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Topic: [Monster Rules]: Jurrasic Nightmare (Super Heroes)
Started by: mratomek
Started on: 5/31/2006
Board: Playtesting

On 5/31/2006 at 2:18pm, mratomek wrote:
[Monster Rules]: Jurrasic Nightmare (Super Heroes)

Besides the fantasy demo of Monster Rules, I also ran a second game called Jurrasic Nightmare. The scenario was a super hero game that was also a 2-part adventure.

Game 1 involved a sudden outbreak of baby dinasours rampaging through Big City. Each player placed 3 civilians around the city. Player 2 had 600 points worth of Minion mini-dinos (8 total)  that he placed within 1' of the city center. Player 1 played 600 ponts worth of heroes (Omega and Rogue) he placed on the edge of the game board.

Player 1 had to try and rescue as many civiliians as possible from the dinos; and player 2 had to devour as many of the civilians as he could before they escaped.

The game ended up in a 3 saved / 3 eaten.

The most memorable moment was Omega having to choose between two civillians to save using his Force Field. He choose the one civilian who was flanked by a single dinasour. The other had two breathing down her back. She attempted to jump off a building to safety, but in doing so allowed the dinosaur to each take a free attack roll which resulted in her be bit in half.

Game 2 involved the true villains behind the scheme to turn Big City into a Jurassic Park, the Supreme Being. A sort of time-traveling high evolutionary. With him he had Ice Age, a mutant that could create and control cold; Brute, a hulking neanderthal; and a full grown T-Rex.

The heroes arrived to find that the Supreme Being had placed some kind of devolutionary warp generator on top of the Big City Museum, which would transform the entire city in 10 Rounds into a Jurrassic Park. The heroes had to turn off the generator and keep it off when the 10th Round ended. The villains of course, needed to have the energy generator on as the 10th round ended.

The heroes included Rogue (X-Men); Sister Sinister, a mind controller (usually a villian but they wanted to use her); Omega, a telekinetic (also a villian they wanted to use); Camouflage, an elemental hero; and Storm (X-Men).

The battle opened with a bang! Supreme Being used his Time Control power to fast foward Rogue (she lost her turn that Round) and his Disintegration beam to nearly kill Storm. Then Ice Age froze Sister Sinister in a block of Ice. Brute and T-Rex couldn't do anything at this point.

The player was laughing. He thought the game was going to end quickly because he had so easily disrupted his opponent's forces. But I told him to wait until they retaliated.

When the heroes moved, Camouflage melted the ice that freed Sister Sinister. He then turned invisible and moved in towards the energy generator. Sister Sinister then used her Domination power to sieze control of the Supreme Being and made him of the generator himself--that was funny.

Storm unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts and Rogue and Omega moved in for some hand-to-hand combat.

Some more memorable moments:

Rogue used her power stealing ability to steal the Supreme Being's Time Control power and sent him to Limbo.

The T-Rex ripping Camouflage in half with a particularly gnasty critical attack.

Sister Sinister going toe-to-toe with the Brute, using her Domination power--he just couldn't muster the will to free himself.

Supreme Being finally offing Storm--the player was just bent on killing Storm--don't know why, he missed some other opportunities to really take advantage of some other situations, but he wanted to nail her.

In the end, the heroes eliminated ice Age and the T-Rex. Furthermore, Sister Sinister effectively took out the Brute with her domination. The villains eliminated Storm and Camouflage.

As the 10th Round started, Rogue and Omega tried to take out the Supreme Being who had taken quite a bit of damage (I suggested they slam him across the city to keep him away from the generator, but they were confident they could eliminate him). He was making Fatality Rolls, but managed to remains alive. When it was his turn, he slipped away towards the generator to restart it, taking two more free hits from Rogue and Omega, But miraculously making his rolls once again.

He moved into position and scored a 10 using a D10 on 1 of 2 rolls to restart the generator--Hello, Jurrasic City.

Both games lasted about 3 hours. It was just a huge game. It was fun to see all the other powers being put to good use and watching the players who just wanted to try the game start using the characters in combination to create tactical advantages.

But Rogue sending the Supreme Being into Limbo--that one, was the best.


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On 5/31/2006 at 5:02pm, Eric j M wrote:
Re: [Monster Rules]: Jurrasic Nightmare (Super Heroes)

I'm really looking forward to giving this game a try sometime soon. Just the sheer amount of character\scenario variety possible makes me want to give it a go.

I'm thinking a shotgun weilding, chainsaw swinging zombie invasion scenario. Yeah, I know, it's a little cliche ...but isn't it always fun to turn a friend into one of the walking dead?

Message 20000#209291

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On 5/31/2006 at 7:54pm, mratomek wrote:
RE: Re: [Monster Rules]: Jurrasic Nightmare (Super Heroes)


You can give it a try at:

If you have any questions, post them here.


Message 20000#209309

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