering a manor second.
Who are we? - We are of the line of Royce. Our line has sworn fealty to the Baron of Moatshiheld for over 200 hundred years, in return for our loyalty and service or line was gifted the hereditary title of Bannerette and the lands surrounding Whithill Manor.
What makes us great? – Our faithful adherence to the dictates of Knighthood and the principles of Chivalry make us great. Our skill at war makes us great, our large retinue of household knights and the landed knights who have sworn fealty to us makes us strong. The bounty of Whithill Manor makes us wealthy. And following the will of our ancestors, all these things make us great.
What is important in my life? – Loyalty above all else is important to a knight. Choosing a wife wisely is important. And should you prove valorous enough to become landed, fair and just management of your Manor will be important.
Who rules us? – We owe fealty to Sir Saldmor the Lion of Gradmoor, Baron of Moatshield. He in turn owes fealty to the Count of Crystalreach Sir Artur Jakrtai  and he to the King of all Furyondy, His Pious Majesty Belvor. Just as the knights my knights have sworn fealty to me.
What is evil? – Disloyalty is evil above all other! A disloyal knight is as vile as revolting peasants. The enemies of your Lord are evil. Iuz is evil. The retched beasts known as demi-humans that swell from Iuz’ lands and the Horned Society are evil.
What is my lot in life? – If you’re lucky, to die in service to your Lord. Exemplify the ways of Chivalry and you will be rewarded, do not and you will die penniless and errant. Perhaps you will serve in one of the Orders, this would bring honor to our line.
How do we deal with others? – Justly to those we rule, humbly to those we serve, with steel for those we oppose. With all others be wary, these are strange days.
Who are our enemies? – The enemy of your Lord is your enemy! Our King and our people have been at war with Iuz for many years, the Old One is your enemy. And Sir Welton of Gullkeep who insulted your grandmother (rest her soul), he is your enemy.
Who are our gods? – Heironeous is the Patron of honorable warriors among our people, but I have fought along side followers of his brother Hextor, who show no honor but great skill at arms, although you should be wary of their treachery. Rao has long been the Patron of our line, turn to him to put your mind at ease and for wise council. St. Cuthbert is strict and stern, it is he to whom we turn to keep peasants in line. Mayaheine is a warriors goddess and protector of the people, many common soldiers follow her ways, but those knights for whom the ways of Heironious are to difficult may find solace with her. Zilchus, Beory, and Farlegahn are gods of our people as well, but they are not gods of warriors. Respect them and honor them on holy days. Tritherion gives hope to those of lesser station.

What Your Uncle’s Household Knight Told You
Who are you? - I am Sir Avery knight of Whithill Manor, your uncle's vassal. Although you family’s station is above me you are but a squire and owe me deference. It is my duty to see that you live long enough to be knighted.
Who are we? – You are of the line of Royce, are you really that daft?
What makes us great? – A strong sword arm, and taking the lives of many foes. When the bard’s sing of your exploits you will be great, now you are a squire- go fetch me more wine.
What is important in my life? – Your uncle may have told you loyalty above all else is important to a knight, and this is partly true. Fetching me my wine is important! Standing against the Old One, battle, and money are important.
Who rules us? – Your uncle.
What is evil? –Iuz is evil. Peasants are a necessary evil.
What is my lot in life? – War. We do not have the luxury of living far from Iuz’ borders, do what you must.
How do we deal with others? – Respect those whose station is above yours, demand the respect of those below, and punish them if necessary. And with strength, cunning and deceit towards your enemies
Who are our enemies? – The enemy of your Lord is your enemy! Our King and our people have been at war with Iuz for many years, the Old One is your enemy.
Who are our gods? – Heironeous and Hextor are gods for men such as us. Rao is for those who think too much. St. Cuthbert seeks to punish us as though we were common, better he where not followed at all. Mayaheine is a woman. Zilchus, Beory, and Farlegahn are gods of our people as well, but they are not gods of warriors. Tritherion is dangerous, his ways give the peasants unrealistic views and fill them with desires dangerous to our way of living.

Furyondy Keyword
Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Petty Noble, Priest, Scholar
Native Abilities:  Furyondy Customs, Crystalreach Geography, Speak Oreidian, Heraldry, Spear and Shield Fighting, Fight Iuz
Typical Personality:  Proud, Loyal, Steadfast, Hardened, Fear Demon, Hate Iuz
Typical Relationships:  Family, Lord, Vassal, Temple

Message 19402#203563

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On 4/7/2006 at 7:22pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

Hmm. I'm trying to remember what your specific goals were here. Are you trying to play Hero Quest using the Greyhawk setting, or are you trying to play D&D using some Hero Quest mechanics?

Let me put this more concretely. You've stopped short of trying to include the religion and magic keywords here. Is that because you're getting around to it? Or because you're adopting the D&D nonsense of one god per religion, and going to write up the cults as separate from the cultures?

Is my bias showing there? :-)

Er, can I do Veluna? As I'd do it, including the religion stuff?


Message 19402#203611

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On 4/7/2006 at 7:39pm, a_verheaghe wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

The goal was to break my players of the trap that is D&D (my bias is now showing) I've convinced them that we would still play in Greyhawk just using a different system- HQ. I'm still working on "cults", but I'd have a common religion for each region using a few minor magics provided by the predominant dieties of the area, and specific cults for those who devote themselves to a diety.

Message 19402#203616

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On 4/7/2006 at 7:41pm, a_verheaghe wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

And any help you want to give would be greatly appreaciated- checking Veluna off my list.

Message 19402#203618

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On 4/10/2006 at 6:07am, screen_monkey wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

a_verheaghe wrote:
And any help you want to give would be greatly appreciated- checking Veluna off my list.

Hi - these might be of help.  i put together some 'generic hack and slash' keywords a while back - I'm not sure about the Magic User keyword, but the rest seem quite playable....and very D&D'ish...



    Abilities: Human Culture, Casual Conversation, Drink Ale, Resourceful, Adapt to Situation

    Typical Personality Traits: Ambitious, Dynamic, Sociable

    Typical Relationships: To Family, To Village, to Friends


    Abilities: Small, Hairy Feet, Smoke Pipe, Eat Lots, Be Pesky, Hardy, Good Throwing Arm, Halfling History, Know Obscure Genealogy

    Typical Personality Traits: Gluttonous, Xenophobic, Stick-in-the-mud

    Typical Relationships: To Family, To Village, to Friends, to Gardener


    Abilities: Thin, Immortal, Elegant, Archery, Acrobatic, Ancient Heirloom, Elven Culture

    Typical Personality Traits: Enigmatic, Arrogant, Aloof, Wise

    Typical Relationships: To Forest, To Trees, To Elves, to Ancestors


    Abilities: Short, Gruff, Hardy, Hairy, Cleave Foe, Drink Ale, Tell Male and Female Dwarves apart, Dwarfish Culture

    Typical Personality Traits: Gruff, Secretive, Greedy for Gold, Mistrust Elves

    Typical Relationships: To Brothers, To King, To Favourite Brewery, To Kingdom


    Abilities: Thin, Long-life, Nimble, Swordplay, Elven Culture, Attractive

    Typical Personality Traits: Snobbish, Alienated, Brooding

    Typical Relationships: To Mothers Side, To Fathers Side



    Skills: Hack, Weapon and Armour Maintenance, Small Unit Tactics, Brag, Absorb Wounds

    Common Personality Traits: Grim, Brave, Laconic

    Example Relationships: To Party, To Family, To Patron

    Standard of Living: Average (13)

    Starting Equipment: Chain Armour, Hand Weapon, Shield, Adventurers Pack


    Skills: Whack with Mace, Divine Intervention, Convert Heathens, Healing, Turn Undead

    Common Personality Traits: Pious, Devout, Earnest, Religious

    Example Relationships: To Party, to Gawd, to Church

    Standard of Living: Average (13)

    Starting Equipment: Metal Breastplate, Mace, Holy Symbol, Scriptures, Jesus Sandals

Magic User

    Skills: Cast Spells, Read Magic, Arcane Lore, Stroke Beard Wisely

    Common Personality Traits: Clever, Curious, Superior

    Example Relationships: To Aged Mentor, To Apprentice, To Familiar

    Standard of Living: Average (13)

    Starting Equipment: Wizard Hat, Robe with Stars on it, Spell Book, Scroll Case


    Skills: Knife Fighting, Pick Pockets, Detect Traps, Pick Locks, Tell Lies

    Common Personality Traits: Sneaky, Greedy, Dishonest

    Example Relationships: To Thieves Guild, To Ageing Grandmother

    Standard of Living: Average (13)

    Starting Equipment: Dagger, Leather Armour, Lockpicks, Ten-Foot Pole

Special Things

Excellent Stats

    Improve the characters best ability to 5M2


    Has ‘Reading’ at 17
    Anticipate Danger, Magnify Senses, Read Surface Emotions, read Surface Thoughts, See Without Sight, Sense People, Vision of the Future, Vision of the Past, Vision of the Present
    May improvise feats at -10
    Gets ‘Enmity of Mind Flayers’ at 15

Mysterious Past

    Select any 7 abilities at 15
    Add +10 to one ability and +5 to two others


    Improve the character’s occupation keyword to 5M


    Select a second occupation keyword with a rating of 15


    Select a race keyworld at 15
    Select an class keyword at 15
    Select any three other abilities at 13
    Add +10 to one ability and +5 to two others
    Character gains a relationship to his sidekick at 15

Goods and Gear

    Select up to 9 items (at 15 where appropriate)
    Upgrade any item to a Special Item at a cost of two other items


    The character has 3 retainers of any type
    Each retainer has one keyword at 15 and one other ability at 13
    The character has a single relationship to his entire retinue at 15

Message 19402#203905

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On 4/12/2006 at 1:46pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

Aaargh! I had just about finished up with the Veluna keyword, when I hit some odd key combination, the browser went back two pages, and when I returned, it had eaten my post. Gah.

Anyhow, what Monkey put up is a great example of what I call playing D&D with Hero Quest, and not at all what I'm personally interested in.

Going on hiatus for a couple of weeks, so I'll try to get back on this when I return.


Message 19402#204280

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On 4/12/2006 at 6:57pm, a_verheaghe wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

Thanks Mike, in the mean time I'll try and get my thoughts on religion for Furyondy posted for comments.

Message 19402#204330

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On 4/12/2006 at 9:03pm, screen_monkey wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

Mike wrote:
Anyhow, what Monkey put up is a great example of what I call playing D&D with Hero Quest, and not at all what I'm personally interested in.

These keywords are kind of a genre experiment - on the theory that Heroquest can do any genre, I wanted to see if they could do hack-n-slash roleplaying genre.  But I can totally understand if that's not what you're after...


Message 19402#204350

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On 4/12/2006 at 9:13pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

I think that Hero Quest is remarkably flexible. But I think it's strength is in changing fantasy play into something much deeper than it's ever tended to be with other fantasy systems. If I want D&D, I'll play D&D. With HQ, I want to check in with the setting for once. Take that away, and I'm no longer interested, and wonder why anyone esle would be, either. It's like saying, "Look, I've taken the nuts, sprinkles and marshmallows off of my sundae, and, lo and behold, what's left is a perfectly good vanilla sundae!"


I just played Donjon this weekend, too, so I don't even need the parody, or D&D lite right now. :-)


Message 19402#204353

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On 4/13/2006 at 9:39am, screen_monkey wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

Mike wrote:
I think that Hero Quest is remarkably flexible. But I think it's strength is in changing fantasy play into something much deeper than it's ever tended to be with other fantasy systems.

I agree.  I will try these out, and see how the Heroquest system inhabits classic roleplaying tropes.

Message 19402#204412

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On 4/15/2006 at 5:16pm, a_verheaghe wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

I still haven't gotten around to Magic Keywords yet, these seemed a much more manageable task at the moment. Here's my go at location bassed keywords. So far I've avoided areas like the Bandit kingdoms because they should have several keywords. As always comments are appreaciated.

Greyhawk Nation Keywords

Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Crafter, Entertainer, Farmer, Foot Soldier, Healer, Lawspeaker, Merchant, Petty Noble, Priest, Scholar, Thief
Native Abilities:  Bissel Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Bakluni, Urban or Wilderness Survival, Intrigue, Haggle, Placate Occupier, Spear and Shield Fighting
Typical Personality:  Tense, Dis-Trustful, Angry, Bitter Toward [Ket, Gran March, and/or Veluna] Defeated
Typical Relationships:  Family

Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Crafter, Entertainer, Farmer, Foot Soldier, God-Talker, Healer, Lawspeaker, Marine, Merchant, Petty Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Thief
Native Abilities:  Ekbir Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Bakluni, Urban or Wilderness Survival, Knife Fighting, Fanatical Worship, Know Westerly Direction
Typical Personality:  Orderly, Devout, Secretive, Excitable, Distrust Foreigners, Hate Opposing Sect
Typical Relationships:  Ancestors, Family, Al’Akbar, Sect

Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Crafter, Entertainer, Farmer, Foot Soldier, Healer, Marine, Merchant, Petty Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Thief
Native Abilities:  Furyondy Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Oreidian, Heraldry, Spear and Shield Fighting, Fight Iuz,
Typical Personality:  Proud, Loyal, Steadfast, Hardened, Fear Demon, Hate Iuz, Fear Iuz, Suspicious
Typical Relationships:  Family, Lord, Vassal, Temple, Militia Unit

Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Crafter, Entertainer, Farmer, Foot Soldier, Healer, Lawspeaker, Merchant, Petty Noble, Priest, Scholar, Thief, Thief-Taker
Native Abilities:  Ket Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Bakluni, Haggle, Crossbow or Pike Fighting, Know Foreign Ways
Typical Personality:  Proud, Cosmopolitan, Fear Iggwilv, Hate Knights of the Watch, Greedy
Typical Relationships: Ancestors, Family, City, [Military] Unit, Mouqollad, Temple

Paynims, Plains of the
Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Entertainer, Hunter, Nomad, Warrior
Native Abilities:  Tribal Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Bakluni, Herd Horse, Ride Horse, Horse Archery
Typical Personality:  Fearless, Haughty, Resilient, Tenacious, Disdain for Sedentary Peoples, Hate Ull
Typical Relationships:  Family, Khan, Tribe, Horse

Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Crafter, Entertainer, Farmer, Foot Soldier, Healer, Lawspeaker, Merchant, Petty Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Thief,
Native Abilities:  Cantonal Customs, Canton Geography, Speak Oeridian, Speak Flan, Fight in Formation, Pike Fighting, Heraldry
Typical Personality:  Cantonal Pride, Stoic, Independent, Intractable, Fear Iggwilv, Suspicious of Bargefolk, Dislike Canton X
Typical Relationships:  Family, Clan, Canton, Temple

Rovers of the Barrens
Occupations Available: Entertainer, Hunter, Nomad, Priest, Warrior
Native Abilities:  Tribal Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Flan, Hardy, Run Fast, Run All Day, Axe Fighting, Agile
Typical Personality:  Furtive, Adaptive, Enduring, Wild, Berzerk, Outrageous Bravado, Hate Iuz
Typical Relationships:  Ancestors, Family, Chief, Tribe, Wardogs

Occupations Available: Entertainer, Hunter, Nomad, Priest, Sailor, Warrior
Native Abilities:  Tribal Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Flan, Strong, Warband Fighting, Wilderness Surival
Typical Personality:  Brutal, Bloodthirsty, Cruel, Treacherous, Obedient, Hate Iuz
Typical Relationships:  Ancestors, Family, Ataman, Clan, Warband,

Tiger Nomads
Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Entertainer, Hunter, Merchant, Nomad, Priest, Warrior
Native Abilities:  Tribal Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Bakluni, Speak Oeridian, Herd Horse, Ride Horse, Horse Archery, Drink Heartily
Typical Personality:  Ruthless, Resilient, Violent, Disdain for Sedentary Peoples
Typical Relationships:  Ancestors, Family, Khan, Tribe, Horse

Occupations Available: Assassin, Cavalry Soldier, Crafter, Entertainer, Farmer, Foot Soldier, God-Talker, Healer, Lawspeaker, Merchant, Petty Noble, Priest, Scholar, Thief, Warrior
Native Abilities:  [City] Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Bakluni, Haggle, Knife Fighting, Pray for Hours, Know Westerly Direction
Typical Personality:  Spiritual, Zealot, Excitable,
Typical Relationships:  Ancestors, Family, Al’Akber, Temple

Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Entertainer, Foot Soldier, Hunter, Nomad, Warrior
Native Abilities:  Clan Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Ulagha, Warband Fighting, [Weapon] and Shield Fighting, Tough
Typical Personality:  Treacherous, Venal, Ruthless, Staunch, Hate Ull
Typical Relationships: Ancestors, Family, Clan, Temple, Warband

Wolf Nomads
Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Entertainer, Hunter, Nomad, Priest, Warrior
Native Abilities:  Tribal Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Bakluni, Speak Oeridian, Herd Horse, Ride Horse, Horse Archery, Lance Fighting, Beguilement
Typical Personality:  True to Word, Honorable, Easily Offended, Brave, Ferocious, Fear Demon, Hate Iuz
Typical Relationships:  Ancestors, Family, Noyon, Tarkhan, Tribe, Warband

Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Crafter, Entertainer, Farmer, Foot Soldier, Healer, Lawspeaker, Marine, Merchant, Petty Noble, Priest, Sailor, Scholar, Thief, Thief-Taker
Native Abilities:  [City] Customs, [Local] Geography, Speak Bakluni, Haggle, Knife Fighting, Pray for Hours, Know Westerly Direction
Typical Personality:  Spiritual, Clean, Excitable, Pious Towards all Forms of Worship
Typical Relationships:  Ancestors, Family, City, [Military] Unit, Mouqollad, Temple

Message 19402#204745

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On 5/1/2006 at 8:42pm, soviet wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

Hi Andy,

a_verheaghe wrote:
Furyondy Keyword
Occupations Available: Cavalry Soldier, Petty Noble, Priest, Scholar
Native Abilities:  Furyondy Customs, Crystalreach Geography, Speak Oreidian, Heraldry, Spear and Shield Fighting, Fight Iuz
Typical Personality:  Proud, Loyal, Steadfast, Hardened, Fear Demon, Hate Iuz
Typical Relationships:  Family, Lord, Vassal, Temple

Honestly, I wouldn't bother doing lists of allowed occupations, I don't think they really achieve anything. No-one looking through them is going to get any insight into the homeland being described that won't already be there in the abilities and general description, and if one of your players comes up with even a half-decent justification to take a restricted keyword, you're going to let him, right? I would just give players a free rein here and trust them to build characters appropriate for the setting.

In general I think your keywords are fine but perhaps a little on the dry side. Your 'What My Father Told Me' stuff is pretty good, though - I would try and capture that feel a bit more and translate it into more flavourful abilites. Ideally you want abilities to belong so firmly to what they are describing that you almost don't need to come out and say what the parent keyword is actually called. Personally I always try to write things in the 'voice' of the keyword so that even just game talk like 'I augment with X' can help evoke the right atmosphere. I also like to build in some internal tensions or adventure seeds, and often include a couple of 'ambiguous but colourful' abilities almost to dare players to find a use for them in play.

OK, time to put my money where my mouth is. I don't know Greyhawk nearly well enough to be able to do this properly, but based on what you've written in this thread here's a stab at doing Furyondy:

Furyondy homeland keyword

Abilities: Crystalreach Geography, Hunt Servants Of Iuz, Loyalty Above All Else, Noblesse Oblige or Show All Due Deference, Recognise Heraldry, Respect Traditions Of Furyondy, Speak Oeridian, Spear And Shield Fighting.
Personality Traits: Bound By Duty, Fear Demon, Proud, Steadfast.
Relationships: to family, to lord, to temple, to vassal.

Your Greyhawk May Vary, of course. :-)


Message 19402#206321

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On 5/8/2006 at 9:25pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: Greyhawk keywords (long)

soviet wrote:
Honestly, I wouldn't bother doing lists of allowed occupations, I don't think they really achieve anything.
I agree wholeheartedly. These really smack of early D&D-style limitations (dwarves can't be clerics and such), and even when writing the Veluna word up the first time, I skipped it. I generally do.

Heck, you wouldn't think that one could be an adept in Heortling society (they being all anti-corcery and whatnot), but, ooops, there's an exception with the tradition of Torvald the Alchemist. It's much more useful to list the magical traditions that are commonly available - though even that's not a hard guideline. I'm sure if you want to worship IUZ as a secret cult in Furyondy, that this can be worked out. :-)

Ideally you want abilities to belong so firmly to what they are describing that you almost don't need to come out and say what the parent keyword is actually called.
Huh, that's a pretty good ideal (and should work even if the name of the culture isn't shown in the geography, culture or language abilities).

I'll follow suit with my long promised entry, including religion keyword with one sample cult:


Abilities: Luna Vale Geography, Veluna Customs, Speak Flan, Farming, Understand Church Heirarchy, Veluna Pantheon Myths
Personality Traits: Honest, Conformist, Religiously Tolerant, Hate Dark Cults, Hopeful
Relationships: to Family, to Village, to Noble House

Common Magic Religion - Wenta Paganism
A more recent addition to the religion of the Vale of Luna, the church generally tolerates the worship of this barley goddess for the cathartic effects that her celebrations bring on the otherwise rather sober population. Some in the church are hardliners against any such corruption of the pure Flannesse church, wondering if, perhaps, this Wenta isn't simply some demon in disguise plying the populace with her beer.
Entry Requirements: A willingness to drink beer with others in cheery places.
Abilities: Drink Well, Know Beers, Mythology of Wenta, Worship Wenta
Virtues: Funloving, Carefree, Warm, Outgoing
Common Magic:
Wenta's Beery Feats: Brew Beer, Chug, Chill Beer, Drink All Night, Find Cool Dark Place
Charms: Protect Beer
Disadvantages: More than occasionally Wenta worshippers are seen as alcoholics.

Specialized Religion - Veluna Panetheon
Abilities: Myths of Veluna Panethon, Worship Veluna Pantheon, Pay Obesiance, Know Holy Calendar
Virtues: Trustworthy, Humble, Kind
Relationships: to Temple, To Priest, to Bishop
Magic: Divine Intervention (10W6 Resistance)
Other Side: The Great Forum below the hall of Rao on the third tier of the slopes of Mount Celestia.

Magic Organizations of the Veluna Pantheon
Entry Requirements: Genrerally somebody has to be either highborn, or otherwise upperclass enough to be thought of as worthy for Rao's training.
Abilities: Read, Write, Debate, Know Law, Myths of Rao, Initiate or Devotee of Rao, Soul Vision
Virtues: Peaceful, Contemplative, Just
Affinities and Feats: Peace (Calm Dissent, Quiet Rest, Peaceful Meal, Turn Foe Away), Reason (Argue Rationally, Infallible Logic, Find Facts, Light of Understanding), Law (Know High Law, Know Low Law, Discern Truth of Testimony, Weigh Evidence)
Secret: Become Thought (Worshipper becomes a tome in Rao's library)
Other Side: Rao's Hall of Justice above the Forum on Mt. Celestia.
Disadvantages: Those who follow Rao take on several oaths of asceticism.

Message 19402#207143

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