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Topic: [Universalis] - Between the Clouds at Forge Midwest, Part 1
Started by: Nev the Deranged
Started on: 4/18/2006
Board: Actual Play

On 4/18/2006 at 3:01am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
[Universalis] - Between the Clouds at Forge Midwest, Part 1

“Between the Clouds”
Forge Indie Gathering ‘06

NARRATIVE VERSION (as opposed to the Component breakdown version):

There is a world where mountains thrust upward like islands through a thick sea of clouds, each peak home to a dragon-god and his or her followers.  Few, if any, remember what lies beneath the layer of mist that separates each temple stronghold; and fewer still would dare to find out.  Magic is not known here, but science aids both human and Dragon in their endless battles for dominance of the skies.

Scene One:
Ivan, Paladin of an Unnamed Evil Dragon, stands in his master’s temple, receiving instruction. The dragon-god informs him of their plan to infect all of the good dragon knights with a virus that will cause them to believe their own masters are enemies.

Scene Two:
Meanwhile, deep inside Mount Fellgrim lies the laboratory of the brilliant Dr. Bernstein. Roderick, Captain of Fellgrim’s Knights, watches the Doctor conduct an experiment. He inquires if the inoculation against the evil virus is ready yet.  Dr. Bernstein replies that he will know in a minute, as he finishes what he is working on. After a few moments, apparently satisfied with the results, he turns to Roderick with a vial and tells him to inoculate all the knights immediately.
As soon as Roderick has left with the vial, the Doctor turns to a vidscreen and contacts Gothrain. He informs the evil dragon-god that the good knights will shortly be infected with the virus, which he has given them disguised as the inoculation against it. Unbeknownst to either party, their communication is being monitored…

Scene Three:
Roderick marches out onto Mount Fellgrim, where the other Knights of Fellgrim are assembled, ready for inoculation. But Fellgrim himself swoops down and intercepts him, demanding the vial. He reveals that he may have reason to distrust Dr. Bernstein. Roderick, being the obedient servant that he is, complies.

Scene Four:
Quentin, a pious but outcast knight, approaches an outpost on the edge of the cloud layer, and hails the guards there. They refuse him passage, but Bella, the young High Priestess, comes forward and vouches for the knight. She claims he is on a journey of faith, with the blessing of the Supreme High Dragon, and that she will accompany him below the clouds. The guards reply that it is more than their lives are worth to let anyone pass without direct authorization, and bid the travelers wait while they send a messenger for confirmation.
Some time later, the messenger returns with authorization from the Supreme High Dragon himself, and the guards grant Quentin and Bella passage beneath the cloud layer.

Scene Five:
Quentin and Bella make their way cautiously through the mists just beneath the clouds, and find themselves surrounded by ancient ruins. Some of the walls bear carvings depicting human figures alongside dragonlike figures that are smaller than the humans. As they explore the ruins, suddenly a huge beargator attacks Bella with its deadly claws and gnashing teeth. Fortunately both of them are armed and wearing light, flexible traveling armor. Bella’s laser pistol is little good at short range, especially in the thick mist, but Quentin’s electrified gauss-harpoon makes short work of the beast… (to be continued)…


I've still got seven more pages of notes to transcribe *pant pant*...  man, this game needs a stenographer.. *wheeze*

Message 19532#204976

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On 4/25/2006 at 2:04am, Nev the Deranged wrote:
Re: [Universalis] - Between the Clouds at Forge Midwest, Part 1

Scene Five:
Quentin and Bella make their way cautiously through the mists just beneath the clouds, and find themselves surrounded by ancient ruins. Some of the walls bear carvings depicting human figures alongside dragonlike figures that are smaller than the humans. As they explore the ruins, suddenly a huge beargator attacks Bella with its deadly claws and gnashing teeth. Fortunately both of them are armed and wearing light, flexible traveling armor. Bella’s laser pistol is little good at short range, especially in the thick mist, but Quentin’s electrified gauss-harpoon makes short work of the beast. Quentin and Bella hear the howls of approaching predators, probably drawn by the sounds of conflict, and make haste to enter an archway in the wall nearby. Inside they find the nest the beargator was probably guarding- complete with huge egg about to hatch. As the pale furred beargator whelp emerges from the shell, Quentin is set to dispatch it, but Bella stays his hand in a show of compassion. As Quentin is the nearest to the whelp, it imprints on him as it’s parent.  As the howling nears they seek refuge in an adjoining chamber, where stairs in the corner lead deeper into the ruins. As they debate whether to head downward, they hear the mother beargator’s carcass being torn apart just outside, and make a run for it down toward an unknown light source, baby beargator in tow.

Scene Six:
In Dr. Bernstein’s lab, the scientist, recently recovered from his infection, faces his patron dragon Fellgrim on the vidscreen.  The dragon questions him on the true nature of the inoculation he devised for their knights, and asks to see the paperwork on the experiment. The Doctor indignantly replies that brilliant men such as himself do not have time for such trivialities. In his mind, Dr. Bernstein begins to suspect Roderick- after all, he was the only other person who had access to the lab during the experiment…

END ACT ONE (Session One).

There are five more pages from "Act 2" (the second session, with some different folks, on Sunday afternoon). I will get to them when I can.

Here are my "Fact Sheet" style notes, designed for clarity of reference during actual play. Each type of fact/tenet has it's own section number so they should be easy to find, and I have included crossreferences anywhere it seemed appropriate.

And actually, it's ended up looking a bit of a mess. *shrug* Maybe someone else has a better system?


“Between the Clouds”
Forge Indie Gathering ‘06

1.1 Dave (Session 1, 2)
1.2 Becky (Session 1, 2)
1.3 Alek (Session 1, 2)
1.4 Raven (Session 1)
1.5 Todd (Session 2)
1.6 Juli (Session 2)

2.1 Dragons!
2.2 Dragon slayers who are also dragon worshippers (this combines several tenets that were suggested separately).
2.3 No magic.
2.4 Good dragons vs. Evil dragons.
2.5 No D&D style dungeons and such.
2.6 High science.
2.7 The people and dragons live on mountain peaks that rise above a layer of clouds that covers the planet.
2.8 Each mountain peak is home to one dragon and its followers.
2.9 It is accepted wisdom that no one goes beneath the cloud layer.
2.10 Nobody yet knows the Virus (6.13) wears off with time (6.13.3) or that prolonged exposure turns victims dragonish (6.13.4).

3.1 Dave’s Story Rule: This Story is Not Silly.
3.2 Each new session begins with 25 coins per player.

4.1 Dragons
4.1.1 Each rules a single mountaintop (2.8)
4.1.2 Worshipped as gods by human followers (2.2)
4.1.3 Can fly (inferred from
4.1.4 Larger than humans (inferred from 5.5.2)
4.2 Vidscreens
4.2.1 Can be eavesdropped on.
4.3 Knights of Fellgrim
4.4 Beargators
4.4.1 Claws
4.4.2 Nasty Sharp Pointy Teeth
4.4.3 Thick Hide
4.4.4 Pack Animals except when gestating.
4.4.5 Build nests.
4.4.6 Lay eggs.
4.4.7 Imprint on the first creature they see when hatching.

5.1 Temple of an as-yet-unnamed Evil Dragon #1 (6.1)
5.2 Mount Fellgrim, home of Fellgrim the Good Dragon and his followers.
5.3 Dr. Bernstein’s Lab within Mount Fellgrim.
5.3.1 Gizmos
5.3.2 Vidscreen (4.1)
5.4 Outpost at the edge of the cloud layer (2.7).
5.5 Ruins below the clouds.
5.5.1 Holds the object of Quentin’s quest (6.8.5)
5.5.2 Carvings on ruined walls showing human figures alongside dragon figures that are smaller than the humans.
5.6 Temple of the Supreme High Dragon.
5.7 Ancient Lab beneath the Ruins beneath the clouds (5.5).

6.1 Evil Dragon #1 (At Temple)
6.1.1 Dragon
6.1.2 Evil
6.1.3 Patron of Ivan (6.2)
6.1.4 Under control of Gothrain (6.6)
6.2 Ivan
6.2.1 Paladin of Evil Dragon #1 (6.1)
6.3 Dr. Bernstein
6.3.1 Brilliant Scientist
6.3.2 Sometimes infected with Virus (7.1)
6.3.3 In service to Fellgrim (6.5)
6.3.4 Arrogant
6.4 Roderick
6.4.1 Knight of Fellgrim (6.5)
6.4.2 Captain of Fellgrim’s Knights
6.4.3 Obedient servant of Fellgrim
6.4.4 Arrogant
6.5 Fellgrim
6.5.1 Dragon
6.5.2 Good
6.5.3 Patron of Roderick
6.5.4 Patron of Dr. Bernstein
6.6 Gothrain
6.6.1 Dragon
6.6.2 Evil
6.7 Supreme High Dragon
6.7.1 Dragon
6.7.2 Factionless
6.8 Quentin
6.8.1 Dragon Knight
6.8.2 Outcast
6.8.3 Strong in Faith
6.8.4 Armed with Gauss-Poon (6.15)
6.8.5 Wearing Traveling Armor (7.5)
6.8.6 On a quest (, .3) for something in the Ruins (5.5.1)
6.9 Outpost Guards
6.10 Bella
6.10.1 Young woman.
6.10.2 High Priestess of the Supreme High Dragon
6.10.3 Renowned.
6.10.4 Armed with Laser Pistol (7.4)
6.10.5 Wearing Traveling Armor (7.5)
6.10.6 Compassionate (
6.11 Mama Beargator
6.11.1 Beargator (4.4)
6.11.2 Female
6.11.3 Mother of Whelp (6.12)
6.12 Beargator Whelp
6.12.1 Beargator (4.4)
6.12.2 Imprinted on Quentin (6.8)
6.13 Flark
6.14 Outpost Guards
6.14.1 3 of them.

7.1 Virus
7.1.1 Causes “Alignment Switch”? (,
7.1.2 Based on Dragon DNA.
7.1.3 Wears off eventually.
7.1.4 Prolonged exposure turns victims dragonish.
7.2 Inoculation
7.2.1 In a vial (
7.2.2 Created by Dr. Bernstein (6.3)
7.2.3 Is actually the Virus (7.1,
7.3 Gauss-Poon, Electrified harpoon gun.
7.4 Laser Pistol
7.4.1 Not effective at long range.
7.5 Traveling Armor; light, flexible mesh.

8.1 ONE
8.1.1 Time: Evening
8.1.2 Setting: Temple of Evil Dragon #1 (5.1)
8.1.3 Present: Ivan (6.2) Evil Dragon #1 (6.1)
8.1.4 Action: Evil Dragon #1 instructs Ivan to lead his followers against the Good Dragons. Evil Dragon #1 explains that their plan involves a new weapon, a Virus (7.1) that will cause the Good knights to believe their masters are Evil.
8.2 TWO
8.2.1 Time: Concurrent with Scene One (8.1)
8.2.2 Setting: Laboratory inside a mountain. (5.3)
8.2.3 Present: Dr. Bernstein (6.3), who is currently Evil as a result of being infected by the Virus (7.1) himself. Roderick (6.4) Gizmos (5.3.1)
8.2.4 Action: Roderick asks Dr. Bernstein if the Inoculations (7.2) against the Virus are ready. Dr. Bernstein replies that he will know in a moment, as he performs some final test. The test successful, Dr. Bernstein turns to Roderick with a vial (7.2.1), and says that all the Knights should be inoculated at once. EXIT RODERICK. Dr. Bernstein contacts Gothrain (6.6) via a Vidscreen (4.1) and informs him that the Good Knights will be infected soon, as the Inoculation he has given them is actually the Virus (7.2.3). Unbeknownst to either of them, the communication is being monitored by an unknown party.
8.3.1 Time: Following Scene Two
8.3.2 Setting: Mount Fellgrim (5.2)
8.3.3 Present: Knights of Fellgrim (4.2)
8.3.4 Action: ENTER RODERICK (6.4), running toward assembled Knights, bearing Inoculation (7.2) ENTER FELLGRIM (6.5), swooping down to cut Roderick off. Fellgrim asks Roderick for the Inoculation, explaining that he has reason not to trust Dr. Bernstein. Roderick, being the obedient servant he is, complies.
8.4 FOUR
8.4.1 Time: Concurrent with Scene Three
8.4.2 Setting: Trail leading to Outpost (5.4) at the edge of the cloud layer (2.7)
8.4.3 Present: Quentin (6.7), on a quest beneath the cloud layer to proselytize to whatever people he may find there. Quentin is stopped at the Outpost by the Guards (6.13), who call out to him to halt. He explains his mission but they will not let him pass. ENTER BELLA (6.9), who explains that Quentin is on a journey of faith… …and that she is going with him… …on orders from the Supreme High Dragon. The Guards say it’s more than their lives are worth to let them pass without direct authorization, and ask them to wait while they send a messenger, which they do. The messenger returns with authorization from the Supreme High Dragon himself for them to pass.
8.5 FIVE
8.5.1 Time: Following Scene Four.
8.5.2 Setting: In the mists beneath the cloud layer, near some ruins of an ancient city (5.5)
8.5.3 Present: Quentin (6.7) Bella (6.9)
8.5.4 Action: They enter the ruins, and see carvings on ruined walls showing human figures alongside dragon figures that are smaller than the humans (5.5.2) ENTER MAMA BEARGATOR (6.11) which attacks Bella. Quentin and Bella manage to kill the beast with their weapons, and their Traveling Armor (7.5) preserves them from lasting harm. As the two happen on an archway in the wall, they hear the howls of likely predators drawing nearer. They hurry through the archway into a room, to find what can only be the nest of the Beargator- complete with giant egg just about to hatch. The egg hatches a mewling, pale furred Beargator whelp (6.12). Quentin moves to dispatch the beast, but Bella, out of compassion (6.10.6) stays his hand. The Whelp imprints (4.4.7) on Quentin. As the howls come closer they seek refuge in the next chamber, from which stairs lead deeper into the ruins. As the sounds of creatures tearing into the carcass of Mama Beargator, the party makes a break down the stairs, whelp in tow, toward a faint and unidentifiable light source.
8.6 SIX
8.6.1 Time:  Following Scene Five
8.6.2 Setting: Dr. Bernstein’s Lab (5.3)
8.6.3 Present: Dr. Bernstein, whom the Virus (7.1) has recently worn off (7.1.3) On the Vidscreen (5.3.2) is Fellgrim (6.5)
8.6.4 Action: Fellgrim is questioning Dr. Bernstein about the true nature of the Inoculation (7.2), asking to see the paperwork on the Doctor’s formula. Dr. Bernstein is indignant, as a brilliant scientist like himself does not have time for the keeping of paperwork! Fellgrim signs off, leaving the Doctor to consider how his formula may have been corrupted. He begins to suspect Roderick (6.4), as he was the only person present in the lab during the experiment (8.2)
8.7 END ACT ONE (First Session)


As always, comments, questions, suggestions welcome. And if any of the other players want to pipe up about the game, that'd be groovy too (nudge nudge).


Message 19532#205642

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