The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers
Started by: abzu
Started on: 5/9/2006
Board: Conventions

On 5/9/2006 at 5:09am, abzu wrote:
Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

The primary sponsors for this year's Forge booth are: Adept Press (Ron/Sorcerer), Lumpley Games (Vincent/Dogs), Timfire (Tim/Mountain Witch) and Burning Wheel (Luke/BW).

The booth is a 4-booth penninsula and is being co-supported by IPR and Wicked Dead. Those two companies will have their own separate areas on the pennisula. The Forge booth will consist of its own end-cap as it has in the past, but without the shelves and retail area. All sales at the Forge booth proper will be handled by IPR. IPR will take a cut of your sales. All members of the Forge booth will be sternly lectured this year on salesmanship, enthusiasm, cross-promotion and hygeine. Probably by me. Fun, eh? I am determined that every customer walk away from our booth with something positive. We are a force for good. There is no reason folks shouldn't leave thinking that.

If you have any doubts or reservations about the above, please reconsider your membership to our booth this year. I'm not trying to be a dick; I'm being honest. So should you.

First year members of the Forge booth may buy-in for $100. You must also buy your badge for another $60. Any helper badges should be bought on your own as regular attendees. First year members may sell one game product at the booth. First year members are not guaranteed signage space. First year members are guaranteed prominent display space at IPR.

Veteran members may buy-in for $200 plus the $60 for a badge. I think we can arrange for the veterans to be able to purchase a second exhibitors badge, but don't hold me to it. There are going to be a lot of badges this year, so we need to keep them to a minimum. Veteran members may sell multiple game products at the booth. There is no guarantee for signage space, but veterans will get priority over first years. Vets will also get prominent shelf space at IPR.

All members are guaranteed the availability of demo tables, a busy, well-placed booth and the support of an enthusiastic family of game designers. Our booth is awesome and fun (and we tend to sell a lot of games, too).

Please post in this thread if you would like to join us this year and you are prepared to pay for your slot via check to me right now, today. This is not a first come, first serve thread. Do not freak out. However, there is limited space and a high demand for membership in the booth this year, so members who can pay right away are going to be given priority over dawdlers. (If you must pay via paypal, you're paying the paypal %, not me.)

Please post only your name, the name of your company, the name of your game(s), the level of your buy-in and the estimated number of badges you'll need.

For example,
Name: Luke Crane
Company: Burning Wheel
Games/Titles: The Burning Wheel, The Monster Burner, Jihad, Serpent Sun, The Sooper Sekrit Projekt
Membership: Veteran -- $200
Badges: 3 (because I make rules to break them): Luke Crane, Radek Drozdalski and Thor Olavsrud.

If you post any thing else to this thread, I will fire you. I'm serious. (This means you, Jared.)

I will contact you shortly and let you know the status of your membership to this year's booth and the arrangements for payment. Your response does not guarantee you a space at the booth.

I love you all. I want you all at the booth. Really. Please help me continue loving you by making this easy on me. If you don't, I will not cease loving you: I will kill you (after I fire you).

Thank you all!

Message 19778#207175

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On 5/9/2006 at 5:26am, Paka wrote:
Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Judd Karlman
Company: Paka's Thread Games
Games/Titles: The Dictionary of Mu (though I'd love to bring 1st Quest too, but since it isn't written yet and this is my first year, I won't kvetch)
Membership: Rookie - $100
Badges: Just 1 for me.

Message 19778#207178

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On 5/9/2006 at 5:39am, Blankshield wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: James Brown
Company: Blank Shield Press
Games/Titles: Death's Door, Brick Battles, Blood and Bronze (possibly)
Membership: Veteran -- $200
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207179

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On 5/9/2006 at 5:43am, Ben Lehman wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Ben Lehman and Calder Johnson
Company: These Are Our Games
Games/Titles: Polaris, Bliss Stage, Drifter's Escape, Aeire, possibly others.
Membership: Veteran: $200
Badges: 2-3 (Ben Lehman, Jasper Anderton, possibly Calder Johnson.)


Message 19778#207180

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On 5/9/2006 at 5:44am, Nathan P. wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Nathan D. Paoletta
Company: Hamsterprophet Productions
Games/Titles: Carry
Membership: Rookie -- $100
Badges: Just the 1 for me.

Message 19778#207181

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On 5/9/2006 at 8:35am, Malcolm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Malcolm Craig
Company: Contested Ground Studios
Games/Titles: a|state, Cold City, Mob Justice
Membership: Veteran -- $200
Badges: 2 (me, Iain McAllister [creator, Mob Justice])


Message 19778#207189

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On 5/9/2006 at 9:08am, Matt wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Matt Machell
Company: Realms
Games/Titles: Covenant
Membership: Rookie - $100 (via Paypal, I'm afraid)
Badges: Just the one.

Message 19778#207190

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On 5/9/2006 at 9:15am, Gregor Hutton wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Gregor Hutton
Company: BoxNinja
Games/Titles: Best Friends
Membership: First year -- $100 (and it'll have to be PayPal from me; I'll happily take the hit though)
Badges: 1 (me)

Message 19778#207191

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On 5/9/2006 at 12:21pm, TonyLB wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Tony Lower-Basch
Company: Muse of Fire Studio
Games/Titles:  Capes
Membership:  Veteran - $200
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207199

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On 5/9/2006 at 12:31pm, Dantai wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Joe J Prince
Company: Prince of Darkness Games
Game: Contenders
Membership: Rookie - $100 (paypal too)
Badges:1 (Actually I've already ordered a badge - so I don't know how that works. )

Message 19778#207201

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On 5/9/2006 at 12:33pm, Dantai wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Joe: Luke, you're not serious about that "firing and killing" thing, are you?

Luke: Oh no, of course not! ::presses red button under desk:: Good bye, Mr Prince.

::cue sea bass::

Message 19778#207202

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On 5/9/2006 at 1:30pm, btrc wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Greg Porter
Company: BTRC
Games/Titles: EABA & supplements, Infinite Armies (some CD burn-on-demand, some requiring shelf space)
Membership: Veteran -- $200 (can pay by check or PayPal)
Badges: 2 : Greg Porter, John Kolb

Special: Can provide electricity again if we need it (within limits, cash register, laptops, etc.). Other special technical do-hickeys on request.

Message 19778#207208

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On 5/9/2006 at 2:32pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Jason Morningstar
Company: Bully Pulpit Games
Games/Titles: The Shab-al-Hiri Roach, Drowning and Falling*
Membership: Noob -- $100
Badges: 1 (Jason Morningstar)

*Yes, I know I only get one as a noob but D&F is for the blind children

Message 19778#207216

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On 5/9/2006 at 2:57pm, Keith Senkowski wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Keith Senkowski
Company:  Bob Goat Press
Games:  Conspiracy of Shadows Revised Edition, Conspiracy of Shadows Companion, Conspiracy of Shadows Apocalypse, Untitled, and art prints.
Membership:  $200
Badges:  Uno

Message 19778#207218

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On 5/9/2006 at 2:58pm, Matt Snyder wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Matt Snyder
Company: Chimera Creative
Games/Titles: Nine Worlds, Dust Devils Revenged
Membership: Grizzled vet -- $200
Badges: 1 badge

Message 19778#207219

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On 5/9/2006 at 2:59pm, Paul Czege wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Paul Czege
Company: Half Meme Press
Games/Titles: My Life with Master, Bacchanal, a limited quantity of Bacchanal dice
Membership: Veteran -- $200
Badges: 2 : one for me and one for Danielle

Message 19778#207220

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On 5/9/2006 at 3:03pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Justin D. Jacobson
Company: Blue Devil Games
Games/Titles: Dawning Star: Operation Quick Launch, Shadow Falling, Dawning Star: Helios Rising, Passages, Tell It To My Axe!, Akashic Nodes: The Home of Memory, Bullseye20 (possibly)
Membership: Veteran -- $200
Badges: 2 (Justin D. Jacobson and Mark Rickard).

I think I qualify as veteran (even though I haven't technically been a member of the Forge booth before) as I ran the IPR booth last year.

Message 19778#207223

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On 5/9/2006 at 3:08pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Emily Care Boss
Company: Black and Green Games
Games/Titles: Breaking the Ice, Shooting the Moon
Membership: Veteran -- $200 (check)
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207225

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On 5/9/2006 at 4:54pm, joepub wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

The game is as yet unfinished, but I'm still planning it to be completed by that time...

Name: Joe Thomas McDonald
Company: Inciteful Entertainment
Games/Titles: Perfect
Membership: Rookie - $100
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207239

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On 5/9/2006 at 4:54pm, Michael S. Miller wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Michael S. Miller
Company: Incarnadine Press
Games/Titles: With Great Power..., War Stories, possibly something else
Membership: Veteran -- $200 (check)
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207240

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On 5/9/2006 at 6:46pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Ralph Mazza
Company: Ramshead Publishing
Games/Titles: Universalis Revised
Membership: Veteran -- $200
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207249

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On 5/10/2006 at 12:08am, Tim C Koppang wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Tim Koppang
Company: TCK • Roleplaying
Games/Titles: Hero's Banner
Membership: Rookie - $100
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207263

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On 5/10/2006 at 5:30pm, Matt Wilson wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Matt Wilson
Company: Dog-eared Designs
Games/Titles: Primetime Adventures
Membership: Veteran -- $200
Steenkin' Badges: 1

Message 19778#207377

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On 5/10/2006 at 7:48pm, Gordon C. Landis wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Gordon Landis
Company: Custom-Built Games
Games/Titles: SNAP, Weekend Escape, Death of Socrates, In Fields Beyond (maybe)
Membership:  $200 Veteran (check)
Badge: Yes, please (1)

Message 19778#207395

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On 5/10/2006 at 8:07pm, Jonathan Walton wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Jonathan Walton
Company: One Thousand One
Product: Push vol 1.
Membership: Newbie - $100
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207401

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On 5/10/2006 at 10:42pm, Larry Wickman wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Larry Wickman
Company: GameWick Games
Games/Titles: WEGS COPPER
Membership: Rookie - $100 (check)
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207428

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On 5/10/2006 at 11:05pm, John Harper wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: John Harper
Company: design
Games/Titles: Stranger Things
Membership: Initiate - $100
Badges: 1

Message 19778#207429

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On 5/11/2006 at 1:27pm, Troy_Costisick wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers


Name: Troy Costisick
Company: Divine Legacy Games
Games/Titles: Cutthroat
Membership: Initiate - $100 Paypal (cause I don't trust checks)
Badges: 1



Message 19778#207479

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On 5/14/2006 at 4:10am, nikola wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Joshua A.C. Newman
Company: the glyphpress
Games/Titles: Under the Bed, Shock:, possible Mechaton kits
Membership: Purple heart -- $200
Badges: 2 badges (One for me, one for Carrie, who will have been my wife for less than a month!)

Message 19778#207787

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On 5/14/2006 at 10:00pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

ok, no more for this year. Thanks.


Message 19778#207865

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On 5/15/2006 at 10:33am, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Okee doke. If you're on this list and you are prepared to abide by Ron's Rules then you may go ahead and send me your payment.

Payments are either $100 or $200 plus $60 per badge.

Check (preferred):
Luke Crane
146 W28th St #4
NY NY 10001



Forge Reference Links:
Topic 19851

Message 19778#207894

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On 5/16/2006 at 7:03pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Name: Clinton R. Nixon
Company: CRNGames
Games/Titles: The Shadow of Yesterday, Donjon, Urge
Membership: Veteran -- $200
Badges: zero

Message 19778#208039

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On 5/18/2006 at 9:14pm, Kevin Allen Jr wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Luke said that this was cool.

Name: Kevin Allen Jr.
Company: Big Spider Productions
Games/Titles: Primitive
Membership: Rookie - $100
Badges: 1

Message 19778#208273

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On 5/22/2006 at 3:49pm, abzu wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

I haven't heard from most of you. What's going?


Message 19778#208566

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On 5/23/2006 at 12:24pm, Justin D. Jacobson wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

I was going to PM, but I'm just that lazy right now.

Did you get my check, Luke?

Message 19778#208654

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On 5/23/2006 at 1:56pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers


Both Luke and I are noted for a certain streak of ruthlessness. Remember: it's wonderful and huggy to have posted here, but if you don't pay the man ASAP, you aren't getting a spot. And the guy who didn't post here, but did send Luke the bucks, does get the spot.

See? You didn't reserve your inclusion by posting here. This isn't like pre-registering for a class or anything like that. This thread existed for data collection and estimates of various kinds. If you want to participate at the Forge booth at GenCon 2006, scribble out a check and lick a stamp.

Best, Ron

Message 19778#208664

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On 5/30/2006 at 1:20am, joepub wrote:
RE: Re: Forge Booth '06 for Game Designers

Hey, Luke...

I sent you money via Paypal, sent you a PM confirming this.
I haven't heard a reply back as of yet.
Did you receive the money?

Message 19778#209166

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