The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Ludologic Irony
Started by: Supplanter
Started on: 5/11/2006
Board: lumpley games

On 5/11/2006 at 7:50pm, Supplanter wrote:
Ludologic Irony

I think this may be a new literary wrinkle, for our new way of telling stories.

Last night the Dogs are trying to get the three Children of Ham they've converted to the Faith into the local temple for services, the one with the Steward and a half dozen souls of Swayback Branch blocking the door. One of the group traits/members is the "Dumbbell (1d4)," and for one raise

* The Dumbbell SAYS "If we let them learn our services then they might be able to pass as WHITE MEN when they're talking . . . and we can't see 'em!"

* I push forward a Raise of 13.

That's a pretty big Raise, mechanically, in most conflicts most of the time, and in the context of the dice everybody had showing it was a big Raise here. But it was a really stupid thing to say.

So put the two together and What It All Means Is, "Logic does not rule this situation. Emotion rules this situation." And it says it in, I think, I neat and game-specific way.



Message 19819#207539

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On 5/12/2006 at 7:02pm, lumpley wrote:
Re: Ludologic Irony

I've seen this more often the opposite way - an apparently strong statement backed up (with a nod and a wink) by a couple of weak little dice. But yeah, absolutely.

It hadn't occured to me that it was a new literary technique.

Hot damn.


Message 19819#207670

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On 5/12/2006 at 10:12pm, dunlaing wrote:
RE: Re: Ludologic Irony

My response in play was to push forward a bunch of little dice and say something to the effect of "wow. that's so stupid that I am at a complete loss here, I mean, wow." Except in more of a folksy western way of speaking.

Message 19819#207691

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