The Forge Reference Project


Topic: Narrativist system suggestions?
Started by: makeshiftwings
Started on: 6/2/2006
Board: First Thoughts

On 6/2/2006 at 6:52am, makeshiftwings wrote:
Narrativist system suggestions?

Hello all; I apologize in advance if this is the wrong forum to post this question in.

I'm trying to do some research on more Narrativist-style RP systems, and trying to see how I could apply some concepts to multiplayer computer / video games.  Please don't post just to tell me that computers can never replace a good GM and a group of friends around a table; I'm well aware of that. ;)

What I'm looking for are rules that reward collaborative storytelling, the creation of drama, good roleplaying of a character, etc.  I get the impression that a lot of narrativist systems are rules-lite, but if there are systems that go into some depth on different types of rules for different social / story related actions, or systems that somewhat formalize the process of collaborative storytelling.  Anything that offers unique ways of inspiring dramatic situations, besides the simple "Any time a player does something you think is cool, give him a token."

Does anyone have some suggestions to systems that I could look into?  I would prefer ones that are free or at least have a sample/intro version available for free.

Message 20013#209419

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On 6/2/2006 at 1:38pm, Adam Dray wrote:
Re: Narrativist system suggestions?

Hey there! Welcome to the Forge!

What do you mean by "Narrativist," first of all?  People use the word in different ways and I'm not convinced I understand what you mean by it. So let's clarify that.

Also, what tabletop games have you played, "Narrativist" or otherwise? I think understanding that will give us some common points of reference for the rest of the discussion.

If I understand your goals, you're trying to create a computer game that rewards different things than traditional CRPGs do. And you're looking for RPG systems that have a bit more crunch to them because that will give you more stuff that is modelable. Right?

Take a look at My Life with Master, which has a very simple system of traits that work in very dynamic ways. Also, the game reaches an End Game state, which is perfect for a CRPG.

Message 20013#209430

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On 6/3/2006 at 2:42am, dindenver wrote:
RE: Re: Narrativist system suggestions?

  I can think of two games that are probably considered narrativist that have mechanics that might translate well into CRPGs
  The mechanics are simple, but play oriented (as opposed to being more freeform/creative oriented).

  And In Spaaace!
  The mechanics for this game lend REALLY well for a little 3-act story and have a very definable mchanic that should be adoptable to a KOTOR style RPG.

  Like Adam said, not sure if that is what you meant by "narrative," but based on a guess, these games might just help.

Message 20013#209482

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On 6/3/2006 at 3:36pm, Ron Edwards wrote:
RE: Re: Narrativist system suggestions?

Hold on a sec.

Dindenver, I suggest you do some reading of the articles here at the Forge and read some older threads rather than merely post off the top of your head. It's clear that you have no idea what this site is actually about, and it's time you stopped being a friendly producer of empty posts and started actually contributing.

Adam, I don't know what sort of mediation you think you're doing, but saying "Narrativism means different things to different people" is not accurate, and not going to help the new person. This is not a site where terms can mean whatever they want to whomever they want.

Makeshiftwings, it's nice to have you at the Forge, and I applaud your interest in trying new sorts of role-playing games. However, here's the best way to do it: head to the forum called Actual Play, and start a thread about any real experience of yours with role-playing. It could be old or recent, it could have been a bad time or a good time, it could be with any system you ever played with.

Any questions you have about the games you are looking for will be much much easier to answer well for you, in that thread. I know it sounds weird, going around the barn like that to get there, but it works.

You didn't do anything wrong, so don't say "sorry" or anything like that. No more posting to this thread as of now, though. It's closed.

Best, Ron

Message 20013#209494

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On 6/6/2006 at 1:17pm, MatrixGamer wrote:
RE: Re: Narrativist system suggestions?

I found it helpful to got back to the beginning of the Acutal Play forum and start reading those threads. That was where many Forge terms were hashed out. You get to seem them forming which makes them a lot easier to digest. You need to know that some of the terms significantly change meaning from the start but knowing the early threads is a good foundation. Also you have fewer to read and can read them chronolgically so it is not difficult to find useful threads.

Chris Engle

Message 20013#209618

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On 6/9/2006 at 8:04am, Gasten wrote:
RE: Re: Narrativist system suggestions?

Becuase you're intressted in adepting another RPG-style to CRPGs, I would like to direct you to a MUD that have done the same (in this case a actually good way to treat good roleplaying (I have no idea how this is done technically)): Good luck!

Message 20013#209901

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