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Topic: [Monster Rules]: Final Supers Game
Started by: mratomek
Started on: 5/1/2006
Board: Playtesting

On 5/1/2006 at 8:08pm, mratomek wrote:
[Monster Rules]: Final Supers Game

In our last game before moving on to more fantasy-based settings, the villains had to enter 5 different bunkers and reconfigure a computer/telecommunications system to communicate with a different satellite system. The villains could use a Science or Computer power--or a lesser capable portable comptuer system--to get the job done.

I wanted to test some size rules, so along with a number of villains I used a 16-inch-tall sentinel from the Marvel legends series.

My opponent used tactical waves of US army, including M1A1 tanks, Air Cobra attack helichopters and lots of infantry.

The game was moving along nicely. Mr. Roboto--the 16" giant--used his Bodyguard ability to absorb a ton of damage. Although it keep many of the other villains from being blown to bits, it ultimately was his unding; however, before dying he did manage to swat an Air Cobra out of the air with one of the tanks--that was funny.

Some more tactical uses of Glitch, Malfunction and Destroy which weaken Equipment-based powers was the ultimate undoing of human weapon known as Warhammer.

Although costly at the time-selecting to Destroy an opponent's armor (equipment), versus doing damage--in the following rounds it weakened his defenses sufficiently that even the Infrantry were able to damage him.

However, Enchanra used her Domination + Blast power to enslave a who unit of soldiers who laid into their own troops while she completed the uplink of the satelite.

Lastly, Templar was using his Gree-lantern like force control ability to quickly uplink several computer systems.

The game came right down to wire: Mr. Robot and Warhammer were down. Enchantra held sway over a group of soldiers, but more and more kept arriving, creating problems for her, since she did not have a lot of defensive capabilities.

Templar made a mad dash for the last system, which the army took offline; He was targeted by two of the attack helichopters that blew him to pieces. He moved in close enough to use his power to turn the system on again. His first roll failed.

He had one more and debated using it to either encircle him with a force field or attempt the uplink again. If he succeeded, all five would be uplinked and the game would end. If he failed, the chopters would finish him off and Enchantra would follow next.

The villains was successful. Drats!

A couple other fun things that happed was the use of Rapid Fire and Trick Shot specail ability by Warhammer to blow the army to pieces. The Minion level infantry were just mowed down.

Enchantra had some morter men drops shells right next to themselves and eventually, using the tactical waves approach, the villains were becoming overwhelmed by lesser troops.

Next week we are going to play the fantasy aspects of the game. Should be more interesting with a greater exploration of the skill-based powers, such as Steal, Sneak, Contraptions, Lore, Survive, etc.

Message 19687#206320

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On 5/1/2006 at 10:16pm, mratomek wrote:
Re: [Monster Rules]: Final Supers Game

Sorry about all the mispellings. Apparently, I had some sticky keys... a lot of them.

Message 19687#206330

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On 5/22/2006 at 8:01pm, Bill Masek wrote:
RE: Re: [Monster Rules]: Final Supers Game


Are the rules for Monster Rules available online?  It sounds interesting and I would like to read through them and, if it turns out to be the kind of game my group will find interesting, playtest it.


Message 19687#208593

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On 5/25/2006 at 5:10am, mratomek wrote:
RE: Re: [Monster Rules]: Final Supers Game

Bill wrote:

Are the rules for Monster Rules available online?  It sounds interesting and I would like to read through them and, if it turns out to be the kind of game my group will find interesting, playtest it.


The rules are at

Message 19687#208841

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