The Forge Reference Project


Topic: GenCon booth accessories?
Started by: btrc
Started on: 4/20/2006
Board: Conventions

On 4/20/2006 at 2:19pm, btrc wrote:
GenCon booth accessories?

In the interest of continual upgrading of the Forge presence, I've been scouring the web for good looking and just as important, portable and storable booth accessories. Anyone have any feelings about the items/services below. Some are duplicates, different sources for same item, while other items are not much good by themselves, but several of them together could generate a very nice effect. In particular, I'm thinking of something to add to the capacity of the large triangular rack, which is great, but seems to generate foot traffic problems. Having another literature display site might help.

Most of these items I'd be more than happy to pony up a share for, and for the collapsible ones, be willing to store and transport.


Greg Porter

Message 19570#205267

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On 4/20/2006 at 5:37pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Great links.

Given the expanded and division-of-labor booth we're using this year, the point man for all such issues is now Brennan Taylor. Stock storage and display will all be in his 10x10 sector, and although I'm sure there's going to be some debate among us about the details, Brennan's pretty much the guy who will have to live with the decisions, so he gets a big vote.

Best, Ron

Message 19570#205288

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On 4/21/2006 at 4:59pm, inthisstyle wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Thanks for posting the links, Greg. I have one medium-sized wire display rack, but we will be needing more. Much more!

Here are my thoughts on the matter. I prefer wire racks for both ease of transport and low cost. I'd like to get two or three free-standing floor racks to go with the table-top rack I have now.

Some of the ones you posted have a nice display format, so you can see all of the books, but I am definitely concerned about getting everything out there. I also don't want all the pretty covers to be covered up, so there is some compromise there.

I will look at some sites and make suggestions before the con.

Message 19570#205390

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On 4/27/2006 at 1:48pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

If you want to find some spare cash for other booth accessories, this link is actually useful:,1793,HGTV_3445_1386041,00.html

How to build round tables (up to 4' high and 4' across) out of discarded cardboard from appliance and mattress boxes. Disposable, easy to transport, all they need is a weight to make them a little more stable and a drape to make them attractive. Beats the heck out of rent-to-never-own...


Message 19570#205973

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On 4/27/2006 at 3:06pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Other semi-disposable booth options include stuff like this:

A quick calc shows that it would hold 16 products, though not with full-cover exposure. Two of those back-to-back is 32 separate (8.5 x 11) titles that could be displayed. I suspect a separate solution would be needed for smaller titles like MLwM, DitV and such, but there could be a separate rack with smaller pockets just for that sort of thing.

Trying to think creative/cheap,


Message 19570#205984

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On 4/27/2006 at 6:17pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

I suspect a separate solution would be needed for smaller titles like MLwM, DitV and such, but there could be a separate rack with smaller pockets just for that sort of thing.

There's only a 1 7/8 lip on the front of those shelves. My Life with Master, DItV, Universalis, etc. would be fine, as long as they were't behind taller game books.


Message 19570#206014

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On 4/27/2006 at 8:37pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

There's only a 1 7/8 lip on the front of those shelves. My Life with Master, DItV, Universalis, etc. would be fine, as long as they were't behind taller game books.
Actually, since there are a lot of 8.5 x 11 titles, and a lot of the smaller titles, I was thinking that a rack sized appropriately for the smaller format titles might help them stand out a little more, since they would be grouped with "their own kind". It might also help with demoing, if smaller format titles just happened to have a stand with those titles near the tables where those demos just happened to be going on... Also, the smaller titles can have something like a 2- or 4-rack PoP display near the register, while the larger titles might take up too much space for that.


Message 19570#206029

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On 5/3/2006 at 4:27pm, inthisstyle wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

I've been browsing for display racks, and in terms of both economy and space, this one looks pretty good:

We would need several of them, since it will hold about 20 titles.

For the larger format books, the 8-1/2x11 size, we'll need something more like this:

I'd like to find a floor standing version of this one, rather than a countertop.

Wire is definitely the cheapest of the reusable displays.

Message 19570#206559

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On 5/3/2006 at 5:04pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Hey Brennan,

Do you recall the three-sided display unit we've had at the Forge Booth the past three years? I built it prior to GenCon 2003 and have been bringing it to the con each year for the booth. It is sized to disassemble and lay flat in the bed of my truck. It has been criticized in recent years for being too small for the number of titles we've been selling at the booth. And certainly it isn't as transportable as some of the wire ones you've been looking at. But I think it has awesome indie aesthetics and if you want to own it, and you have the means of transporting it home and for future conventions, I'll bring it again this year and it's yours going forward.


Message 19570#206567

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On 5/3/2006 at 5:28pm, inthisstyle wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?


Bring it! I'd be happy to have it, and we can fit it into our display strategy, I'm sure.

Message 19570#206570

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On 5/5/2006 at 3:53pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

The three sided thingy is great. Holds a lot of stuff, at the right height. It just seems that with the booth layout there are always traffic problems around it. I think this is a function of the shape. Theoretically, people can be all around it, but practically you want to be in front of a "face", which means you have "spikes" of people sticking out in front of each face, something that would be reduced with a flat or round display. A question: Is there a way to set it up "unfolded", say with two 45 degree bends so it could stand in a corner, or perhaps as a flat zig-zag? This might reduce any traffic problems around it.

Greg Porter

Message 19570#206844

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On 5/5/2006 at 4:31pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Hey Greg,

I'd have to rearrange the hinges to make it zig zag. It's do-able. But I think it would be a mistake. We'd be trying to force customers into a smaller space. There would have to be a line for getting access to the shelf. The best display structure for maximizing customers is one that allows them to spread out around it. Which is what the existing three-sided structure does. But if that's your goal, you have to allow for surrounding floorspace where they can stand.

I could probably come up with spacer bars that would allow the display to stand in the corner. But that arrangement would require just as much surrounding floorspace for customers as the triangular arrangement, with the downside of the unit itself leaving a larger footprint on our floorspace.


Message 19570#206851

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On 5/5/2006 at 8:13pm, inthisstyle wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

I'm going to have to go in with Greg, here. We are going to have a lot of product to display. I think being able to spread the shelves out will probably be more valuable in the long run, and I'm pretty sure we won't be able to use all three sides of this shelf as it's currently configured and still maintain access to the other shelving we're going to need (I just don't think we will have room for a 360-degree display in the small section of the booth I am running).

Message 19570#206883

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On 5/5/2006 at 8:17pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Brennan, let's have an email conversation about logistics. I'll try to rework the shelf to meet your needs.


Message 19570#206884

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On 5/6/2006 at 12:40am, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

We'd be trying to force customers into a smaller space. There would have to be a line for getting access to the shelf.

I was looking at it from a purely geometric standpoint. If you take 6 linear feet of shelf, stand/prop it against a side of the booth and give say 4 feet of room in front of it to stand, that's 24 square feet of floor space. If you make a triangle with three sides 2 feet long, and draw a circle 4 feet in radius from the center, that's 50 square feet of floor space.

That's why I was asking about other possible configurations. If we could put the triangle out at an open booth corner so we were stealing aisle space, it would require 12.5 square feet of "our" space, but placing it there has other problems. A flat side facing an aisle and loaded with promo material people could pick up would leave two sides inside the booth area, and require 25 square feet of our space, but only have 2/3 the shelf capacity.

It's just a question of how we get most bang for buck.

Greg Porter

Message 19570#206900

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On 7/8/2006 at 10:43am, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Looking at other booth investments, someone on the GPA list mentioned these:

There was a sale that just ended, but I suspect if we asked nice we could probably still get the discount. Is something like this a better long-term investment than renting carpet? And if so, how much would we need?

Greg Porter

Message 19570#212089

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On 7/8/2006 at 4:31pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?


They are indeed cheaper than renting a carpet. We'd need 400 sq feet of soft tiles. About $420 at the regular price. Carpet, without padding, at its CHEAPEST is $481.50 plus tax. And I'm not even certain that covers the whole booth.


Message 19570#212109

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On 7/8/2006 at 7:31pm, Thor Olavsrud wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

abzu wrote:

They are indeed cheaper than renting a carpet. We'd need 400 sq feet of soft tiles. About $420 at the regular price. Carpet, without padding, at its CHEAPEST is $481.50 plus tax. And I'm not even certain that covers the whole booth.


You'd want the borders too. The borders are 1 ft. long and 75 cents each.

Message 19570#212123

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On 7/9/2006 at 12:08am, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

The questions are:

1) Were we planning on getting carpet?
1a) If so, then are the softtiles a useful and semi-permanent alternative?
2) Do we need 400 square feet? (four 10 x 10 booth's worth) That is, do we need the stuff for behind any sales tables and whatnot?
3) Since I brought it up, should I be the one responsible for getting it?
3a) If so, are the booth organizers going to reimburse me the cost?
Note: The volume involved is not that great, so I can transport them and store them, or someone else can take possession between shows if they want.
4) What color or colors should we get? I think black and yellow is rather striking as a checkerboard, but black and gray checkerboard is also nice, and a little more understated. Or, should we go with a solid color?

I figure the chance of getting an extension of the sale price is better if I call them sooner, so discussion and/or decision on this should be done pretty quickly.

Greg Porter

Message 19570#212133

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On 7/9/2006 at 3:48pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Hi there,

Luke, you're the point man on this one. We can stick with the original plan of ordering the carpet, or you and Greg can figure something out about the tiles. Since the main booth guys (the ones whose names are on the applications) are already committed to paying for the carpet when you order it, I can't imagine anyone objecting if you get the tiles, which seem to be both better and cheaper.

Best, Ron

Message 19570#212164

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On 7/9/2006 at 3:51pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Hi Greg,

Yes, we need carpet or some sort of flooring. Honestly, this is preferable to carpet. I think having the whole floor covered uniformly is worth the marginal extra expense. I will reimburse you for the cost if you can handle the order and the transportation. I cannot transport them (ever). I vote for black and red!

Anything else?


Message 19570#212165

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On 7/9/2006 at 6:06pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Okay then,
I'll call them monday and arrange for 400 sq. feet of them and hopefully the right amount of edging, etc. I'll be taking color requests until I call them up tomorrow. So far we have black & yellow, black & gray and black & red as suggestions. I think I'll just find some sturdy cardboard boxes for moving them around rather than springing for the custom carrying cases.

In other booth news, ebay item:


is very nice and cheap, but for pickup only in the Plainfield, IL area. Bidding ends in about 7 hours from when I am posting this. So, if anyone has an interest in something like this, right now is the time to check it out.


Message 19570#212169

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On 7/9/2006 at 6:19pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Another exceptionally sweet deal:

(20 pocket, wood, rotating, dismantlable, magazine display stand)
The catch: Pickup only, Liburn GA 30047

Auction has 1 day to go.


Message 19570#212170

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On 7/10/2006 at 2:17pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

(This is also cc'd to Luke as a direct message)
Just got off the phone with Softtiles and sweet-talking would not get them to give me the sale price. Normal price is $4.80 per 2 x 2 tile (instead of $4.30). If we want 400 sq. ft, and say three sides worth of edging (60 feet of edging), the price would be:

100 tiles = $480.00
60 edging pieces = $45.00
Total: $520.00 plus shipping

This is about $50 more than before because of the non-sale price. If this is still in budget, let me know and I'll place the order.


Message 19570#212214

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On 7/10/2006 at 2:25pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

While comparison shopping to see if I could find a better price (negative thus far), I came across this site:

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, these folks sell custom tiles (compatible with softtiles) with a removable inlay in which you can put your own visuals. So, I suppose like we had chair sponsors, people could have a permanent chunk of floor with their own message on it, to be stepped on repeatedly by uncaring gamers. Sort of a metaphor for the industry...;)


Message 19570#212215

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On 7/10/2006 at 2:39pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Hey Greg,

Have you tried eBay? Danielle found similar interlocking flooring tiles for good "buy it now" prices on eBay when we had this same booth flooring conversation a couple of years ago.


Message 19570#212217

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On 7/10/2006 at 2:52pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Yes, I've found some stuff on ebay that is approximately the same and in fact I'm investigating it further right now.


Message 19570#212220

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On 7/11/2006 at 8:13pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

The order for flooring has been placed. 400 square feet, plus beveled edging, half black, half red in 24" x 24" squares. Total (including shipping) is $415.95. The fun part is I just remembered I stage up to a friend's house before making the trip to Indy in his land yacht, so I'll have to somehow cram these suckers into my Mini Cooper and still find room for the games I want to sell...

Greg Porter

Message 19570#212333

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On 7/11/2006 at 8:18pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Rock and roll!

Strap 'em to the roof.

In other news, I completed our GenCon furniture order today. We've got 8 tables (up from 5 last year) and a big ass pole/stand thing (bigger than last year's) for the booth.


Message 19570#212335

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On 7/11/2006 at 8:27pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Hey Luke,

We've got 8 tables (up from 5 last year)...

No worries about having only 2.5 chairs per table? My own turnover on demos of My Life with Master is about one sale per three players.


Message 19570#212336

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On 7/12/2006 at 12:28am, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

we have four extra chairs from our booth allotment. I think we'll have just enough!


Message 19570#212355

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On 7/15/2006 at 6:40pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

The floor pads arrived today. Looks like I will be able to fit them all in the Mini Cooper if I take shallow breaths. They look pretty good, though the red pads are a little more pinkish than I'd have preferred.

Greg Porter

Message 19570#212745

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On 7/18/2006 at 11:27am, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

Another general furniture question:

How are we set in terms of shelving/display space? Someone out there presumably knows how many people we have, and approximately how many products. There is that big triangular shelf for displaying things. Is that anywhere close to enough? Should we be scrambling to find some other portable, floor-based display solution?


Message 19570#213052

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On 7/21/2006 at 3:29am, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

In conversation with Brennan at DexCon, I got the impression that he feels like he has all the rack space the booth will need. However, its probably worth PMing him to find out for sure.

Message 19570#213518

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On 7/27/2006 at 11:41pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: GenCon booth accessories?

I just managed to acquire one of these for fifty bucks:

I was planning on bringing it as an auxiliary product display or rack to put promo literature on unless someone has an objection to it.

Greg Porter

Message 19570#214802

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