The Forge Reference Project


Topic: [Magicians of England] Playtesters wanted
Started by: tonyd
Started on: 4/25/2006
Board: Connections

On 4/25/2006 at 10:37pm, tonyd wrote:
[Magicians of England] Playtesters wanted

Under Queen Victoria, England presides over an empire that spans the globe. Astronomers are discovering new worlds, the railway connects the corners of the British Isles, exotic goods from every corner of the world are available in the markets of London, and art and poetry are generously patronized by the gentry. Science, industry, commerce, and culture are at their apex. So why not Magic?

Magicians of England is a gamemaster-less narrative RPG with some similarity to Universalis. Players take the roles of students of Magic in an era when Magic is returning to the world. Narrative control is a resource represented by poker chips. Narrative control of important story elements and plot twists are determined by a bidding mechanic. The game also features a pool of narrative control that can be called upon when characters work magic.

This is a relatively simple game that should appeal to role-players and to casual gamers who may not be role-players, but enjoy fiction or story telling.

I'm looking for people who are willing to run at least one session of Magicians of England and send me their feedback. Please email me at:

tony *DOT* dowler *AT* gmail *DOT* com


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