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Topic: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat
Started by: jasonm
Started on: 5/15/2006
Board: Playtesting

On 5/15/2006 at 1:35pm, jasonm wrote:
[AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Me, Lisa and Eric Provost, and Andy "roll that bonus dizzle" Kitkowski threw down with two episodes of AG&G yesterday and it went very well.  We all had fun and there were some dramatic moments and satisfying conclusions.

Some observations - we interspersed some furious games of BANG! with our role-playing and everyone enjoyed the mental break and change of pace.  Andy suggested trying out some drills/warm-ups prior to play but for some reason we didn't.  I realized that "I'm gonna make you awesome" is an exercise much better suited to long-term campaigns.  Still, I wish we'd tried a couple. 

I'm still a little fuzzy on some of the AG&G rules, so there was a lot of consultation with print-outs and apologies.  We may not have done everything correctly as a result, particularly three-way conflicts.  Also, I think narration took a back seat to mechanical resolution at various times.  We all agreed that our problems related to playing a game that was, in current form, just a bunch of blog posts - once it gets fleshed out and solidified it'll be fine.

We had two conflicts that went back and forth for a long time - like 15-20 exchanges long, with closely matched sets of opponents trading bonus dice back and forth.  We all agreed that this wasn't all that fun, but I have a nagging suspicion that we were doing something wrong.  I don't recall it happening in previous games. 

The Owe list worked great, although we ignored the rule stating that if you are immediately doubled you don't get on it.  I don't understand why this should be, so we drifted a little.  While we're rebelling, I'll mention that all of us were like "GM wha...?" and didn't see the need for that particular role at the table. 

In the game I played a mean old matriarch who kicked a lot of ass.  Early in the second episode I won a series of conflicts and very deliberately hammered the other player's big dice down, which allowed me to dominate throughout.  If I recall correctly I lost a single conflict and won many.  It remained satisfying, because I had to pull out some nasty business to stay on top and in the game - first I schemed to marry my lout of a son to Eric's character's innocent daughter, then I tried to cement my son's ties to the apron strings, and finally I went nuts and seduced him.  Everyone lined up against me, my son was murdered in flagrante delicto in my bed, and they presented the lord of the land - my husband - with evidence that I was an adulterer, murderess, and incestuous monster.  I couldn't believe how awful it got - Cyril Tourneur awful!  John Ford awful!  After a prolonged conflict I beat the slanderers down and had them killed, banished, or both, despite being soaked in my own son's various bodily fluids.  It was epic revenge tragedy, perfect for Mother's Day.

Message 19856#207904

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On 5/15/2006 at 1:54pm, Technocrat13 wrote:
Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Playing AG&G is kinda like riding an experimental rocket engine carefully tied to an old skateboard with used kite string. 

The over the top incestuous relationship came at an awesome moment during play.  See, Jason had been poking us with the blunt stick of No-Stakes-Setting in previous scenes and when it was his turn to get the game fired up, he totally kept trying to set stakes against Andy, and getting nowhere.  When I pointed out what he was doing to him, it was pretty obvious that a fresh spark of imagination flared up in my favorite John Turturro look-alike.  The narration about seducing Andy's character's newlywed husband who happens to be Jason's character's son came straight out with a triumphant "How do you like that?!?  Gonna do anything about that?!?"

Oh yeah, we all tried to do something about that.  No luck tho'.  Which was totally awesome.

I commented after the game that what I'd really like to see added to the system, besides taking care of that pesky and annoying over-extended conflict issue, is to have a rule or two about a player's responsibility in narration.  Like, we each had the authority to go ahead and describe all the intersting and nifty things that were around us, but we rarely did.  We just didn't have much incentive or responsiblity to do so.  Which I thought was a shame.

Anyhow, it's a fun as hell little half-game.  I'll be interested in seeing if and how it gets polished up.


Message 19856#207906

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On 5/15/2006 at 2:50pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Ha ha! "Hm, I know, let's play without the rule where there's someone whose responsibility it is to describe things!" "Hm, know what? I wish there ware a rule somewhere in the game about taking responsibility for describing things." Not only did you drift, you drifted halfass! If you're going to do away with the GM, you have to divvy up her responsibilities, you can't just leave 'em out.

I suspect that you did do something wrong with the extended conflict. I've never seen one go longer than 4 or 5 rounds. 15-20 rounds is possible in principle but twice in a day? Also, maybe read up on how you can give instead of going forward with your opponent having the advantage. You should do that if a conflict gets too long.

So there.

Sounds like a fun game anyway though! My own group's playing it pretty light and comic, so it's good to hear about blood-soaked incestuous adultery.


Message 19856#207915

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On 5/15/2006 at 3:10pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Hmm, half-ass indeed.  We were up on giving in conflicts and did give in some, but in the long ones nobody wanted to, and the degree of advantage seemed small enough that another round wasn't a huge risk.  Not sure where we went astray. 

Message 19856#207918

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On 5/15/2006 at 3:11pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Were these one-on-one conflicts or three-or-mores?


Message 19856#207919

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On 5/15/2006 at 3:29pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

The final conflict was me vs. everybody, so two sides.  I was using a specialty and thus my two best traits, and I had beaten the three of them down throughout the game, so it was a pretty even fight.  The other long one - I do not recall the circumstances.

Message 19856#207920

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On 5/15/2006 at 3:41pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Jason wrote:
The final conflict was me vs. everybody, so two sides.  I was using a specialty and thus my two best traits, and I had beaten the three of them down throughout the game, so it was a pretty even fight.

Oh awesome! That's great, you've spotted a real thing. Thank you!

The statistics of when conflicts end go straight to shit when it's >2 dice vs. >2 dice. 4 dice vs 6, no wonder. It's obvious to me now that you've pointed it out.

So that requires a correction to the more-than-one-person-on-a-side rules, not an overhaul. Sweet!

Here's a possible correction, off the top of my head: if you win the advantage, then instead of taking the advantage die, you can put one of your opponents out of the conflict for good.


Message 19856#207921

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On 5/15/2006 at 4:04pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Oh sweet.  That would be a good rule.  It'd certainly preserve the normal flow of a conflict, at least in the case I just described.  It also opens up fun possibilities during the conflict.

Message 19856#207928

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On 5/15/2006 at 4:07pm, Technocrat13 wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

If you're going to do away with the GM, you have to divvy up her responsibilities, you can't just leave 'em out.

I'm gonna go put on my dunce cap and sit in the corner.  I totally knew that and somehow managed to forget it when we sat down to play.

Message 19856#207929

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On 5/15/2006 at 4:23pm, jasonm wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

It's interesting to note that, as GM, I played a single character pretty much the entire time.  As far as NPCs that were more than furniture, maybe my son Olgrimúr but that's it (and he was a specialization of mine).  All our conflicts were directly tied to one another and it rocked. 

Message 19856#207934

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On 5/15/2006 at 4:47pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Okay, Eric, talk to me of "half-game."

(I'm not offended, nor will I be. Tell me what you mean.)


Message 19856#207939

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On 5/15/2006 at 7:20pm, Technocrat13 wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Well, there seems to be at least one vital item missing from the text so far.  The part where we're told what we're actually supposed to be doing with the rules.  I see character creation, situation creation, gobs of color creation, and conflict resolution, but not a single thing about narration. 

Who's got the authority & responsibility for calling for a new scene?  Who's got the authority & responsiblity for framing the new scene?  What limits, if any, does a non-gm player have on their narration?  Can I only include the immediate actions of my own character?  Or can I stretch out and reach to every fictional element that I can imagine my character might have an influence over?

I dunno.  The text doesn't seem to tell me.  So, it seems half-finished to me.  That's all that I meant; unfinished. 


Message 19856#207953

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On 5/15/2006 at 8:12pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Eric, cool.

The tickle you've planted in my brain says: talk about the difference between free play and resolution. Say what happens during free play.

Anything else comes to mind, tell me. My vision for the game's so clear I have trouble seeing where the text falls short.


Message 19856#207964

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On 5/16/2006 at 2:47pm, Clinton R. Nixon wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Eric wrote:
Well, there seems to be at least one vital item missing from the text so far.  The part where we're told what we're actually supposed to be doing with the rules.  I see character creation, situation creation, gobs of color creation, and conflict resolution, but not a single thing about narration. 

Who's got the authority & responsibility for calling for a new scene?  Who's got the authority & responsiblity for framing the new scene?  What limits, if any, does a non-gm player have on their narration?  Can I only include the immediate actions of my own character?  Or can I stretch out and reach to every fictional element that I can imagine my character might have an influence over?

I dunno.  The text doesn't seem to tell me.  So, it seems half-finished to me.  That's all that I meant; unfinished. 


Just so you know, this is Eric's pet peeve. He said this about Trollbabe, too, and it almost made me never speak to him again. Not to say it isn't important: maybe it is. Maybe it's not, though: people don't necessarily need rules to say who can speak when if they've got a clear idea already in their head that anyone can speak and when we agree, that's what happens. That's the way RPGs have been played since, well, they were first made.

(Side note: obviously, yes, some RPGs are played like "we do what happens when the GM says what happens," but that's still a subset of the above rule, as you agree that the GM has authority. Any rules you put in the game about who has authority are still subsets of that rule, because we have to agree to them. In practice, we'll agree to whatever we want, as people are bound to do, and therefore those rules are little more than your personal preferences on how the game is played.)

Message 19856#208019

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On 5/16/2006 at 5:22pm, urbanpagan wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Clinton wrote:

Just so you know, this is Eric's pet peeve. He said this about Trollbabe, too, and it almost made me never speak to him again. Not to say it isn't important: maybe it is. Maybe it's not, though: people don't necessarily need rules to say who can speak when if they've got a clear idea already in their head that anyone can speak and when we agree, that's what happens. That's the way RPGs have been played since, well, they were first made.

(Side note: obviously, yes, some RPGs are played like "we do what happens when the GM says what happens," but that's still a subset of the above rule, as you agree that the GM has authority. Any rules you put in the game about who has authority are still subsets of that rule, because we have to agree to them. In practice, we'll agree to whatever we want, as people are bound to do, and therefore those rules are little more than your personal preferences on how the game is played.)

I think in this instance, Eric was meaning it from a stand point of "how do you explain it in the rules to new players."  At least, that's the vibe I got from him anyway... a designer talking to a fellow designer but I could be wrong. 

As for if people need the rules to know when they have their opportunity to narrate and other things, I do not believe that it is implicit.  It may be in some groups mainly because those folks play together all the time, but:

a.  This was his first time playing it.
b.  He (and I) do not play with Jason and Andy as often as other do so the dynamic maybe isn't completely there.  *shrug* 
c.  I thought it was a good question too, he just asked it before I did.

Lisa P

Message 19856#208031

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On 5/16/2006 at 6:05pm, Valamir wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Clinton wrote:
Eric wrote:
Well, there seems to be at least one vital item missing from the text so far.  The part where we're told what we're actually supposed to be doing with the rules.  I see character creation, situation creation, gobs of color creation, and conflict resolution, but not a single thing about narration. 

Who's got the authority & responsibility for calling for a new scene?  Who's got the authority & responsiblity for framing the new scene?  What limits, if any, does a non-gm player have on their narration?  Can I only include the immediate actions of my own character?  Or can I stretch out and reach to every fictional element that I can imagine my character might have an influence over?

I dunno.  The text doesn't seem to tell me.  So, it seems half-finished to me.  That's all that I meant; unfinished. 


Just so you know, this is Eric's pet peeve. He said this about Trollbabe, too, and it almost made me never speak to him again. Not to say it isn't important: maybe it is. Maybe it's not, though: people don't necessarily need rules to say who can speak when if they've got a clear idea already in their head that anyone can speak and when we agree, that's what happens. That's the way RPGs have been played since, well, they were first made.

(Side note: obviously, yes, some RPGs are played like "we do what happens when the GM says what happens," but that's still a subset of the above rule, as you agree that the GM has authority. Any rules you put in the game about who has authority are still subsets of that rule, because we have to agree to them. In practice, we'll agree to whatever we want, as people are bound to do, and therefore those rules are little more than your personal preferences on how the game is played.)

I don't know about pet peeve.  I'm on record as saying that I think "who gets to say what, when and what do we do if we disagree" rules are about the absolute most important rules you can explicitly write into an RPG.  I myself tend to judge the quality?/completeness?/friendliness? of a game text by how thoroughly it does this.  For the vast majority of people (gamers or not) the Lumpley Principle is a total news flash and needs to be spelled out (speaking here of the final published version, not (clearly) to a playtest version presented primarily to people who already get it).

Message 19856#208034

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On 5/16/2006 at 6:34pm, lumpley wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Nah, I'm cool. I'm psyched to talk about free play and resolution and how they're the same and how they're different, and I wouldn't have thought to otherwise.

It's not, strictly, a narration-swapping game, but I have a vision for who gets to say what about what, when. It'll be like "the GM mostly blah blah, while the other players mostly blah blah else" - with "mostly" left all up in the air and available for working out locally.


Message 19856#208037

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On 5/17/2006 at 2:59pm, Emily Care wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Explaining some of this stuff will clarify why you see the gm as important in the game too.

Message 19856#208095

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On 5/18/2006 at 4:13am, Andy Kitkowski wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

Emily wrote:
Explaining some of this stuff will clarify why you see the gm as important in the game too.

Totally. We got to the end of the second session and were like, "OK, we definitely need some work with pacing, but other than that I don't really see why X needs to be the GM".  But it may become clear down the road.

Also, is there a fair sorted, newer version of the game text (like in a doc/pdf/txt?), I couldn't seem to find it, but IIRC it was still the contents of a blog post. I had a few questions about the game, but I'm thinking that seeing the text will help me sort it out in my mind.  Namely, once all the explicit characters are taken and set in motion, do the other players have to take implicit characters? I mean, can't you just say, "OK, that's it for explicit characters...and Jason plays a... er... huntsman that happens in to town and gets involved with the Queen, the Band of Thugs, and also is looking for the Diamond Scepter?"

I may be reinterpreting what Eric was saying when I say that I'd like advice (not rules or numbers or whatever, just a simple explanatory paragraph) on pacing. That is, how longa  scene should be, how much ground should it cover, etc. Or at least how to skillfully judge when a scene needs to go on or end... OK, crap, this is sounding like I'm asking you to teach how to roleplay. Let me get to specifics:

At Forge Midwest, Ralph and I and Julie and others played The Roach. In it, we'd be framing scenes, talking about the events that led up to the scene, populating the scenes with characters, describing the "scenery": "This character is standing there, that character is doing that", and then would suddenly realizing that we weren't "Doing that in-character roleplaying thing", we were just scene-setting and describing events. It happened a few times to us, and caught us off guard that we, who generally were heavy into roleplaying, could be blindsided by that.

I noticed this same sort of thing in AG&G: We'd have a scene, the GM would add scenery, the players were set in there and all, and then a few times it felt like there wasn't enough Talky-Roleplaying, it was just rather directing the characters through the motions of action, maybe throwing down a line here and there. I felt I had to remind people a lot (and Jason and the others probably noticed) "Hey hey hold on there, I want to see that. go and SAY THAT to Lisa I want to see how that plays out", or "Whoa, don't just bust out the dice, what does X say to that?".I think maybe part of this is the role of the GM: To say, "OK, I just set the scene, now let's get down to business. Start talking... ... ...ok, that's a good place to wrap up that scene. Let's move to the next one".  But on the other hand, I'm wondering if a little advice as to "when and how to do the talky roleplaying thing in the scene" might be good.

As for the rolling, Jason laid out the situation that caused a lot of rolls (and yeah, it was about 15-20 rounds in that second session, the first session was more like 6-8 rounds going back and forth before the protagonist was doubled when a Ghost tried to posess a Trapper at a Viking funeral). In all cases it's when the players really want to see their side win. However, it didn't quite bother me as much. I think a lot of people think, "When you throw dice in Dogs, you have to narrate something. So I have to narrate every time I throw the dice here, too. Something NEW has to be happening when I roll the dice in each round".  But I didn't think so particularly: Why not just say "Time stops while we sort out the roll and come to a conclusion"? I think that some times, sure, drama can be heigtened by further description. But it's just a task roll, and the drama is there in rolling and rerolling, seeing who's gonna get doubled. To me, in that situation, just "putting the game world on pause" while you sort out the dice doesn't nearly take as long as most games anyway, so why feel the need to describe every reroll, and every new round roll?

Message 19856#208177

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On 5/18/2006 at 6:46am, demiurgeastaroth wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

I also had Eric's problem of not knowing exactly what do to do regarding narration. I've GM'd the game twice now (actual play will come if I have time), and the text to me left a few very important things unstated. To answer Clinton's possible criticism - I don't feel the same way with Trollbabe - that one's very clear.

Within a conflict the narration isn't a problem, it's stuff like what you do between conflicts, and and how to determine when a chapter actually has ended.

Message 19856#208185

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On 5/18/2006 at 7:54pm, Technocrat13 wrote:
RE: Re: [AG&G] A Mother's Day Treat

To answer Clinton's possible criticism - I don't feel the same way with Trollbabe - that one's very clear.

That's ok, neither do I.  I have a very different issue with Trollbabe.


Message 19856#208257

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