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Topic: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration
Started by: rgrassi
Started on: 5/31/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 5/31/2006 at 9:59am, rgrassi wrote:
[Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration

Diceless, Master-Less.
If any of you wants to help me, you're welcome.
Write me in private, thanks.

Message 19998#209267

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On 5/31/2006 at 12:54pm, jesterina wrote:
Re: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration

I've been tinkering with something similar, with a sort of 'karma in the middle' model. Currently it's not masterless, but I'd like to be eventually.

Message 19998#209276

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On 5/31/2006 at 3:50pm, joepub wrote:
RE: Re: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration


If you want this forum to be truly useful to you, you're probably going to need to be more open with your information.
This community is made for the sharing of game ideas, but members need to see your ideas to gain an understanding of how they can help you.

There is no need to be worried about idea theft or anything like that here... the idea sharing that goes on at The Forge is built upon trust, development and support.

Message 19998#209289

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On 6/1/2006 at 8:22am, rgrassi wrote:
RE: Re: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration

I'm not worried about ideas thieves. I want to consolidate ideas with the help of few others, because they're still in a 'juvenile' phase and I need a 'brainstorming' phase, first. When there'll be something ready to be shown I'll post it here, for sure.

Message 19998#209338

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On 6/7/2006 at 12:47pm, rgrassi wrote:
[Collapse]: Sparse ideas

joepub wrote:
There is no need to be worried about idea theft or anything like that here... the idea sharing that goes on at The Forge is built upon trust, development and support.

You're right joe. After a message in private with Andreas i convinced about that.
Here are my sparse ideas. They need brainstorming and some sort of order.
Let assume we have 4 players. 1 player will be the main character.
Before the start of the game
- The main character will write 3 "bad" memories of his life and we'll put them in a container.

The main character will start with the narration of a story that will include NO NPC's. The main character will 'evoke' one or more presences (the other players) on demand. When the player wants the other players will return to oblivion. When the 'presences' are evoked thay can interact with the player talking about his past. When two or more presences are evoked thay can talk together.

The target for presences is to be the winning 'bad memory' that the player will be aware of, the other ones will fall into oblivion. (I still don't know how to handle this).

The title 'collapse' refer to the fact that the psychological pressure of the presences to the main character would lead him to a 'mental collapse'.

So, in brief, we have one character dealing with conscience/memories that will fight for their existence.

Message 19998#209697

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On 6/7/2006 at 4:21pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration

Are these three memories all of the same event? Or of different events? Can you see why this is important and why I ask?


Message 19998#209719

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On 6/8/2006 at 7:42am, rgrassi wrote:
RE: Re: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration

Mike wrote:
Are these three memories all of the same event?

Not necessarily.

Can you see why this is important and why I ask?


Message 19998#209788

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On 6/8/2006 at 12:58pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration

Well, because I'm trying to understand the repercussions of the other memories losing the fight for their existence. That is, when memory A wins, that means that memories B and C are forgotten? Or suppressed somehow? What does that mean for the character? Is play over at that point? Is there some epilogue that represents how the character goes on without those memories? Is losing these memories a sign of some sort of larger mental illness? If so, what sort? Or is that to be determined as part of play?


Message 19998#209797

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On 6/8/2006 at 1:34pm, rgrassi wrote:
RE: Re: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration


That is, when memory A wins, that means that memories B and C are forgotten? Or suppressed somehow?

They should be "suppressed" (and forgotten, in some way).

What does that mean for the character?

That he/she has gain awareness of its past.

Is play over at that point?

Yes, it should, unless we find another idea.

Is losing these memories a sign of some sort of larger mental illness?

That's what I hope to implement in the game.

If so, what sort?

Rimotion, maybe? Is there any psychologist here that can help us?
I'm sorry about 'vague' answers but I've told that my ideas were 'sparse'... :)

Message 19998#209798

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On 6/8/2006 at 5:10pm, Mike Holmes wrote:
RE: Re: [Collapse]: Gathering ideas for a new 'strange' RPG, need collaboration

OK, disconnnect. The character forgets certain things, and somehow this gives them an awareness of their past?

See, if these memories were all of the same event (conflicting, as in they can't all be true), then the winning one would become that character's paradigm for that event, which, if the event were pivotal, would say something about how the character had "come out" of this compression. In fact, if it was the real event, you might say that they were cured of the other delusions.


Message 19998#209829

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